Something interesting my friend (who is a DF fan) noticed in "All in the Family" was what was Flack doing in the crime lab if he's finished with the paperwork on his case? Not to mention it was his DAY OFF -- as Angell said. Okay, so maybe he's in the crime lab to submit his report.... but what could explain him going to work on his day off?
Was it his day off, or was he just getting off work? I thought he said the latter to Lindsay when he said he was going to look for Danny. Either way, he was at the lab around the end of a shift...clearly hoping for a glimpse of his Kinkapoodle...and maybe a little somethin'-somethin' in the locker room.
One more thing, and I think I already mentioned this to Kimmy, is that when Lindsey was talking to Flack about Danny being absent at work -- stopping him en route somewhere and such, Flack's expression was like, "What do you want now?"
My friend mapped it out like this --
Lindsey: Don, do you have a minute?
Flack: *sigh* (turns to her) Yeah, what's up?
Lindsey: Have you seen Danny?
Flack: *sigh* Have you tried calling him?
Lindsey: He's not answering his phone... he's supposed to come to work. I'm covering for him.
Flack: *sigh* Okay, I'll go look for him.
And hey, is it just me or did Lindsey rolled her eyes when she said that she's gonna cover for Danny that day?
Flack did look bored with her. I just don't think he likes her very much. Yes, they joked about the Laughing Larry stuff, but most of the time he's just cold to her. And he doesn't make eye contact with her much of the time (like when she was processing).
And I noticed the eye roll, too. Like she was so put out by having to cover for Danny. After he covered for her to be sweet, and then paid for it ten times over, you'd think she'd be a little more willing to be gracious about it.
Just the idea of them being comfortable with each other on a physical level enough that Danny doesn't mind Flack being in his personal space and getting aggressive with him = :drool::drool::drool: (Gosh, I'm gonna love using that emoticon here! Doesn't it look like Flack whenever Danny's in his vicinity?!)Top41 said:
There was a physicality to their interactions in this episode that suggested both guys were comfortable with Flack being in Danny's space, and Flack getting a bit aggressive with Danny. To me, that says that there's a trust between them, and also that this isn't the first time Flack has put his hands on Danny or gotten in his space.
Heh, it does look like Flack! Flack is so smitten. But yeah, it is totally hot that Flack feels like he can be physically aggressive with Danny and Danny responds to it as though it's natural.
Oh yes, considering the fact Danny never once reacted badly to Flack touching him and getting straight up into his face, it was definitely not the first time Flack has ... touched him. :devil:
Perhaps Danny is used to these...bursts of passion from Flack? :devil:
:lol: That was an interesting aspect of the scene to me, the fact Danny had to drink alcohol in order for something like that to occur. I highly doubt them drinking was a trivial detail. The scene could very well have happened without any need of alcohol and yet, there it was, clear as day they were drinking and, as you mentioned, Lindsay was the one who made a pass at him, not the other way around. Also another interesting aspect to me. It seems the consequences of all this have already been clearly shown in season four in the apparent lack of interaction between Danny and Lindsay.love_fan said:
Danny was so drunk and she came on to him, it's like he never had a choice. I don't even want to think about it, so I just skip to a very concerned Flack. Now that was something nice. And Danny wanted so bad to be with Flack after he had been rescued.
Maybe Danny cried "date rape" to Flack and that's why Flack forgave him. :lol: I do think it's interesting that Danny never seems to be the one to make the sexual moves. Flack's definitely going to have to chase Danny if he wants to start something, or get a little somethin'-somethin'.
And yeah, Danny's glance back at Flack just before Lindsay dragged him away was priceless. It was as if he looked back in the hopes of catching Flack's eye and apologize for Lindsay's rudeness. Seriously, how do you justify Flack asking for the EMT to come inside the warehouse so Danny didn't have to walk out and then Lindsay cutting him off and dragging Danny away eventhough Danny was badly injured?! :wtf::wtf::wtf: That was just ... yeah, I really felt bad for Flack. The look on his face when Lindsay cut him off and just hauled Danny away without waiting for a response from him or Danny himself was ... it was sad.
That look on Flack's face is gut-wrenchingly sad. He looks totally crushed. That's not the look of a guy who's glad another teammate is there for Danny. If it was a good thing that Lindsay was carrying Danny off, why did Flack look so crushed? And why did Danny look back? Things that make you go, "hmmmmmm..."
The episode after the one where Danny flew to Montana, even non-D/F shippers thought something was up with the way Flack behaved towards Danny. He was almost brisk with Danny, and the one time he seemed his old self with Danny was when he judged Danny's one-liner to be 'shaky on the landing'. And you just know something's not right when Flack is willing to point out Danny's joke was not that good.
Flack is the only one who seems to find Danny's dumb jokes or quips funny, or at least he humors him. But yeah, he kind of made fun of Danny's joke. He also called Danny "Mess" which was totally cute, but perhaps a little dig as well? Danny is a mess if he thinks Lindsay is better for him than Flack. :lol:
Yeah, that stood out to me too. You'd think he'd wanna go home and chill out with a steak, right? But nooo, where does he go the instant he's off the clock?
To the labs. Where his kinka-poodle is. Oh, Flack, you can't even go a single day without seeing Danny. :devil: :lol:
That really is so cute. And the look on Flack's face when Danny walks into the precinct at the end (which a few folks, including Elsie have in their AV). Could the man look any more smitten?? Really???
Tee-hee, in the last scene of "All in the Family" -- Danny was sandwiched between the precinct door with Flack towering over him. *getting ideas*
That would be so insanely hot, but I think Danny was too sad for Flack to make a move. I think Flack probably came over to Danny's after getting coffee with Angell (and having a heart-to-heart with her about Danny) and held Danny all night long.
But when Lindsey mentioned that Danny was not there, his face changed to concern for Danny. In a split second!
I noticed that, too. It was like in "Snow Day"--when Danny is in possible danger, Flack just springs into action! Danny really is the Lois Lane to Flack's Superman. :lol: