Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

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Gah! There's D/F videos made from Kimmy's banner? Ohhhh boy. Shane might want to take a peak. :lol:

And because I simply just woke up and my brain is not working :)lol:), I only have this to share. Merry Christmas fellow kinkapoodle shippers! :D

Gah! There's D/F videos made from Kimmy's banner? Ohhhh boy. Shane might want to take a peak.
There was a D/F fanvid with clips from the Strachey movie in it (it's how we first learned about the movies in the first place :p), but I was just talking about the movie itself. :p The fanvid I linked to is one for the Strachey movies--because they're just so damn cute. (And that song is stuck in my head. :rolleyes:)

Ooh, a fic, Cein? *goes to read*

*finished reading* Aww, Danny's so excited. ^_^

I should go back and re-read that pornish monstrosity of a Christmas fic I wrote last year--I wonder if I'll wince at anything I wrote? :lol:
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D :D :D Yes, it's that time of the year where alcohol is a'flowing and gifts are a'given and food is a'gorged ... or something. :lol:

Ooh, another new D/F story from Ceindreadh! And vegaslights, so much lols at the hat on Danny's hat. :lol:

So just where might the boys be to have a celebratory drink before rushing back to the privacy of their apartment for some ... chimney-bouncing fun? :devil: :devil: :devil:


Flack: So. It's just you and me.


Danny: Isn't it always?
Flack: You betcha, Danno, you betcha.


Flack: Merry Christmas, Danny.
Danny: Merry Christmas, Don.
chaostheory08 said:
I wonder what Saint Nick gave these two... were they naughty or nice this year? LOL.

Well, in a sense they were very, very naughty. :D :devil: But Santa would have had to distinguish the difference between their "naughty" doings, yes?

I could see Flack inviting Danny over to his families house for dinner. Like Top41 pointed out with "The Ride In" screencaps, Flack is very gentlemen like. :) But afterwards, it's surely to Danny's house for some... presents. :devil:
Psh, knowing how naughty and gorgeous Danny and Flack are, just looking at them will probably make Santa do naughty things too. :devil: :p :lol: Then Santa will have to give them lots of presents to keep their mouths shut!

I can see Flack inviting Danny to his home for Christmas but there's no way they'll be able to do any hanky-panky with Flack, Sr. there watching his son like a hawk. :p And there's also Danny's beloved mama to visit. You just know she'll insist on seeing her favorite baby on Christmas!

But after that, yes, the boys have all the time and space of either of their apartments for more presents. :devil: :D

So! What do you guys thinks Danny and Flack bought for each other? For the rest of the CSI team, or even Flack's precinct buddies?

(Heh, Christmas is over for me already and unlike you guys on the other side of the world, it's already back to full-time work for me. Well, three big parties under the belt ain't too bad. Hope you guys are having a fantastic Christmas dinner! :D)
^LOL, it's over for me, too. And it's friggin' raining! How I wish we didn't finish the bottles of red wine last night. *boo*

I imagine the boys snuggling together on the couch after attending all those parties -- under a cozy blanket... wearing nothing else. :devil:

Okay, I finally watch "You Only Die Once" -- and I realized that Flack called Danny, "Mess" when they were passing each other in that hallway. LOL, Flack totally knew that Danny was gonna get him for the girlfriend thing haha. My mom found it so sweet how Flack's voice softened when he said, "...Met her on a charity event..." And my cousins and I were all like, "Aw... he softened when he faced his pretty baby..." :lol:
I love the way Flack's face softens when he's around Danny. He usually has a jaunty smirk on his face, but around Danny, it's a smile filled with unabashed joy. Flack just loves his baby--it's written all over his face.

Those pics from "Comes Around" are perfect X-mas pics--Danny is in a green shirt, and Flack has a red tie! Awwww. :devil:

As for gifts? Hmmm, I can see Danny giving Flack a coupon book full of pervy coupons--"Good for One Striptease" or...drat, I can't think of a way to write the others without angering the PG-13-o-Meter. ;)

Flack probably got Danny a bunch of naughty sex toys. :devil: And maybe some sexy underwear...for Flack to rip off him.

Awww, the boys at Christmas. I bet they went to both of their parents' places, and then Flack took Danny home for a little kiss--and then some ;) --under the mistletoe. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Ceindreadh, I love the fic! I can so see Danny being all eager for presents, and Flack only wanting one thing--his Danny. Good to know they're on the same page there. :D

And Fay, yes, copies, please! :D

Merry Christmas everyone! :D
*waves* Hi guys. I've never posted in here before but I have a not-so-secret love for slash and I've been lurking in here for a bit. You guys are hilarious. I started thinking about my NY ships and I ship Stella and Mac but that was it. So then I was like, "Who should Flack be with?" and I immediately thought Danny and vise versa. :p Sooo, I decided to finally come out:

I, Katie, am a Flack/Danny shipper. :D

Kimmychu, you banner almost gave me a heart attack. I thought I had totally missed a few episodes and that they were together for a split second. :lol:

Psh, knowing how naughty and gorgeous Danny and Flack are, just looking at them will probably make Santa do naughty things too. :devil: :p :lol:
:lol: I don't blame poor Santa. :devil:

*runs out*
sandersidle, welcome to the ship! :D :D :D I think the boys make us all think naughty things--poor Santa doesn't stand a chance. :devil: ;)

Flack and Danny just belong together. They fit so well, and then there's the staring. I mean, it's hard to imagine Flack with anyone else, with the way he stares at Danny. And Danny? Well, we all know who he turns to for love and affection, or when he's in danger and in need of rescuing. They're just the perfect pair! :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: chaostheory08, I share your lack of red wine pain. The red wine was also finished at my party last night. Along with all the beer and Christmas tree-shaped bread. :lol: Who woulda thunk all it took for people to devour bread by the tons was to make them look like Christmas trees? :p And it's raining where I am too! What the, gimme some snow, man. I miss the white @#$%.

chaostheory08 said:
Okay, I finally watch "You Only Die Once" -- and I realized that Flack called Danny, "Mess" when they were passing each other in that hallway.

Awesome! :D Now we know Flack has called Danny by Dan, Danno, Mess ... Crimestopper was Danny's nickname for Flack, isn't it? Well, there's kinka-poodle too, but Flack is smart and only calls Danny that when they're alone and Danny's susceptible. :devil: ;)

Top41 said:
Those pics from "Comes Around" are perfect X-mas pics--Danny is in a green shirt, and Flack has a red tie! Awwww.

Good catch! :lol: I didn't even notice that. I was too busy grinning at Flack's love-addled expressions towards Danny. That guy has it so bad.

Flack probably got Danny a bunch of naughty sex toys.

Shaped like Flack, perhaps? :devil: :devil: :devil: *jumps clear of the PG-13-meter*

And *gasp*, we have another newcomer to the thread! :D :D :D Is it Christmas already?! Oh, wait, Christmas just passed. :p Welcome, sandersidle! So lovely to see you here.

I decided to finally come out ...

What an appropriate choice of phrase. :lol: :D Heheheh, I am sad to say that the kissing bit of the banner comes from another show, but who knows, we may get our Danny/Flack kisses yet! ;) You're not the first person to wonder which CSI:NY episode it was that Flack and Danny were kissing like in my banner. :lol:

Top41 said:
Flack and Danny just belong together. They fit so well, and then there's the staring. I mean, it's hard to imagine Flack with anyone else, with the way he stares at Danny.




Oh Flack, you don't have any idea how obvious you are, do you?
As for gifts? Hmmm, I can see Danny giving Flack a coupon book full of pervy coupons--"Good for One Striptease" or...drat, I can't think of a way to write the others without angering the PG-13-o-Meter.
Er... which reminds me. We uh... we gave these kinds of coupons to my cousin who will be getting married next month. :devil:

chaostheory08, I share your lack of red wine pain. The red wine was also finished at my party last night. Along with all the beer and Christmas tree-shaped bread. Who woulda thunk all it took for people to devour bread by the tons was to make them look like Christmas trees? And it's raining where I am too! What the, gimme some snow, man. I miss the white @#$%.
Oh yes... red wine and gingerbread. Not to mention the 1lb bag of peanuts my uncle provided. *yum*

Awesome! Now we know Flack has called Danny by Dan, Danno, Mess ... Crimestopper was Danny's nickname for Flack, isn't it? Well, there's kinka-poodle too, but Flack is smart and only calls Danny that when they're alone and Danny's susceptible.
LOL, the only time Danny called Flack, "Crimestopper" -- Flack sorta shot him down on his joke. He actually looked panicky when Danny used his "term of endearment" while Stella was around :lol:
chaostheory08 said:
LOL, the only time Danny called Flack, "Crimestopper" -- Flack sorta shot him down on his joke. He actually looked panicky when Danny used his "term of endearment" while Stella was around :lol:

Flack? Looking panicky when Danny called him that while Stella was around? Was this in Trapped? :eek: How did I miss that! :lol:

Maybe Flack got worried that smart, astute Stella will figure out what's going on between Danny and him if Danny started with the endearing nicknames too! ;)

Anyways, I'm still in the Christmas mood so here are some more pictures of our beloved guys, courtesy of Fay:




So, how was your Boxing Day? :D And what do you all think the guys did after Christmas? :devil:
Flack? Looking panicky when Danny called him that while Stella was around? Was this in Trapped? How did I miss that!
There was something in the way he replied to "Crimestopper". Right after Danny asked him for pizza, without even a beat, Flack shot him down about the treatment of pizza. :lol: Sorta like to stop him and kinda scold him for calling him with an endearment. Hahaha.... I hope you get that.
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