Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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chelliyah said:
hehe hey MrsG .. wat is Carmines tat of? i been looking at it n tryin to figure it out..?! sorry if its already been posted lol
It's a tribal pattern, but he won't say anything about it's significance on the grounds that it's personal.

As the proud owner of a tribal tat myself, I can tell you that the pattern itself is likely something that was custom made for him. So the question, "What is it?" is likely one that doesn't have a concrete answer. The pattern is probably unique to him. The significance of what it represents to him is probably the better question, but it's one he doesn't answer.
oh wow.. i like it when guys have a tattoo but they dont like to reveal whatit is etc... its nice that they wanna keep something like that to them selves.. i bet he gets asked about it alot right?! lol
i love his tattoo alot.. it really suits him :D especially now he has been working out hehe ;)
thanks for that tho MrsG!!! :D
ShuriyuCSI said:
I have a present!

Oh.. these ones too.. Click! et Click!

WARNING! I am not responsible for any computer short circuts, fainting, drooling or anything associated with these pictures. Enjoy! ^_^

OMFG! I'm not making this up but a drop of sweat dripped off the side of my head when I saw the last two pics!


The guy's whole body is !porn-worthy hahahahaha....
ShuriyuCSI said:
I have a present!

Oh.. these ones too.. Click! et Click!

WARNING! I am not responsible for any computer short circuts, fainting, drooling or anything associated with these pictures. Enjoy! ^_^
I don't think I ever saw the first one, Soooo cute :D

Have these been posted before?

You know what our next fan project should be? Industrial-sized containers of sunscreen! We may not be able to get him to quit smoking but maybe we can get him to spray on some sunscreen before going outside!!
Oh, we're back to that again I see :lol:

Well, if it's the spray on kind then he won't need any help so we have to toss that idea out the window. We should totally get the regular liquid cream kind - then of course accidentally pour too much then you have to spend all that extra time rubbing it in to make sure the coverage is even.
:lol: yeah, they spray lotion wont give him as much coverage as he deserves hehe we would definatley have to take our time with applying the regular lotion :devil:
can't have our baby burning now, can we?! ;)
Too late for that. He is lobster red in so many of those pics. His skin was probably gross for a few days after that.
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