Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Welcome Elsie! Welcome back, anubite! :D

I'm not much of a shipper myself and had never shipped slash before these two, but it was pretty impossible to miss. In BST, I was caught off guard--I saw a completely different side of Flack than we'd seen in the previous 12 episodes. He was staring at Danny like he was mesmerized by him! And when he played knight in shining armor to Danny's damsel in distress in On the Job, there was no doubt in my mind that Flack was completely and totally smitten with the sexy CSI.

Danny is more subtle, but he relaxes around Flack, and always seems happy to see him, save for the beginning of Necrophilia Americana, which clearly began after a lover's spat between the two. Danny sulked for half of the episode and Flack tried pretty damn hard to get back into his good graces. The big guns comment? Oh, Flack, you are so gone. :lol: But by the end all was clearly forgiven and Danny was clearly impressed as he watched his tall, dark handsome lover tell their suspect how they put it together.

And yeah--since when is there evidence on Danny's ass? :lol: Oh, Flack, I think you were just contemplating what you were going to get yourself a piece of later that evening... ;) :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I was never much of a shipper either, and I'm still not--yeah, I'll talk about various pairings, and I might read and/or write some fanfic for them, but in the end I'm basically all about D/F. :lol:

The idea of slash was sort of strange to me before, not because I was against it or anything, it just didn't occur to me to think about it since I'm a straight woman and why would I think about two guys being together? My first exposure to what slash is was in my brief turn in the Harry Potter fandom. I was reading a fanfic, thought 'slash' must mean it had blood and gore or something, so I clicked the link and read it. It was just a kiss in that story, but it kind of made me sit up like 'huh?' After that I looked up 'slash' and found what it meant. And while I guess I'm a bit of a Sirius/Remus shipper for HP, it wasn't something I really gave a lot of thought to. But when I found out about D/F slash here on Talk, I was a bit familiar with the idea and decided to explore it some more--and here I am. :D

Honestly, I don't know that I saw anything shippy between Danny and Flack before coming on Talk--but I didn't see anything shippy between any of the characters, since pairing up people was never something I gave a rat's ass about. :lol: I think, for me, starting to dig beyond the surface of what the writers put into an episode to delve into the person beneath what little we see of the characters, is what made me interested in shipping. Before, I just watched the show and was happy with what the writers put there and didn't expect more or think about what could happen--not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. But once I started to think of these characters in terms of them being real people, then I started to wonder about their personal lives, and I was opened up to the possibilities for shipping. Not sure what drew me to D/F, but of all the pairings I've seen it's the one that really got me. There's subtext there, and subtle clues that there can be more to their relationship than what we see, but it's not too overt, it's not screaming at you. And the idea of a relationship developing slowly, almost before you know what's happening, is intriguing to me. :)

When I re-watched older episodes, the D/F stuff really sort of smacked me in the face. "BST" is perfect for showing the comfortable friendship between them, and also for showcasing the subtext that D/F fans love. ;)

I'm several chapters into my D/F Christmas fic, which includes Don's family again, and I'll hopefully have some of it posted soon. It's longer than I should have committed to, especially since I waited so late to start on it, but I'm hoping to have it all posted by Christmas Day. :lol:

After I finish that one, I have several ideas for other fics, one of which is pretty serious and not in the usual established-relationship thing I usually follow. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I've been a "slash" shipper since way before I discovered CSI:NY.

And guys?

I feel kind of dumb asking this, but how did the whole kinka-poodle thing start? Was it that episode with Kid Rock, and the kin-whatever-ya-call-it? The animal thing? 'cos.. I have no idea.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yeah, Danny called the kinkajou a 'kinkapoodle' in "All Access" and we just grabbed onto it for some reason. :lol: I'm not sure who suggested it first in here, but we went with it. :p

By the way, chapters 1-5 of the Christmas story are up, and I've finished 6 and most of 7, which should be up soon. I really want to finish this asap. :D

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Edit: Chapters 6 and 7 are up. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I think it was a fanfic that sealed the D/F deal for me...I was randomly perusing FF.net while bored at work one day and came across a fanfic where Flack took Danny in the locker room. :devil: I was like, oooh, so I'm not the only one who sees something interesting between these two. And then I visited the first D/F thread in shipper central and found out I reeeeaaaallly wasn't the only one. :lol:

Danny is such a kinkapoodle. :lol: Really, the nickname just fits. :lol:

Elsie said:

Just looking at this pic again...there's something so intimate about it. Don clearly has no reservations about invading Danny's space, and Danny is completely comfortable with him doing it. I half expect Don to turn to Danny and steal a kiss. :D

Off to read Fay's story... :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
Just looking at this pic again...there's something so intimate about it. Don clearly has no reservations about invading Danny's space, and Danny is completely comfortable with him doing it. I half expect Don to turn to Danny and steal a kiss. :D

Yes, it is nicely intimate I think. Although, I'm more expecting them just to turn to each other and gaze into each others eyes for a while, then maybe look away blushing...OK then, maybe a little kiss. ;) They do look comfortable together though, like friends who have know each other forever.

The D/F fanfic does tend to be quite good (the ones I have read anyway) I find slash fanfic just seems to read better to me somehow in general anyway. Without the fanfic I think I would struggle to find that many true shippy moments, it helps me to better visualise them as a couple.

Agreeing with Fay too, I don't really see anything shippy between any characters, so it must just be all our over active imaginations. :lol: Who cares, I don't think you can get a much more attractive couple than Danny/Flack, they do look good together, maybe even a little cute...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

You know, I really want to go back and read the earlier D/F threads from before I joined the party. I know I saved the links to them. :p There's probably some fun stuff in those. ;)

They do look comfortable together though, like friends who have know each other forever.
Exactly. I love it when two people are just completely at ease around each other, and the idea that the ease and comfort would translate into something a bit more...lovely. :D

The D/F fanfic does tend to be quite good (the ones I have read anyway) I find slash fanfic just seems to read better to me somehow in general anyway.
I've definitely found some great writers for this pairing, and they do good stuff. ;) I also agree with what you say about the slash 'reading better' for you--I like some het pairings, but when it comes to reading fic I just prefer slash. I couldn't begin to tell you why, though. :lol:

Without the fanfic I think I would struggle to find that many true shippy moments, it helps me to better visualise them as a couple.
Really? That's interesting. ;) Before I became a shipper, it was hard to see moments between them, but now I'm more in tune with it on the show and whatnot. :p

Agreeing with Fay too, I don't really see anything shippy between any characters, so it must just be all our over active imaginations.
:lol: Yeah, we certainly have active imaginations, don't we? :lol: I like when things are more ambiguous on a show, it lends itself easily to more open interpretation. :)

And yes, you can't get much hotter, if we're being totally superficial here (and let's face it, we all do from time to time ;)), than these two hotties. :devil:

*sigh* Back to finishing chapter 9. My muse is just being rebellious...
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I have to say, I saw it in the show without all that much help. :lol: Mostly Flack's staring--I was kind of like, "Is he really looking at Danny like that?" :eek: And then I found the D/F thread and the fanfic, and that enhanced it, but it would have been hard to miss the adoring looks Flack is always casting Danny's way. Danny is much more subtle, so I suppose that took some studying, but at this point, I'm impressed that Flack hasn't injured himself banging into things whenever Danny is around. :lol:

I saw a screencap from "Trapped" and it reminded me of one of my favorite D/F moments--as soon as Jerry says that it will take 13 hours to get Danny out of the panic room, Flack puts his head in his hand! :eek: :eek: :eek: Sorry, there's no way to pass that off as mere concern for a friend. That was utter despair from a man realizing he's not getting laid for the next 13 hours. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I have to admit that I saw it in the show too. I was like "wow, look at Flack. Doesn't he seem to be looking at Danny a lot?". I have friends, good friends and I've never looked at them like that. Why would you unless you had a thing for them? :rolleyes:

The infamous screencap from Trapped. Yep, Donnie boy was very upset at the mention of 13 hours. It was from Danny's POV through the monitor but he definately saw Flack.

Flack has seemed to perfected the art of staring at Danny. I'm still trying to figure out how he didn't tumble down the stairs in Stealing Home. He looked at Danny all the way down the stairs, never once looking down at them. I couldn't have done that. I'd want to stare at Danny that much but it would either be "stare at Danny and break your neck" or "look away from Danny just until you get down the stairs".

**Damn coffee. Glad I keep extra clothes in my locker**

Walking in locker room. "Dan, why do you do this to me at work?"

Has anybody else noticed that BOTH of them seem to be staring at each other more this season? I've got plenty of screencaps to prove that.

OK, could this be any more obvious? Even in real time, it was obvious what Flack was looking at. I was thinking "Flack just checked out Danny's ass!"
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

They are staring at each other more this season because the relationship is growing stronger. I think that after Danny went into the bar alone in Raising Shane that Don was worried sick about him. I bet Danny got one heck of a lecture about putting his life in danger like that after he got out of the bar. Don can't stand to have his little k'poo in trouble.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Okay, I honestly never noticed the Flack putting his head in his hand thing in Trapped until you guys mentioned it. That is very telling. I wonder if it was written in the script, or if Eddie added that move in himself.

Springmoon said:
They are staring at each other more this season because the relationship is growing stronger.

Oh, babe, is it growing stronger. :D Perhaps this season finale, we D/F shippers will be given something very interesting to remember. Hey, I can be optimistic! :p

And thanks for posting all the great screencaps, guys! They've inspired me to do some manips of the boys. ;) It's too bad only some of the lot can be used. Most are already awesomely shippy as they are.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmychu said:
Perhaps this season finale, we D/F shippers will be given something very interesting to remember. Hey, I can be optimistic! :p

Oh, I hope so!!! Those two are so downright hot, so together, wow! :p hehe, I love the whole 'Kinkapoodle, Jackhammer' thing. I was watching NY last night and kept laughing, or pointing out things, and I was getting very strange looks from Mum, who then told me to keep my smut mind upstairs, and on the forums! :lol: So I said fine, and started writing smutty fanfic drabbles adn then lauging at that instead! :p

Oh and Hi BTW!!! *waves* I've found a new home for all my smutty D/f-ness!

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Ah, Kimmy[ if only we could get such a glorious gift for a season finale. Danny and Flack, out shooting hoops or whatever. Stop for a slice at Ray's and a couple of beers. Head back to one of their apartments and, because they've had a few beers, lose their inhibitions and start going at it.

Methinks I have been reading too much fanfic!

How do you all think the boys rang in the new year? Together or pining for each other?
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Welcome to the D/F thread! :D

1CSIMfan said:
I have to admit that I saw it in the show too. I was like "wow, look at Flack. Doesn't he seem to be looking at Danny a lot?". I have friends, good friends and I've never looked at them like that. Why would you unless you had a thing for them? :rolleyes:

No kidding! That's exactly what I noticed. I was like, "Wow, he just stares at him like Danny's the sexiest thing he's ever seen." Flack looked downright mesmerized in BST, and he even tried to flirt awkwardly with Danny (the little joke about hoping he doesn't go missing.

The infamous screencap from Trapped. Yep, Donnie boy was very upset at the mention of 13 hours. It was from Danny's POV through the monitor but he definately saw Flack.

I didn't catch that the first time I saw "Trapped," but when I did see it I was like, "Oh my god, you've got to be kidding me!" How much more obvious can you get??? I can't imagine "Flack looks devastated by the prospect of Danny being stuck in the panic room for 13 hours" was in the script, but you never know. :lol: Seriously, though, that is the look of a man who realizes he's not getting laid for the next thirteen hours. :lol: Clearly, Flack is used to demanding quickies from Danny when they're at work.

And when they rescued Danny, it was so cute how Flack asked him if he was okay. The man is so in love!

Flack has seemed to perfected the art of staring at Danny. I'm still trying to figure out how he didn't tumble down the stairs in Stealing Home. He looked at Danny all the way down the stairs, never once looking down at them. I couldn't have done that. I'd want to stare at Danny that much but it would either be "stare at Danny and break your neck" or "look away from Danny just until you get down the stairs".

That cracked me up too! I guess personal safety is secondary to staring at his sexy Kinkapoodle. :lol:

Has anybody else noticed that BOTH of them seem to be staring at each other more this season? I've got plenty of screencaps to prove that.

Well, let's see them! :D I can never get enough of the staring. :D I love it when there are multiple people around and Flack only addresses Danny. Sometimes he doesn't even give the other people around even a cursory look!

OK, could this be any more obvious? Even in real time, it was obvious what Flack was looking at. I was thinking "Flack just checked out Danny's ass!"

That was hilarious! When I saw it, I was like, "Did Flack just actually check out Danny's ass right there on television?" :lol: That was so funny because it was so damn obvious.

I can't remember who wrote this brilliant caption, but it was one of my favorites for this pic:

"Evidence: 0
Danny's ass: 1"

We know what Flack likes to investigate best. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I can't remember who wrote this brilliant caption, but it was one of my favorites for this pic:

"Evidence: 0
Danny's ass: 1"
**raises hand** That would be me back on page 1. I forgot all about it until you mentioned it. I need to check..Danny's ass is probably further ahead by now. :lol:
I can't imagine "Flack looks devastated by the prospect of Danny being stuck in the panic room for 13 hours" was in the script, but you never know.
You know, I have often wondered about that too and all the other Danny/Flack moments.

How do you all think the boys rang in the new year? Together or pining for each other?
Joanne, I think they rang in the new year together. Happy and content. Just the two of them, in their own apartment, drinking beer, eating pizza, and watching Dick Clark on TV. Then, of course, they miss the actual "new year" at midnight because they have already moved on to other forms of entertainment. Jham can't stay away from his kpoo for too long.

Well, let's see them! I can never get enough of the staring.
Ok...here they come. I hope they haven't already been posted on here, I get the posts on here and BC mixed up all the time.

These are from Sweet 16:

Rare sighting. Danny staring at Flack

Of course, Flack couldn't hold out forever.

more staring
and still more
Not sure what Flack's looking at but my money's on Danny.
and more

Raising Shane
Flack can't help it
and more from both

another rare Danny moment

Not What it Looks Like
Another Danny moment

Love Run Cold
Flack, do you ever look at evidence when Danny's around?
Nope, apparently Danny's more interesting.

These wonderful moments in Open and Shut
My absolute favorite. They are so in love.
I think they wanna kiss....

The promo
Flack's snuggled up

Hung Out to Dry
Nobody can forget this one
or this great moment
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