Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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detect ohh yes lol i would make sure i had all the energy i needed!!! lol

feenx i got us some pro-plus jus incase ... we dont wanna have to leave the room for nadda... hehe unless we chasin carmine of course ;) :lol:
hehe well if he sees what we got in our boxes of tricks.. he might jus decide to start!!! :lol:

and mind you, i think i got a broken toe so i wouldnt be running after him much :(
so im thinkin.... we storm up to his house around2am... lol sneak in through his bedroom window....?!
hehe.. im thinking, tie him to the bed.. (im sure he got a pair of handcuffs around somewhere.. right?! ;) ) and get the choc syrup out.. dont wanna be eating a mix of choc n aloe hehe eewww!!! :lol:
Oh, you better believe it! Mmm...I could get up to LA in about an hour and a half...maybe an hour if I did it all Fast and Furious style.
chelliyah said:
hehe well it might take me some time.. i live in England.. hehe but ill get there!! :lol:

I'm slightly jealous! My mother is from England and I went once and fell in love.

Haha -- and on topic, Carmine might be a caramel kinda guy. I mean, he IS Italian.
I could get up to LA in about an hour and a half...maybe an hour if I did it all Fast and Furious style.
I can get to LA like in 20 minutes so i'll wait for you guys, just don't take long :D
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