Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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i havent :( no such luck of a reply yet... **cries into pillow** but maybe soon! i only emailed him last week tho so theres still time!! :D has anyone else got one yet?

also.. onthe flack n tie subject lol i dont think that one is as bad as some of the other ones ha has been sporting lol it kinda goes with his shirt....
He's probably super-busy with filming at this point - I read someplace that they shoot for crazy hours each day and no time for social lives! It took months before i got a response to my first email to him - and I got an apology with it too ;)
awww that was nice of him.
wel i told him i was guna b 23 this friday so maybe.. jus maybe he will read it before
then hehe
PrettyEyes said:
MrsG! You let him take Polaroids? :eek: You'd better hunt him down and burn the evidence, honey. :devil: :lol:
Well, I'm not in LA as often as I'd like to be, so I had to let him take a few pics to ... uh, 'remember me' by. ;) I just didn't realize he was going to trot them around the set and give Flack a play-by-play. :lol:

As for emails, hang in there, girls. It's been a couple months since his last round of responses, but I think he loves his fangirls as much as we love him.
Springmoon said:
He's probably super-busy with filming at this point - I read someplace that they shoot for crazy hours each day and no time for social lives!

Oh yeah. Can you say ... from 6am until 3am, even?
*trying to to look at Danny's pants*
*good thing Flack's tie is horrible enough to distract me*

I think he's wearing such horrific and horrendous ties on purpose -- kind of like a "Flack thing".

Those biceps are pretty hot!
Flack's not stupid, just has a jealous streak. :rolleyes: He wears those horrendous ties on purpose so everyone will be distracted and won't be looking at Danny. :p

Now I love Danny's clothes but I believe they both need someone to dress them. **I volunteer**

Flack's ties can be seen from outerspace and Danny's clothes are falling apart. I guess that's not a bad problem. Much more easier to rip them off him. :devil:
chaostheory08 said:

I think he's wearing such horrific and horrendous ties on purpose -- kind of like a "Flack thing".

yeah.... maybe that's his way of trying to shift our attention from danny to him... "look at me! look at my psychedelic tie!!" :lol:

man... s2 only just ended at my place here... i have no idea how long i have to wait for s3... oh gawd... i need bad boy danny!! *rakes nails down gutter walls in despair*
I really do like the tie. It's growing on me, and it brings out his eyes. :) Shoot, maybe if Danny wore baby-blue :p...if you need me, I'll be in the gutter. :devil:
ICEPRINCESS....... where abouts are you from?

CHAOS.... i think danny know's what flack is upto lol so he tryin to distract us bak to him with all those big muscles he got lately lol who wouldnt wanna loko at dannys 'muscles'?! ;) :lol:
^Oh I believe so, too. Hahaha... so this is an attention battle then. Flack gets out attention with his ties and shirts -- Danny gets it back by displaying his many assets (especially assets).

I think I've seen Danny's shirt somewhere before. Hahahah ... or in a different color.
Hi.. newbie here. You guys are so great! I pre-ordered my season 2 dvd's already. So I can watch him always and whenever I want. My brother's gonna hate me :)

Wonder with his hectic filming schedule if Carmine caught the Mets game last night. Would've loved to watch that with him. Can y'all imagine his exciteness?

Yes.. that is the ugliest Flack tie ever, but we forgive him because he has pretty eyes and a nice smile.

And, just WOW!! at Carmine's arms. Just WOW!!
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