Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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^ wasn't that bitten's location? oh well, it sounds good!

if i saw carmine i'd go bug him first and faint later. there's no way i'm missin my chance with that... lmao :lol:
If I saw Carmine I'd do like you afrikana. I'd want to meet and talk to him first. It's crazy not to want to meet the guy!
Radical618 said:
I'm going to LA on friday

Hmm... my boss wanted me to travel to LA this week to do some business. I may just have to take her up on it. And do about 2 hours of "business" each day and spend the rest of the time Carmine-hunting.
Radical618 said:
I know what you mean, I squee like crazy when his face is anywhere on screen... and yea Feenx let's get him.. :devil:
met me at my place, then we go a hunting Carmine.
afrikana said:
^ wasn't that bitten's location? oh well, it sounds good!

Well..she'd just have to share with the rest of us. ;) Guess that would have to be a pretty big potted plant. :p **oops, the first time I typed planted pot :rolleyes:**

BTW, feenx, I don't have any business out in LA but I'd love to meet at your place and go on the Carmine hunt. :D
1CSIMfan said:

BTW, feenx, I don't have any business out in LA but I'd love to meet at your place and go on the Carmine hunt. :D

Shhhh... be vewwy vewwy quiet. We'se hunting wabbi, er, Carmine. :eek:
Springmoon said:
1CSIMfan said:

BTW, feenx, I don't have any business out in LA but I'd love to meet at your place and go on the Carmine hunt. :D

Shhhh... be vewwy vewwy quiet. We'se hunting wabbi, er, Carmine. :eek:
ok, anybody else wanna join the Carmine hunt?

one more thing anybody know where he lives?
Springmoon said:
Shhhh... be vewwy vewwy quiet. We'se hunting wabbi, er, Carmine. :eek:

:lol: Elmer Fudge is da man! Totally random, I know. Happy hunting, girls, and don't forget to share the spoils with us :D
Waaaaaah! I wanna come toooo! But damn it I live sooo soo sooo far awayy! :(

Feenex > the "be vewwy vewwy quiet", comment was so funny! :lol:

And yea I go weak at the knees from just seeing his FACE on tv! ;)
i would go hunting for carmine for you.

however, i live across the country.

...if any of his scenes were actually filmed in the city, which i am not that far from, i would gladly go and hunt him down for you. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Springmoon - I LOVE your location and would like to see the rest of the girls go to the same place. :D

Yeah, I know!! C'mon ladies! Join the panty drive - I put mine in the mail yesterday.
Springmoon said:
1CSIMfan said:

BTW, feenx, I don't have any business out in LA but I'd love to meet at your place and go on the Carmine hunt. :D

Shhhh... be vewwy vewwy quiet. We'se hunting wabbi, er, Carmine. :eek:

I'm there.. *get's Carmine hnting equpitment ready*
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