Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

I love the pictures, Rhonda. :D And I agree with your description of New Years. ;)

Alrighty, I've got a lot of posts to reply to, here. *cracks knuckles*

I have to say, I saw it in the show without all that much help. Mostly Flack's staring--I was kind of like, "Is he really looking at Danny like that?"
I didn't really pay attention, to be honest. I loved the show for Gary and the cases, but I hadn't gotten into the characters themselves all that much during season 1. And even though I'd been exposed to slash a teeny bit from reading Harry Potter fanfic (just a few Remus/Sirius stories), it didn't really occur to me to pair up two of the male leads. And since I didn't see anything romantic with any of the guy/girl pairings on the show, I just didn't give shipping that much thought. I'm honestly not sure how things would have gone if I hadn't joined Talk--but I did, so it doesn't matter. ;)

Has anybody else noticed that BOTH of them seem to be staring at each other more this season? I've got plenty of screencaps to prove that.
Well, Danny was paranoid that Don would flee if he tried to get too close, and he didn't want to lose him, so he pretended not to be as interested. Now, with the time that's passed, he knows that Don isn't going anywhere and is loosening up.

*that damn Pussycat Dolls song is stuck in my head now...*

OK, could this be any more obvious? Even in real time, it was obvious what Flack was looking at. I was thinking "Flack just checked out Danny's ass!"
I noticed it in real time, chatting on the computer while watching a little tv from an angle. To quote part of our BC chat:
Faylinn: flack and danny in the same scene? sweet
Faylinn: did flack just check out danny's ass?
1CSIMfan> hehe...I'll have to rewind
Springmoon> yes
Faylinn: I think he did. heh heh
Faylinn: so obvious
1CSIMfan> OH yeah, he so checked out his ass
Faylinn: lol
Faylinn: we need screencaps! lol


I think that after Danny went into the bar alone in Raising Shane that Don was worried sick about him. I bet Danny got one heck of a lecture about putting his life in danger like that after he got out of the bar. Don can't stand to have his little k'poo in trouble.
Oh yeah, you know Don was pissed when he found out that Shane had demanded Danny, and even more pissed (tinged with worry) when he realized that Danny was determined to go. I started a post-ep fic for that one and never finished it, but basically Don had tried to dissuade him and it hadn't worked. Don might be a force to be reckoned with, but he's not budging Danny if our favorite drama queen is being stubborn.

Oh, babe, is it growing stronger. Perhaps this season finale, we D/F shippers will be given something very interesting to remember. Hey, I can be optimistic!
Well, I doubt CBS is anywhere near ready to take that plunge, even if the writers wanted to go there. But it's a nice dream. ;)

I was getting very strange looks from Mum, who then told me to keep my smut mind upstairs, and on the forums!
I like to turn everything slashy and it just annoys my sister. :lol: (Welcome to the thread, by the way. ;))

I can't imagine "Flack looks devastated by the prospect of Danny being stuck in the panic room for 13 hours" was in the script, but you never know. Seriously, though, that is the look of a man who realizes he's not getting laid for the next thirteen hours. Clearly, Flack is used to demanding quickies from Danny when they're at work.
It's a combination of that, and the fact that he's thinking 'shit, Danny is going to be insufferable...' :lol:

I love it when there are multiple people around and Flack only addresses Danny. Sometimes he doesn't even give the other people around even a cursory look!
Yeah, no kidding. :lol: I know I probably exaggerate it in my head, but there's no denying that I've seen him looking at Danny while he's talking to Mac on more than one occasion.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Yay, I love the evidence! :D Thanks for posting all of those, 1CSIMfan. :D I love the expression on Flack's face when he looks at Danny. He really does look like he's either thinking about how much he adores his Kinkapoodle, or thinking really dirty thoughts about what he's going to do to said Kinkapoodle. :devil: ;)

I am convinced that in this pic, Flack's hand is on Danny's ass. :devil: I love how he uses any excuse to get close to his baby...evidence is good for that, even if most of the time, Flack can't be bothered to look at it if Danny is around. :lol:

Looking at the pics of Danny sneaking glances at Flack, I notice in many of them he looks a little nervous. I think he's definitely the more shy of the two.

They really do look like they're about to kiss here. Flack looks so in love! :D

Fay, good point about Flack's look of agony in "Trapped." Don knows that a hot, sweaty, trapped Kinkapoodle is a cranky Kinkapoodle. :lol: I love how Flack calmed him down by joking with him about the pizza. That was so cute. :D And, according to the writer in the commentary, an ad-lib from Eddie. ;)

New Year's Eve? I think the Jackhammer rang in 2007 doing what jackhammers do best. ;) One sexy Kinkapoodle was on the menu. :devil: ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Top41 said:
They really do look like they're about to kiss here. Flack looks so in love! :D

Heheheheh, that's the exact screencap I picked to do a manip image. Kudos to whoever captured that moment. :D

Fay, good point about Flack's look of agony in "Trapped." Don knows that a hot, sweaty, trapped Kinkapoodle is a cranky Kinkapoodle. :lol: I love how Flack calmed him down by joking with him about the pizza. That was so cute. :D And, according to the writer in the commentary, an ad-lib from Eddie. ;)

Thank you so much for reminding me about the pizza comment! :lol: I can't believe I actually forgot it. And wow, it really was an ad-lib? What the? Why are the writers even bothering to conceal teh lurve between the guys anymore? Honestly! :p
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Kimmy! I love that new avatar! :lol: Flack, my darling, you're too obvious sometimes. ;)

Fay, good point about Flack's look of agony in "Trapped." Don knows that a hot, sweaty, trapped Kinkapoodle is a cranky Kinkapoodle. I love how Flack calmed him down by joking with him about the pizza. That was so cute.
I loved that line about the pizza. :p So very true to both of them. :lol:

Flack's love for Danny is matched only by his love for food. Therefore, I am officially switching my OTP...

Danny/Flack/Food--FOREVER!!! :lol:

I love the expression on Flack's face when he looks at Danny. He really does look like he's either thinking about how much he adores his Kinkapoodle, or thinking really dirty thoughts about what he's going to do to said Kinkapoodle.
Or thinking about the naughty things he'd like to do to show his kinkapoodle how much he adores him... :p

I love how he uses any excuse to get close to his baby...evidence is good for that, even if most of the time, Flack can't be bothered to look at it if Danny is around.
Yeah, you might think Flack was really interested in the evidence for the case...until you realize that he's not all that concerned about the evidence itself. :lol: Professional!Flack just wants the name and the motive so he can verbally beat the s**t out of perps in the interrogation room. He leaves the evidence collecting/processing/explaining to the CSIs. Smitten!Flack, however, likes to know about the evidence...for one reason or another. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

^Flack will use any excuse to be close to Danny that he can get. Can't blame the guy--his Kinkapoodle is one sexy Kinkapoodle after all. ;)

Flack's ultimate fantasy? Eating food off Danny. :lol: For a thin guy, Flack sure can put it away! And the man does love to eat. A chocolate covered Danny is probably his idea of heaven. :devil:

I watched Hung Out to Dry again and noticed a few things:

Flack and Danny are upstairs for a bit supposedly "checking things out" before joining Mac and Stella in the basement. Want to bet Flack's hands thoroughly investigated Danny's ass while his tongue made a careful inspection of Danny's mouth? :devil:

I also noticed that when they discovered Shane Casey at the lawyer's office and he ran, Danny called for Flack and Flack was right on his tail. How cute is that? Danny calls for his Flack when there's trouble. No surprise there--Flack always has his back. Always. :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

This poor thread doesn't know what to think--one minute it's moving right along with post after post, and then it sort of dies for a little while. :lol:

I'm sure that a lot of Flack's fantasies involve both Danny and something edible. :lol: Chocolate is good, but he probably wants to just use Danny as his plate for every meal. :lol: (Hmm, must remember this for a fantasy-fulfillment fic. :devil:) I can't imagine it's always romantic in the more traditional sense, but if it gets Flack hot and bothered, Danny would probably be willing to try it--granted, of course, that he's allowed to whine the whole time about it being weird. :lol:

"Mmm, spaghetti and meatballs..."
"Flack, this is kind of strange. I thought you meant chocolate syrup or something. But eating spaghetti off of me? This is...wait a second, there aren't any meatballs in the spaghetti."
*Flack waggles his eyebrows*
*Danny smirks*
"Oh...that's alright then."


Of course Flack always has Danny's back--he's making sure nobody else can get too close to it. :lol:

I'm just kidding, I love that when Danny calls for him, Don is never far away. It's part of his protective nature toward our favorite kinkapoodle, and you know Danny likes that he can count on Don being there. Don has his back physically and emotionally. ;)

Edited because Rhonda is a biz-natch about the proper spelling of 'spaghetti' :rolleyes:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Didn't anyone tell you? Its because it sees you post. :lol:

What makes you think its always edible? It could be some other things that he likes to use in his fantasies. :devil:

She's going to get you with that whip of hers.
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Fay, I can definitely see Flack enjoying a Danny feast--first he feasts off Danny, then on him. :lol: :devil: Danny would go along with it, though you're right, he'd whine about it. But ultimately Danny likes being adored, so he'd enjoy the attention.

I love how Danny just expects Flack to be there for him. There was one ep (BST maybe?) where Danny handed Flack a swab without even looking up. He knows if he calls Flack, Flack will come running to his side (On the Job, Raising Shane). For Danny, that's a big deal--that's trust.

And a lot of work for poor Don Flack. :lol: He's basically got to be Danny's knight in shining armor 24/7. But I think he likes it. After all, he must get rewarded awfully nicely by his Kinkapoodle for all his hard work and devotion. :D
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hey Guys! Haven't been here for a while and yes, I've missed this thread so much :D

Thanks for the cute screencaps (snagged some because i'm evil :D). I've never realized how many times Flack is staring at Danny (does it make sense?) and checking out his butt (right word?). Its a good thing for Danny that he has a friend who can trust.

As a response for this thread title: yes Kinka-Poodles love it to cuddle.

(sorry for any mistakes ;) )
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

What makes you think its always edible? It could be some other things that he likes to use in his fantasies.
When it comes to Danny, I'm sure that Flack has a fantasy for just about everything. :lol:

But ultimately Danny likes being adored, so he'd enjoy the attention.
Of course he does. ;) But the boy is silly if he thinks Flack is fooled for a second. Danny might whine, but Don knows he likes it. :p

He knows if he calls Flack, Flack will come running to his side (On the Job, Raising Shane). For Danny, that's a big deal--that's trust.
Absolutely. For Danny to trust someone is clearly a huge thing, and he knows that Don knows what it means...if that made sense. :lol: It's very important to Don that Danny trusts him, and Danny is very aware of that. So it's all good. ;)

After all, he must get rewarded awfully nicely by his Kinkapoodle for all his hard work and devotion.
Ah yes, he definitely enjoys the fruits of all of that labor, so to speak. ;) Of course, Danny enjoys it too. :devil: Spoiled brat.

Hey Guys! Haven't been here for a while and yes, I've missed this thread so much
Yeah, you haven't been here in a long while. ;) The thread missed you too. :p

I've never realized how many times Flack is staring at Danny (does it make sense?) and checking out his butt (right word?).
Yep, you made perfect sense. ;) I never noticed all of the staring before I got into the ship and started looking at screencaps, but now if they're in scenes together my slashy senses are tingling and I see all of the little moments. ;)

As a response for this thread title: yes Kinka-Poodles love it to cuddle.
Teeheehee, don't let Danny hear you say that. :lol: He can deny it all he wants, but we know better. :devil:


Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

Fay I love the first pic, Flacks facial expression is priceless!!! :lol: What do ya think he's thinking off?!

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

Er, he's obviously thinking that he likes looking at Danny when he's bending over like that. And Danny, you're at work, why on earth are you bent nearly double? :devil: Honestly, boys, you should keep your minds on the job when you're at work rather than thinking about other things you'll be doing when you get home. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

^Danny is a terrible tease. And he knows Flack is always staring at him. I have no doubt that's why he bends over so often in front of Flack. Teasing Flack with what he can't have...at least, not until they go home and Flack pounces on his sexy Kinka-poodle! I imagine Flack gets revenge for all the teasing at that point. ;) :devil:

Flack's expression in that first pic is cute. He looks smitten (well, he always looks smitten), and like he's trying not to grin at Danny. He does that a lot actually. I remember in "Murder Sings the Blues" (at least I think it was that ep) after he called Danny "Danno" and Danny was looking down the airshaft, Flack was just beaming at Danny, just looking at him smiling at Danny like he just adores him. Which we all know he does. ;)
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

I was watching an ep of NY last night (don't ask me what ep, Im terrible with names and I have no idea! :lol:) but I swear, everytime Flack walked in a room, Danny produced a piece of evidence that needed Flack just mere milimetres away from him, or he needed to bend over to pick something up. It was so obvious, evn my dear ol' mum kept asking me if they were a couple, which, of course, I promptly told her that they obviously were! :lol:

In fact, a lot of the eps, Danny just seems to tease Flack a hell of the lot, how do they get any work done?? :lol:

Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle...Or Do They

:lol: Danny is a consummate tease. :devil: Danny is well aware of the fact that Flack's eyes never leave him when they're in a room together, and Danny loves that Flack studies his every move, and that the smallest gesture from Danny will bring Flack rushing to his side. And we all know Danny is insecure, so of course he's always testing that. I love how Flack moves in super close anytime Danny shows him evidence--Flack doesn't quite do that with the other CSIs. ;)

The verbal teasing is adorable, too! Flack teases Danny quite a bit, always trying to get a reaction out of his Kinkapoodle. There's the "they sent the big guns out!" line from "Necrophilia Americana," the shoes comment, too and the "you'd better hope you don't go missing, pal" line from BST. And of course the nicknames--Dan, Danno...Flack just loves playing with his baby's name.

I love how Flack just positively beams at Danny when they're together, too--in "Murder Sings the Blues" when Danny was looking down the air vent, Flack was just looking at him and grinning like he was over the moon. Which of course, he was--working with his baby makes Flack a very happy man indeed. :D
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