Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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^Awww, I think Flack was doing his tough guy routine so Danny wouldn't realize how worried Flack was about him...or how sex starved the guy was getting after a few hours without his sexy little Kinkapoodle. :lol: Pizza was not what Flack wanted to be sticking through that hole in the wall. :lol: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Kimmychu said:
Awesome! :D Now we know Flack has called Danny by Dan, Danno, Mess ... Crimestopper was Danny's nickname for Flack, isn't it? Well, there's kinka-poodle too, but Flack is smart and only calls Danny that when they're alone and Danny's susceptible. :devil: ;)

Yeah, Flack just has a whole list of cute nicknames for his Kinkapoodle, doesn't he? :D I didn't realize he'd called Danny "Mess" twice. That's a very cute one. The guy just gushes over his Kinkapoodle, doesn't he? :D

And "Crimestopper"? How cute! :D Flack is a crimestopper indeed--a stopper of crimes against his Kinkapoodle. ;) :D

Top41 said:
Good catch! :lol: I didn't even notice that. I was too busy grinning at Flack's love-addled expressions towards Danny. That guy has it so bad.

He really, really does. I love how he looks so darn smitten when he looks at Danny. Flack's a goner, poor guy. :eek:

Pics!!! :D :D :D

Awww, I love them all. Seriously, how cute are the boys together? What a pair!!! And could Flack stare any harder? I swear, the man must think if he stares long and hard enough, Danny's clothes will fall off. :devil: Keep staring, Flack, keep staring. :devil:


This one's just a classic. Sorry, Flack is just not thinking clean thoughts here. In fact, that shot makes it perfectly clear that he's thinking some very dirty thoughts about the sexy man standing in front of him. Look at the lust in Flack's eyes! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow, I've seen a shot from this scene before, but not this one! It seriously looks like they're about to kiss! Their bodies are angled towards each other, and Danny is kind of arching his body towards Flack, signaling that Flack making a move would not be unwelcome. ;) :devil: And Flack, damn, he looks like he's seriously thinking about it. Flack wants to steal that kiss--and more--no doubt about it. :devil: evil: :devil:

I gotta admit, I'm partial to this one...

It looks like Flack is saying to the perp, "Look, dude, just confess already because Danny has some very important business to attend to right here! See this, buddy? These things do not take care of themselves!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :devil:

Oh Flack, you don't have any idea how obvious you are, do you?

Poor Flack. :eek: He really doesn't have any clue, does he, poor besotted guy!
Pizza was not what Flack wanted to be sticking through that hole in the wall.
:devil: Through that itty-bitty hole? :devil: :lol:

When Danny called Flack, "Crimestopper", he was down to his tanktop then, right?
No, Flack would have needed a much bigger hole. :lol: Probably that was the source of some of his frustration...so close to his semi-naked Kinkapoodle, and yet so far away. :lol:

And yeah, Danny was down to his tank top, and I'm sure he must have some idea of the effect that has on Flack. :devil:

I love the way Flack kind of stared at him and took the sight of his baby in his sexy tank top in after he and Stella rescued Danny. He was a) relieved his baby was safe and b) horny as hell after being deprived for so many hours and then seeing Danny in nothing but a flimsy tank top and skintight jeans. :devil:
^Not to mention sweaty :lol:

And he was seeing Danny through a video, right? A camera feed....

Question: was the bed visible through the camera? :devil:
Top41 said:
It looks like Flack is saying to the perp, "Look, dude, just confess already because Danny has some very important business to attend to right here! See this, buddy? These things do not take care of themselves!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: OMG, I laughed so hard. Add that with Danny's expression and you just gotta crack up! Danny looks like he's wholeheartedly agreeing with Flack and just revving to get a room for Flack and himself and ... attend to that oh so very important business. :devil: :devil: :devil:


Flack: You don't wanna talk to me? Then talk to the Jackhammer. *ziiiiiiiiiip!*

Hehehe, that screencap where Flack looks like he reaaaally wants to kiss Danny? It's the exact one I used for an animated icon where Flack says to Danny, "I wanna kiss you so bad." :lol: GMTA and all that.

And all this talk about the hole in the wall in Trapped! :lol: :lol: :lol: You girls are baaaaad. :devil: How am I ever going to watch the clips where they push things in and out of that hole in all innocence again?! You guys have permanently perverted it for me! :eek: :lol: Oh man, now every time I even think about Trapped, I'm going to imagine Flack sticking his - okay, I'm not even going to go there.

I believe the bed was very visible on screen. :devil: A little far away, but yeah, definitely visible and in the camera's view. :devil: Ya guys think Flack helped Danny to pass a bit of the time by convincing the guy to put on a show for him? :devil:
And all this talk about the hole in the wall in Trapped!
I never thought about that until Top41 mentioned it. :devil: Hmm.... slipping into a little tiny hole? That's not the way to treat a good Jackhammer! :lol:

Ya guys think Flack helped Danny to pass a bit of the time by convincing the guy to put on a show for him?
With Jerry just right there? If it were just Stella, she'd be all for it. After all, she adores those guys. But hmm... a free show? LOL.
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: Man, the Jackhammer will probably drill a new giant hole just fine! :devil: :devil: :devil: Maybe that's why Danny was so frustrated; he knew very well Flack was more than capable of getting him out of there in no time, but he had to wait because Flack didn't want to explain how he could have drilled a hole without any ... tools. :p

chaostheory08 said:
If it were just Stella, she'd be all for it. After all, she adores those guys. But hmm... a free show? LOL.

Heheheh, yeah, the boys are clever ... they'll ask for Stella to give them a 'free' show in payment later on. :devil: :lol:

Anyways, I have chaostheory08 to thank for this piece a' work ... what would it be like if Danny and Flack ever appeared on the cover of Playgirl magazine?

This could be it. ;)

EDIT: Okay, I had to post this from the Naughty Picture thread. Thank you very much to Althea for the screencaps!


Danny: ... Don, I t-think ... somebody's ... comin'.
Flack: *muffled voice* Mmmhmm, ya bet somebody's comin' -


Danny: Don, I'm not kiddin' -
Mac: Danny? Are you ... alright? You look a little red.
As I said in the Naughty Pic thread, Danny sure is good at bending over and taking it. :devil: Danny sure does seem good at getting in that ready position--he must be used to Flack demanding to get into Kinkapoodle heaven a lot. :devil: :devil: :devil: Danny really does look like he's being taken from behind in those shots. :devil: :devil: :devil:

As for Danny putting on a show for Flack in "Trapped"??? How hot would that have been??? That would have been insane. Flack would have totally fallen all over himself there. And then he would have just started tearing the walls down with his bare hands to get to his Kinkapoodle.

Rule #1: Never keep a man from his Kinkapoodle.


Waaaah, Kimmy. *hugs*

Oooh, Stella giving them a show? *snickers* I'm sure Mac would want to be in the audience, too, for that.

The Jackhammer drilling holes without tools..... :lol: Hmmm.... *gets all dirrty thoughts*
I think I found the same green shirt in at least two different episodes. Danny must have bought more than one or he must have worn it on the days Flack worked late and couldn't rip it off of him. Then again, has there even been any green shirts this season? I'm thinking Flack may have finally ripped them all from Danny's body eventually.

Actually, after looking around in my saved pictures, I've found several that look the same. My eyes are crossing now from looking too hard. Do these look the same to you guys?

This is from And Here's to you, Mrs. Azreal

This is from Love Run Cold. Same?

This is from Open and Shut

This is from Daze of Wine and Roaches

This is from Sleight Out Of Hand

This is from Murder Sings the Blues

This is from Some Buried Bones

This is from Sweet 16

Here it is again from Sweet 16 just because Flack's in this one. :p
VelvetRose :
Danny and Don would make such a perfect couple, but I think I would die if it really happened, lol.

Could you imagine if they actually kissed on screen? My heart would just stop beating *daydreams*

One conservative!!!
Ignore you how think,anyway I believe that the Flack and Dannies love each other!

And I think, on some level, they both know that they're soulmates--you can be soulmates without being lovers, but I get the feeling that there is some sexual component to their relationship--past, present or future (I'm liking the idea of all three ).

they're soulmates,Yeah!Yeah!They have privity,divine privity!For example In season3-3 .
We have a phrase in China:Lan Yan Zhi Ji( Lan Yan Zhi Ji denotation:One compares your the wife or the husbands,all the more understand your man .)If have a day the Danny and the Lindsay matrimonies,so the Flack is a Danny Lan Yan Zhi ji.

Good point about Flack and women. I actually think it's possible that Danny's the first and probably only guy Flack has ever been into. I think it's just Danny. Danny's the one for him, period. I don't think Flack is thinking of it as a gay vs. straight thing...I think he just wants Danny, period.

I think it's just Danny!!!!!
Yes!I think Flack just love Danny---a very special man.
In Season4-3 , the Flack evades that man namely best evidence.
Heheheheh, if anyone liked the Playgirl cover featuring Danny and Flack that I made ... you might like reading the special interview that was mentioned on the cover too. ;)

Just to warn dial-uppers, there are seven very large images at 1000x1280 pixels in size at 2.4mb altogether so it might take a while to download them all. I deliberately made it look like the pages came from an actual magazine. :D So you've always wondered what it'd be like if Playgirl decides to interview Danny and Flack about their relationship, this might be it. ;) :lol:

And uh, Zhu, what Velvetrose meant was that she would be so happy to see Danny and Flack kiss on screen that she'd die. :lol: We all love Danny/Flack here. ;) :devil:
I loved the Playgirl-thing, Kimmychu! It looks very professional, but I think that some gradients or something to spice up the black backgrounds could have been neater.
You get serious plus points for sticking to their personalities. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! :D :D :D (At least, it already is on my side of the world!)

I hope you're having or had a fantastic celebration! And in honor of yet another new year, let us remember why we have our beloved D/F thread to begin with:




So! What do you guys think our boys did for New Year's Eve? :devil: :devil: :devil:
Happy New Year! It's 12nn here already haha. And I just woke up! Blame that on Roger Fererer :lol:

Anyway, Kimmy :devil: Love it!

Hmm... d'ya think our guys watched the ball come down of the tower at Times Square together?

Or were they making their own fireworks together elsewhere..... ;)
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