When I read what Carmine said in the interview about Danny softening Flack up I laughed cause I was thinking *clears throat* dontcha you mean the opposite of that Carmine ?:devil::lol:
Well, I think there's a little bit of double meaning behind that...Danny definitely softens Flack up in the sense of Flack dropping that tough routine of his and being gentle and caring with Danny in a way he isn't with anyone else. But physically? There's nothing "soft" about Flack's reaction to Danny's physical presence. :devil:
Yeah Danny probably felt like a idiot for saying that afterward but in his defence what he said was in the heat of the moment, it had been a crazy day for poor Danny. And were all guilty of saying some god awful things to the ones we love and that love us when were stressed out or life is beating us to a pulp*raises hand*
I think it was another test...Danny always seems to be testing the people he cares about--"How far can I push before they'll just throw up their hands and give up on me?" It's Danny's insecurity coming through. Hearing Flack say what he did was probably a huge relief to Danny.
Some more inserts from Flack's personal handbook I just couldn't resist:lol:
4. Chivalry is not dead! If there is only one chair available in the room the kinkapoodle always gets the seat
Isn't that beyond cute? Flack is the taller one--blocking-wise, it would make more sense for him to sit. But nooooo...Flack is a gentleman and his baby is the one who sits. Like you say,
It's so cute...Flack really does spoil Danny in cute little ways.
Flack: "Here let me help me you with that babe."
Danny: "Awe thanks Don."
5.It goes without saying that if the kinkapoodle isn't tired from working all day there'll be more quality time to spend playing with the kinkapoodle at night.:devil: So do help the kinkapoodle out at work as much as possible.
That was so cute--it was like Flack anticipated what Danny needed him to do. Seriously could the guy be more whipped? It's so cute. He really makes an effort to understand and take an interest in the CSI stuff when Danny is around. With other people, he's just kind of like, "Whatever, science nerds," like with Aiden in "Tri-Borough" or Stella in "Trapped," but with Danny, he kind of tries to show off, like he did in "Murder Sings the Blues." It's cute, Flack trying to impress his baby.
And yes, the more he helps Danny at work, the more Kinkapoodle loving and gratitude he gets at night. :devil: And Flack is all about Kinkapoodle loving and gratitude.
6. Do not laugh at the expense of the kinkapoodle, even if its LOL funny contain yourself. Failiure to comply with this rule will result in this look:
That is not a happy kinkapoodle and unhappy kinkapoodle means Flack spending quality time on the sofa on his lonesome
And we know there's
nothing Flack hates more than that! :lol: Look at that look Danny is giving Flack--that really is a, "You're on the couch if you laugh at me, buster!" look.
Do not cross the Kinkapoodle!
Just two questions for anyone here:
1. Why is Danny called "kinkapoodle"?
Basically, Danny referred to a kinkajou as a kinkapoodle in "All Access." Somehow, it got to be his nickname--maybe because we know if Flack heard him say it, Flack would totally tease him about it and call him by it. So it kind of stuck, and really is fitting (
Fay has a great side-by-side comparison of Danny and a kinkajou :lol: ).
2. Is the "wildcat" you're referring to is Det. Angell?
Nope, that's Danny, too. Danny often gets compared to a cat while Flack gets compared to a dog.
ZhuShuaijie came up with the 'wildcat' nickname and it really is perfect for Danny.
Angell, not that she isn't lovely, doesn't factor in much here, but there is a Flack/Angell thread somewhere in this forum.
Your simplest explanation is highly appreciated (i just can't keep my eyebrows up & i've been getting nosebleeds thinking why you call Messer a "kinkapoodle". Sorry, folks:wtf::lol::lol:
It really is perfect for him. Watch "All Access" and then hopefully
Fay will be by at some point to post the comparison (at least I think it was
Fay who posted that initially...).