Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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:lol: Yeah, I know--I thought about it after I made the avvie. :lol: I guess he's got another stomach ailment, then. ;) I should have made the avvie with a laxitive in the corner for Constipated!Carmine. :lol:
Springmoon said:
That's Pimp-tastic! :lol: :lol: :lol:

We think alike. When I saw that picture I thought "OMG, he looks like a pimp." :lol:

Just don't let Fay get a hold of it or she'll make another horrid icon out of it. :p
Carmine!Cam is all good by me! :D

Radical618 I love that pic of Carmine too! It's one of my favorites!

That was terrible, but SO funny Jasmine! :lol:

MMmm! Dirty!Wet!Carmine is really hot! :D
Isn't that pic from In Enemy Hands?

The Carmine Cam...I'm all for it.

We can give it to jkladis and when he finds Carmine, he can plant it in the shower for us. :devil:
oh, okay, thanks guys!

About the Carmine cam, I'm going to LA on friday, I'll be sure to hunt him down for ya'll. I'll have the camera to btw. Man I would melt if I saw him...
I know what you mean, I squee like crazy when his face is anywhere on screen... and yea Feenx let's get him.. :devil:
Top41 said:
--More music (what, I couldn't make all the requests dirty, could I? :lol: ;) )


It would be dirty if it's just a soundtrack of him moaning, groaning and whimpering. Oh my.


*runs away*
The potted plant is a lemon tree...dunno what you said in the Locker Room, but if it was a lemon tree...it's a sign HE READS here!!! o_O
In the last thread I said it'd be great if he had fruit trees, now he bestows upon us a lemon tree. :cool: Our man is good. :lol:

Now, I haven't been online since last night. May I just say, good job ladies and gentlemen on the new thread just blowing up. I'm stoked. OK, probably showing my age yet again with the word "stoked"...cut me some slack. :D
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