Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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sazb said:
Hiya i'm kinda new to this site, been here a couple of days. I've decided to come and live here as you all seem to have an endless supply of hot pics!

well "WELCOME HOME" sazb ! i'm sure you'll enjoy it here!
chelliyah said:
lol well seeing as we are on the posting side of things.... :D

woweee very laid back n sexy :p hehe

What picture is this? All I see is the fortune City logo. Huh?

The one thing I notice about the Shasta McNasty pic is that he is wearing sandals, and I'd about kill to see his bare feet close up. There are some pics of him wearing flip-flops but you can't really see any detail. Just a weird quirk of mine I guess... :eek:
i remember the pic with the surfboard

Hey feenx, I have that pic somewhere. **still looking**

Lucky girls. I'd like to be one of them lying under the surfboard 'cause Carmine looks nekkid behind it. :devil:

ETA: lyne, there's an buck nekkid ass picture of Carmine in nothing but flip flops and you wanna see the detail of his feet?? :eek: Priorities please!! (Feet weren't my first choice. I was thinking more on the lines like "please turn around" :devil:)

What? He had flip flops on?? :p
Yes, that was it.

Crap...I don't know what happened to those pics. Oh wait, I think they may be on my laptop. I'll check later and post them. I forgot about having different pics on there. :rolleyes:

I say let's just get rid of the surfborad. :devil: While we're at it, let's get rid of the bowl of fruit too. Somebody as hot as Carmine shouldn't have to keep hiding that gorgeous body. :p
chelliyah said:
lol well seeing as we are on the posting side of things.... :D

woweee very laid back n sexy :p hehe

Dude. The fact he has a mohawk style going on there makes this picture my favorite from his, uh, more regrettable acting projects, as Fay put it. :lol:
are you talking about the one with all the guys from "In Enemy Hands"? I've seen that pic, in fact I have it on my hard drive. I just have a thing about hands and feet, not like a fetish or anything just an artistic interest, I guess.

Here's one I found:

Too small for details though.
chelliyah said:
lol thats 6 more than wat have.... :( sighs... all i have is memories..... ** looks far into the distance...** :lol:

Nim has 6, you have memories -- and I don't have anything. We have such crappy TV syndications here hahhaah... care to help me out?

He looks sooo young in those pics.
I too have that issue of OK Magazine and I must admit, those are some damn fine pics of Carmine. The one where he has on the blue blazer makes his blue eyes stand out.

Here's the pics I promised earlier feenx, from Shasta.




Here's one from Fallen Arches:

yeah, those pics r hot! just a thought: few years ago i had a mad crush on drew fuller, he was on charmed. the website on wb had a link where ppl could d/l a printable full size poster of him, n i just thought... wow... now i would absolutely kill for a full-size poster of carmine... imagine his uh... arms.... :D

btw chelliyah... i'm from malaysia :)
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