Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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It's orange and horrid and he's wearing shoes that I owned 8 years ago when that show was on the air. And I'm definitely not male.

I want the "porn star" t-shirt... :p
:eek: MY EYES! THEY BUUURN!!!(reaction to fay's pic)

firefox, i was in south africa over summer vacation!! :D

chelliyah, that pic is making me drooooool. :lol:
I have not been about much for the past week, sadly. But I'm here now, and you've seen the ass, so it's all good. :lol:

Shasta McNasty represents a slightly regrettable time in Carmine's career, I think. :lol:
i still think it was a good show lol quite funny to watch him runnin around gettin bit by the parrot :lol :D
bless him...
FEENX.. if you go to You tube you can search for it there... they got the opening credits on it, and the parrot scene hehe
I never saw it either, but the pics I've seen and the things I've heard make me think I'm right about that assessment. :lol:

I'd still love to see it though. :p
what's funny is that i heard about this show when it first aired. my old roommate was a media buyer and the station wanted her to buy spots on the channel the show was airing...UPN, i think?! she just said, hey, there's this new show starting this season called, "Shasta McNasty". just hearing the name of the show made me wonder what this thing was about. guess i wasn't that curious because i never saw it...i do remember seeing commercials about it though..
yeah i member seeing one of the episodes and that was bout it... little did we know he was gonna turn onto this gorgeous hotty!!! ;)
Oh man, the Shasta pics are back and I never got to see the show.

Somewhere I've got some pics from it. **runs off to look for them**
Hiya i'm kinda new to this site, been here a couple of days. I've decided to come and live here as you all seem to have an endless supply of hot pics!
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