Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yay, our thread is actually getting attention! :lol: I was starting to wonder if you guys just didn't lurve our boys enough.

Hehe. ;)

And now I will do a quote and a reply, a quote and a reply, etc, just to annoy Rhonda. :devil:

I'm a little on the fence about Flack's new coat though. I wish it was black. And leather.
Yes, I miss the leather jacket too, but I thought the one he had was still pretty smexy. :devil:

And yet, Flack only cast him a cursory glance while talking before going right back to staring at his sexy baby.
Mac and company are surely used to it by now and don't get offended when Don doesn't look at them when they're talking. :lol:

The fact that Flack plays with Danny's name shows there's real intimacy there.
Oh yeah. Not even Stella calls him anything but Danny, and they're pretty close. :p

geez, flack needs a lesson in discretion!!!
Aw, be nice to Flackie. He can't help being fascinated by Danny. :p Besides, we love it when he's obvious. :lol:

srsly i'm waiting til he falls down an open manhole or something!!

OHH that was so unintentionally dirty
Bwua-ha-hahaha! Can you see him at a crime scene with Stella, and Danny is processing about 10 ft away, so of course Donnie is staring.

Stella: Whoa! Careful, Don, or you'll fall into a manhole or something.
Flack: *only heard 'manhole'* Hehehe.
Stella: *rolls eyes* Men.

Mac should allow Danny and Flack 4 5-minute breaks throughout the day, at pre-appointed times.
Danny: *glances at watch* Mac, I gotta go.
Mac: *scowls* Why? We're in the middle of testing the stains in this shirt.
Danny: It's 4:24, I've got one minute to run down to the locker room or the jac--Flack, I mean, will be unhappy.
Mac: *irritated sigh* Fine, go, but make sure you lock the door this time. You nearly gave Adam a heart attack yesterday.
*Danny rushes off*

Hehehe. :lol:

Where else have they done it again? Flack's patrol car? Help me out!!
Where haven't they done it? :lol: Seriously, though, at work the locations have been pretty limited. :p Didn't they do it in an old file room once? :devil:

Speaking of the staring Flack does, let's revisit this pic from "Open and Shut," eh? ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Wow, I have been a very bad Danny/Flack shipper. :( I haven't been here in ages.....

But I missed the Kinkapoodle and his lover The Jackhammer.

:lol: Scheduled smex breaks at work? Genius. I am tapped out of places that they haven't done it yet at work! I am pretty sure they have christened about every place imaginable :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yes, our shippers have been very naughty. I'm going to have to schedule regular spankings from the boys if you guys keep staying away...wow, that wouldn't help at all, would it? :lol:

If they've cristened the whole lab, I sure hope nobody walks around with a UV light and finds the Jackhammer's little presents. :eek:

Alright you guys, the Danny/Flack Fanfic Archive is open for business! *does a little dance* If you look at the dates the threads were opened, you can tell how long I've been procrastinating. :lol: Right now, it only has one forum for the directory itself, where the stories are arranged by title. I eventually also want to do forums for fanfic aranged by author, rating, type, etc. But for now there are almost 300 links in there (individual stories and multi-chapter fics), so hopefully there's at least one fic you've never read or have been searching for. :) Also, make sure you register so that you can help us add to the archive by sharing links we don't already have. Head over, take a look around, and enjoy. ;)

The archive can be found by clicking the link in my signature for "D/F Fanfic." :D You'll notice that the color scheme is nearly identical to the BC scheme, because Rhonda had one on there that I thought was horrid so I got rid of it. :lol: We might eventually change a few things, so we'll see...

Also, please make sure you read the disclaimer on the portal page. That's very important. We link to every fic in there, so if you click into the board, you acknowledge that there's smut to be found. And since each individual link isn't labeled with a rating, you have to pay attention to the notes left by the author with the fic itself as to what the story could contain with regards to rating, etc...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
Speaking of the staring Flack does, let's revisit this pic from "Open and Shut," eh? ;)

Is it just me, or does Flack look downright lovesick sometimes when he's looking at Danny? It's not that he just stares...it's that he looks positively smitten when he does it! :D

I'm glad to see this thread is hopping again! :D I wanted to bring up a topic I saw mentioned in one my favorite fanfic writer's journals...angry sex. Can you see that happening between these two?

I'm kind of on the fence about it. On one hand, I think Flack puts Danny on a pedestal a little bit--he's so damn respectful and gentle with Danny, and seems to cater to him quite a bit. Even when Danny is in a pissy mood, Flack just beams at him and doesn't seem rattled at all by his Kinka-poodle's poutiness and sometimes spoiled brat behavior. :lol: As for Danny, his anger seems to diffuse too quickly, and usually when he's angry, he seems vulnerable ("On the Job" or even "The Dove Commission"), too.

On the other hand, I think Flack has a temper that's much fiercer than Danny's, probably because he keeps it contained most of the time. I've read fics where Flack gets violent with Danny and found them convincing, perhaps because I think if Flack got angry, he'd really get angry, and would be capable of doing something he'd regret. I think if he did anything that upset or hurt Danny, he'd definitely feel horrible about it. I do think angry Flack would be scary, whereas angry Danny usually seems hurt, too.

What do you guys think? I thought it was a great idea for discussion, and wanted to bring it up here. I'm glad this thread is thriving again! :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Re: Flack being smitten--Yeah, it's especially obvious in screencaps. What's with the doofy look, Donnie? :lol:

Now let's see, angry sex...I think we should specify what angry sex is, first of all. I use the term when I mention that Danny/Adam fic I did, but it wasn't 'angry' in the sense that someone was hurting or taking advantage of someone else--it was more about frustrated, rough sex rather than something gentle. But for the discussion we're having now, I'm thinking it's meant to be something different. I read that bit in the journal too, and I've thought about it...

I think it's possible (but not probable) that Don might start to do something violent or something like that if he was really angry (and I can't think of many things, or anything, that would make him that angry), but as soon as he saw that Danny was upset he'd immediately lose whatever anger he had--and he'd feel horrible. He knows that Danny trusts him, and if he betrayed that trust he'd never forgive himself. Danny might forgive him, for various reasons, but Don would hate himself for it.

Now, having said that, I should probably cite my own story with all of the warnings and the LR sex. :p I don't think that's really in the same boat, to be honest. Don was 'angry' at Danny, and felt badly for what he viewed as 'hurting' him, but IMO rough-sex =/= violence...although maybe that's just my view of the story, since I wrote it. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

It's been more than 24 hours, so I'll bump this baby and make a few comments about tonight's episode. :)

Not a lot of Danny/Flack stuff this week, but the rest of the episode made up for it. I do believe, however, that Don gave Danny a look when our favorite loudmouth CSI was being kicked out of the scene. I wish he'd been the one to say something to whoever that jerk guy was instead of Stella, but it was nice to see her take charge, so I'll survive. I'm sure the Jackhammer made his Kinkapoodle feel very loved and comforted later that night. ;)

After all, Don knows Danny inside and out (figuratively and literally ;)), so he would know when to jump in and play supportive best-friend/boyfriend and when to keep his distance. Danny would not want it to seem like Don thought he couldn't take care of himself. *nod* And jumping in to diffuse a situation too quickly after a comment like that might make someone who is paranoid like Danny think that Don agreed with the guy but just wanted to avoid it or something...

Am I making sense? :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
I think it's possible (but not probable) that Don might start to do something violent or something like that if he was really angry (and I can't think of many things, or anything, that would make him that angry), but as soon as he saw that Danny was upset he'd immediately lose whatever anger he had--and he'd feel horrible. He knows that Danny trusts him, and if he betrayed that trust he'd never forgive himself. Danny might forgive him, for various reasons, but Don would hate himself for it.

Yeah, I definitely agree with this. I think Flack pretty much worships the ground Danny walks on, and though I could see him losing his cool a little bit, if he upset or worse, hurt Danny, I think he'd be gutted. I could see him getting a little carried away, but if Danny actually got upset, Flack would back off.

I do like your story a lot, and that's kind of the context I could see Flack losing his cool under: jealousy. I think he's pretty possessive and protective of Danny, but if Danny ever strayed or gave him any reason to get jealous, I think Flack might go ballistic.

Faylinn said:
It's been more than 24 hours, so I'll bump this baby and make a few comments about tonight's episode. :)

Not a lot of Danny/Flack stuff this week, but the rest of the episode made up for it. I do believe, however, that Don gave Danny a look when our favorite loudmouth CSI was being kicked out of the scene. I wish he'd been the one to say something to whoever that jerk guy was instead of Stella, but it was nice to see her take charge, so I'll survive. I'm sure the Jackhammer made his Kinkapoodle feel very loved and comforted later that night. ;)

Did Flack hear what the police captain said about wanting to beat Danny? Because I can't see Flack taking that coolly at all, but I don't think he heard it. I did notice he watched Danny walk out of the bar (duh, like he could keep his eyes of his sexy baby).

I imagine Flack was scared shitless when Danny went into the bar at the end to confront Shane. I think Flack would have no problem doing it--he's pretty damn calm under pressure--but he's so protective of Danny that I can't imagine he was happy about Danny going in alone with a serial killer. I imagine the Jackhammer showed the Kinkapoodle many, many times that night just how happy he was that Danny was safe in his arms.

After all, Don knows Danny inside and out (figuratively and literally ;)), so he would know when to jump in and play supportive best-friend/boyfriend and when to keep his distance. Danny would not want it to seem like Don thought he couldn't take care of himself. *nod* And jumping in to diffuse a situation too quickly after a comment like that might make someone who is paranoid like Danny think that Don agreed with the guy but just wanted to avoid it or something...

Am I making sense? :lol:

You are. :D I think Danny lets Flack protect him--he did in "On the Job," "Run Silent, Run Deep" and even "Live or Let Die" when Flack swung around him to go first into the helicopter. To some extent, Danny does trust Flack to take care of him, and Flack is very clearly the protector in their relationship (and I think Flack likes that a lot). Flack does seem to look at Danny as someone who is more vulnerable than he is--Danny's much more emotional, physically he's smaller, he's a scientist while Flack is a cop, etc. I'm sure there are some battles Danny likes to fight himself, but believe me, if that captain had gotten in Danny's face, Flack would have been there like lightning, ready to defend his baby.

EDIT: Any pics of Danny and Flack together from this past episode? Flack did get one long, quality stare in. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I thought about that scene more after I posted about it, and I'm not happy with the fact that Flack didn't seem to react. :( I still haven't rewatched it, but when has Don ever let someone talk trash about any of his CSIs, much less Danny? In "On the Job" he shoved that cop for talking about Danny shooting another cop, and here a Captain is saying all that crap about Danny and he doesn't even bat an eye? Teh Fay wants an explanation. :mad:

I need to go rewatch the episode. Maybe I'll do that now. I might even come up with a post-ep story for it to address the issue if I can come up with a good idea...

As for screencaps, I found this one in Rutta's gallery:

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Faylinn said:
I thought about that scene more after I posted about it, and I'm not happy with the fact that Flack didn't seem to react. :( I still haven't rewatched it, but when has Don ever let someone talk trash about any of his CSIs, much less Danny? In "On the Job" he shoved that cop for talking about Danny shooting another cop, and here a Captain is saying all that crap about Danny and he doesn't even bat an eye? Teh Fay wants an explanation. :mad:

Wee! Saw the episode last night, and it was awesome! Everyone got to have the front spot in it, which is always good ... unfortunately, very little D/F. :p But it's nice to know Flack always gets in a good stare in every episode.

When I watched it, it seemed to me like Flack deliberately didn't butt in because, well ... I think he would have enjoyed watching Danny beat up Grandpa. :lol: And unlike On the Job, this time, Danny's all worked up because a friend is in trouble, not himself. Maybe that's why Flack wasn't all that worked up either. It's not his babe who's in danger. :p

But hella yes, you have got to see the look that Fay screencapped above in the episode itself. It was as if Flack got totally turned on by Danny standing up to his captain like that. :lol: Oh yesh, a certain Kinka-poodle got lots of hot drilli- I mean, affection from his Jackhammer. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

:lol: Flackie got very turned on, methinks. :devil: Didn't he turn his head to watch Danny walk by? :p He might want to give his Kinkapoodle some hot Jackhammer action, but he's going to have to do some good explaining before Danny will let him. ;) I don't think Danny even gave Don a look when he left the bar. Ooh, someone's in the doghouse!

Of course, I would have liked to see Danny beat up the Captain as well. :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Found some more pics from Raising Shane and that second scene they had together in Sweet 16



First the Flack look.

Then the doesn't-happen-too-often Danny stare.

More Danny staring
and another Danny stare
Flack staring again
and yet again...

Flack sure does have it bad for his kpoo. Geez..how does he resist the urge to just jump Danny all the time? Guess that makes their nights at home all the better.

In Raising Shane...At first I thought Flack might not have heard the Captain but since I've looked at more screencaps, it looks like he was standing in the doorway when Danny and the Captain were going at it. Maybe he didn't say anything because Stella took care of it quickly. Maybe Flack knew that Danny could handle it. Maybe Flack didn't want to answer any questions as to why he was defending Danny again. I have a feeling these two know each other so well that they know when to step in and when to keep their mouths shut. Well, Flack at least. Poor Danny runs off at the mouth before he thinks but Flack's learned how to shut him up. :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

ahh guys, i'm so sorry for not posting much in here, it's just that i have only seen the 1st 5 eps of the 3rd season so i havnt been able to catch any of the D/F action!

it's a bit gutting really! but do you know what i luurrve about this ship, in this thread we actually have a lot of discussion, not just "OH EM EFF JEEZ meh HED IS EXPLODZ at teh HAWT"
which it totally does, but that isn't all we talk about.

so ya, much luuurrve to y'all :)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The


Hehehe. :p

But I definitely agree with you, L2MS, the discussion is what made D/F my OTP. I don't think I would have gotten really into shipping if there hadn't been more to it than just the pretty. :lol: I'd still fantasize about the incredible boy-secks, naturally, but I wouldn't write fics or run a message board for it. ;)

You've only seen the first five episodes? Well, that's still about half so far, so it's not too bad. :) You've seen "Hung Out to Dry" with that great little "ya like that?" moment in it. :devil: I can't think of moments from the other episodes off the top of my head. It's almost worth making a list. :lol:

My stories are still being very very stubborn. I have 3 I'm trying to work on: the 4th and final part to "Family Matters" (which is taking forever, doncha know), a post-ep for "Raising Shane," and a fic for the fanfic challenge over on the BC board. I'll probably have to extend that damn thing another week. :lol: My muse, she is not cooperating. :lol:

Alright, I'll end with some oldies but goodies. :p

Naughty boys, you're in public!

*cough*...Psst, Donnie...Pay attention to the perp, please.

Danny: The trace from the clothes came back as a mixture of dirt and motor oil.
Don: Ooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me.
Danny: ...

And, of course, the page wouldn't be complete without the wave! :D :D :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hi! This is one of my favorite pairings! :cool: Even my, "I-don't-care-but-would-prefer-to-avoid-slash" friend cannot deny their lurve. :) She doesn't watch CSI but after she saw this, she thought CSI was a gay relationship show. I told her it is. :lol: ;)
Awesome pics dudes, thanks. *hugs y'all then gives ya cake* I've seen a grand total of seven eppies. I'm so bummed. :(
You know in a way, Don reminds me of Watari, from Yami No Matsuei. Watari is always cheerfull and giggly, but hides any other emotion. He is very protective of his friends. If you are unfortunate enough to be on the recieving end of his anger, he does not hold back. You are royaly screwed.
If Don is like Watari, Danny is like Tsuzuki. Tsuzuki's emotions are raw and powerfull, but burn out quickly. Tsuzuki need someone to ground him, and has an almost child-like innocence in his horror of what people can do to each other. Smooches
Danny and Flack is love~
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Welcome to the D/F thread, DryPrivet! :D

So you convinced your friend by showing her the pictures? :lol: The photographic evidence is definitely there. I just can't get over some of those facial expressions Flack makes. :lol: The way he looks at Danny is just...he looks smitten! :lol:

I've seen a grand total of seven eppies. I'm so bummed.
In total, or this season? If it's just in total, then I feel bad for you too. Where do you live?

I'm not familiar with Yami No Matsuei, but the character descriptions sound really interesting compared to Danny and Flack. Danny definitely needs Flack there to ground him. :)

As for D/F being a 'gay' relationship, that's up for debate. ;) Nothing wrong with being gay, of course, I don't mean that, but I really like the idea of two guys who have never had feelings for another man realizing that their friendship is developing into something more...

*sigh* I love this pairing. :D

But I still need to write my friggin' fanfic. :eek: *runs off*
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