Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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Welcome, firefox27!

Well, at least Flack wore that with a subtle-looking shirt. I remember in one case (that he worked with Danny) -- he put pattern on pattern. HAhahahahah!
Welcome firefox!!! where u from?
im currently watching outside man... mmm-m-mmmm danny is lookin H-O-T HOT!!!! :lol:
yeah that shirt v lush!!!! i take it u like - love carmine hehe :p
I'm from South Africa. We just had Wasted this week. But i re watched Trapped like 7 times in one weekend. So yes, the Carmine love.. it burns!! But I love it! Fell in love with him in the Shasta days then he disappeared from my screen for a while and then I fell off my couch when CSI NY appeared.

he put pattern on pattern. HAhahahahah!
LMAO!!! Oh nooo... but we still love him. His cute. But Danny is HOTTTT
lol @ firefox flling off couch
lol i soo remeber watching shasta when it came on sky one over here, but i only saw like the first episode :( soo not fair!! anyone know if you can buy it on dvd???

yeah i love flack's eyes... they are jus sooo yummy :D hehe
Don't look far..look here below

Hahahahahahahahaha!!! :lol:

(and the wall behind...)
I really wish i would have seen that show.
As for the picture....love it :D
OMG 1 more day for season 3....im having trouble breathing......Danny......<<faints>>
Wow, I can't believe you actually noticed his painting in the background so that you could point it out, Nim. :lol: I wouldn't have even seen it back there if you hadn't told me to look. :p But that's...'Tinitus', right?

Oh, and the promos from S3 of Carmine? *ravages him* He is just too damn fine...*drools*

You know, I didn't really like Danny in season 1 (like, I didn't think he was all that attractive), but he sort of grew on me toward the end of the season, and now I'm all about teh hotness. :lol:

*sigh* Somebody started it, so I must now post the Shasta pic. Who was it that hated this picture? Maybe I should put the avvie back up. :devil:

Oh, and did somebody mention his assets? :devil:
Wow, I can't believe you actually noticed his painting in the background so that you could point it out, Nim. I wouldn't have even seen it back there if you hadn't told me to look. But that's...'Tinitus', right?
It is? :confused: i didn't see it.
Fay what took you so long to post the pic :lol:
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