Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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lol well i got my kit stocked:
Aloe vera - check
Ice cube packs - Check

have i left anything out.. chocolate syrup maybe? ;) hehe
hehe.. and why not?! aslong as no one mentions the banana.. right?! ;) lol

oh yeah camera too.. maybe a video camera too hehe
id love to see it put on you tube!!! :lol:
feenx said:
yes we must bring a camera, so we can show it to whoever can't make it.

That's generous of you! I think I'd make time, though.

"Nope, can't make my movie star debut, I've got to ravish Carmine Giovinazzo with chocolate and aloe vera. You're just jealous."

NOT that I'm going to be a movie star ( I'll leave that to Carmine, Hill, ect. )
:lol: you shall be a movie star in your own right if ya with gorgeous carmine hehe
feenx and i shall make the appropriate copies for you all ;) hehe or even better.. we could jus set up a live link with a webcam?! :devil:
:lol: you shall be a movie star in your own right if ya with gorgeous carmine hehe

feenx and i shall make the appropriate copies for you all ;) hehe or even better.. we could jus set up a live link with a webcam?! :devil:
i think you have done this before feenx!!! hehe great minds think alike!! ;) and who knows how long it will take us to complete our task?! :lol: :devil:
Oh ladies, you're going to have to make sure you have some energy bars nearby, and a healthy supply of water. Applying aloe vera can be hard work.
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