I have loved the screen caps on here and since I have been stuck inside my home on the coldest day of the year here in Wisconsin; I’ve been re-watching all of these episodes. Here’s what I’ve come up with.
only_true_love said:
1. Do you believe that Danny & Flack are both gay? Bi?
2. What made you believe that something was going on between these two that is more than just friendship? Was it a wink, a touch, or something that was said?
3. What was the dirtiest moment between these 2. Basically, a moment that even those who are such die hard shippers of these 2 that made you go yes and cheer or even an omg I cant believe.....
4. And one of my fav. a question that love fans discuss is how would you like to see this ship become canon? Something over a case, etc.??
1. I am leaning more to bi-sexual for Flack than out right gay (maybe possibly ex-gay). There are clearly times that he is flirting with women and a few he seems to be ogling men. Recently in season 4 we have scene that he dose have sex with women but it doesn’t seem to go much further than that. However when it comes to intimacy (and I not talking sex, I mean opening more up emotionally and sharing) he seems more comfortable with men (at least Danny and maybe Mac). There are quite a few hints that Flack has some sort of alternative or open sexual life style. Most notably in season 3, the episode with the dead trani in the men’s room (sorry forgot the episode title). Everyone notices the “woman” unusual physical features but Flack is the only one to think of looking up “her” skirt. Later when he is interrogating “her” killer, Flack takes it very personally. In fact if Stella had not been in there Flack might have a police brutality suit on his hands. None of the other characters related to “her” or took “her” death as seouisly as Flack. Even Hawkes who is supposed to be the one who cares about every victim seemed rather unaffected by “her” death. It was like someone one had hurt a member of his (Flack’s) “family” or at least his community. Also he has stated that he has no contact with his family(like he was disowned by them or something) and sees the team as his “chosen” family (“chosen family” being a gay community concept that straight people do not use).
Danny is defiantly straight, in three seasons he goes through more “new girlfriends” than the team goes through rubber gloves all the while flirting with Adain and than Lindsey. Also he doesn’t seem to be that into Flack as Flack seems to be into him. I think he likes the attention Flack gives him but is either is totally oblivious to the fact that Flack is hot for him or just doesn’t want to deal with it. Danny dose not have any “gay characteristics or tendencies (Flack shows a few).
2. In “On the job”, when Danny and Flack are in the dinner. Flack is clearly torn up by what Danny is saying about “no one having his back”. Yet at the same time he is clearly trying to refrain himself from making any moves or saying anything that would violate the whole “buddy/buddy” thing they have going. He seems to know that if he does it is just going to freak Danny out more. That was the scene that made me go…hmm.
3. The dirtiest moment, so to speak, for me was the one where they tackled Shane Cassy in “Hung Out to Dry”. It was the best Danny/Flack chase scene to date. The whole scene is very sexually charged; the way they tackle Shane and cuff him, the way Shane struggles and screams like he’s about to get rapped by two homo’s, the heavy panting and grunting like they have just had a huge sexual release, and of course Flack shooting Danny a look like he wants to try this later with just the two of them. Very Hot!!!
4. I myself would really like to see it but in order for it to actually happen:
a.) the fans have to overwhelmingly demand it
b.) the producers have to order it
c.) the writers have to take it seriously and write it seriously
d.) Eddie and Carmine have to be willing to do it
I really don’t for see all those things lining up for it to happen so I don’t think it will. But let’s “play devils” advocate and say it did. It would have to be a real big moment. A moment where Flack knew he had nothing to lose by saying it, like say he thought they where both going to die or if Danny was seriously injured and didn’t look like he was going to make it and Flack wasn’t going to let him go to his grave with out saying his peace. Or if Danny found out Flack was gay or bi and asks if Flack had feeling for him. And Flack didn’t want to answer him but Danny realized that the reason Flack couldn’t say it was because it was true. There would have to be some really serious follow up. I really wouldn’t want to see them handled like Danny/Lindsey was handled. They slept together sort of out of the blue and now we really don’t have an idea what going on.
Other things I have noticed:
Stella’s in on Flack secret .- She constantly teases him about his “womanizing” (“Stuck on You”), his flirting with female suspects (“The Deep”). She doesn’t believe he has a “girlfriend” in “You Only Die Once”. They constantly and playfully flirt and tease with one another and there is no sign of any sexual tensions there (unlike with Danny & Lindsey). They support each other no mater what. They are always working cases together. So Stella is clearly Flack’s “fag hag”.
Flack doesn't like Lindsey! -Flack seems to not like Lindsey especially after she and Danny began to flirt. In season 3’s opener (“People With Money”) he doesn’t like her making accusations about his “flirting with women”. In “Child’s Play” they have a geek out moment than they clearly go back to being stand-offish about each other. I think Lindsey has some suspicions about Flack’s feelings for Danny (I think that why she went to him in “All in the Family”) but doesn’t have any real evidence yet so she’s not going to confront him on it. I also think her and Danny only slept together once and has gone back to being just friends. Danny is clearly a “man-whore” and goes from woman to woman. She is trying to be all “big city-girl about it” but it’s eating her up inside.
What’s up with Flack and Hawkes? - At first Flack doesn’t seem to like Hawkes and may have seen him as a threat. Maybe Flack thought if Hawkes got to know him, Hawkes would have figured out Flack’s secret and (maybe have unintently) “Outed” him. Also Danny and Hawkes get along very well and Flack maybe a bit jealous about it. Later though he seems to respect Hawkes and even may have a bit of an attraction to him. In “Slight Out of Hand” while in the magic shop, Flack is almost flirting with Hawkes but Hawkes is not having it or not getting what going on there? In “The Deep” Flack is freaked out about Hawkes getting stuck (though more worried about Danny).
Big “Mac” attack - Mac and Flack’s relationship has gone from being just a professional one, to being more of a friendship (especially after “A Charge of This Post”, and the Consequences, Clay Dobson and 333 storylines). They are clearly sharing more with each other. However, I don’t think that Mac is aware of Flack’s lifestyle (if he is gay or bi) and his affection for Danny. If Mac does he makes no big deal of it. I really think Flack is starting to see Mac as a friend or maybe even a “father figure”, but because of Mac’s military background or Flacks own history with his actual father he hasn’t filled Mac in on his lifestyle. As for Danny and Mac things seem more mellowed between them than in season one. Though we haven’t seen if Mac knows about what happened with Danny during “All in the Family”. If he dose I would think that there would be some sort of repercussions for Danny, Lindsey (Defiantly), and maybe Flack. Since there was no mention in “Playing with Matches” he either doesn’t know (yet) or understood about what happened (doghtfull).
Where Angells go, trouble follows - The writers and fans clearly want to see Flack and Angell hook up into something serous. I think this is to make up for messing up Danny/Lindsey. The only “gay/bi” related storyline I can see with this relationship is if they are setting them up for a big “outing” story and Angell and Flack having to dealing with it. Another interesting way to play Angell and Flack; is that Flack knocks her up and they break up (either because he comes out or they just doesn’t work out together) and she keeps the kid.
Will Flack come out for/to Danny? - Very doghtfull. Right now being a cop means the world to Flack (it’s almost like it’s the only thing he has in his life). He is not going to jeopardize that and being out would. Until Danny or someone else who Flack has feelings for returns them, Flack will remain in the closet.
After the Strike - I would like to see some stuff from “All in the Family” followed up on. Especially the stuff between Danny and Flack but because of the strike (and the history of the show) it will probably end up in “the big, black hole of dangling storylines”! We will defiantly see more Flack and Angell (boo!) and hopefully some resolution between Danny and Lindsey. I have feeling we will see something big right off the bat, like they tie up the “down the Rabbit hole” storyline; and hopefully Danny and Flack are in the middle of it but don’t get killed. Something big and explosive will happen for the season ender (and probably Flack and Angell finally sleep together on a pool table or something).
Well these are just a few random thoughts, feel free to discuss them further and hate me for them if you must!!