Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The
You guys have officially ruined my images of Thanksgiving forever. I'm going to be sitting at the table while my mother is saying the blessing--and I will suddenly giggle when I think of the food and the idea of Don stuffing Danny's 'turkey' while Danny gets 'gravy' everywhere. :lol:
I actually thought about a serious Thanksgiving story for these two. Danny had already told his parents about their relationship, so he wasn't really looking forward to being in their house just yet (since they hadn't totally come to terms with it), so he basically says he's going to have dinner with Don's family (no ifs, ands or buts

). Don, meanwhile, hasn't told his parents, so they still have the awkward 'Oh, Donnie, when are you going to find a nice girl to bring home?' while they pass around the cranberry sauce. And Danny would be kicking Don under the table to just
tell them already, but Don wouldn't want to subject Danny to whatever negative things his parents might say (since I think Papa-Flack doesn't have anything good to say about Danny as it is). When they finally went home, Danny would do the don't-touch-me thing, avoiding contact with Don as he pouted and sulked around the apartment, until Don pinned him against the wall and told him, on no uncertain terms, that he needed to grow the fuck up. And then, of course, he'd tell Danny what he was
really thankful for, and Danny would cave and there would be much smexing...
Er, yeah, so that's basically the whole story. Damnit, I wish I'd written it already...maybe I can get it up in time for Thanksgiving... (Haha, yeah right!

As for what Danny calls Don, if they're alone I generally just use "Donnie," but if he's being kinky he talks about the "Jackhammer." Hehe. :devil: