Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Kimmychu said:
Uh oh. Is that some kinda warning I shouldn't visit it if I don't want to traumatize myself like the Evil Purple Hat did to me? :eek: :lol:

No it's not :lol: It's just a under contruction page with a cute plant at the left and a message that they are working on the page :lol:
Celefinwe said:
Happy thread warming!


* unnnghhhhh *

Too. Much. Hotness. :devil:

Whooo....Arm porn....neck porn....the muscles....*melt*
OMG! Is that plant on Carmine's website any kind of reference to the "potted plant"? :lol: Coincidence? I think not.

Top suggested that since he's so good about listening to his fans, it'd be great if he gives us all what we really want and posts nudes to his site when it comes back up. :lol: :devil: Excellent idea! CBS isn't listening to our requests for a shower scene, but perhaps Carmine will. Or better yet, perhaps he could install a webcam in his shower and upload that to his site. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top suggested that since he's so good about listening to his fans, it'd be great if he gives us all what we really want and posts nudes to his site when it comes back up. :lol: :devil: Excellent idea! CBS isn't listening to our requests for a shower scene, but perhaps Carmine will. Or better yet, perhaps he could install a webcam in his shower and upload that to his site. :D

The man doesn't seem to be shy about walking around in the altogether - maybe he will give us a nice peep show!
Well, hey there. A 24-hour webcam sounds like a fantastic idea! :devil: Marvelous, in fact! That'll guarantee 100% that his website will have millions of viewers everyday for sure!

And good call on the potted plant! Never thought about that. :lol:
A peep show sound nice :lol: Just imagine...
100 of fangirls infront of the pc watching Carmines Webcam and he gives us a little dance with the evil purple hat. Has everyone seen Jarhead. Maybe a dance like Jake did in the movie? :lol: :lol: :lol: Worth watching :devil:
Wow, that scene in Jarhead is fantastic...Carmine with purple hat, and little Carmine with Santa Claus one...I think I'm gonna work on the editing of the webshow :devil:
"Little" Carmine with a Santa hat, now that's an idea I can get behind.

I can also get behind him, but I think Flack would take me out. I'm soooo into the shipping lanes in the gutter now! There's no taking me out.
A potted plant on his website? That's too funny! :lol: That was one of our first jokes in the Locker Room...we would make cracks about how everyone wanted Danny, probably even the office potted plant. And now it's on his website! :lol: Coincidence or inside joke? I wonder... ;)
Huh. The more I think about it, the more I'm believing it's a cunning shout out to us gals of the Locker Room. :lol: Perhaps we'll know for sure if the Evil Purple Hat ever shows up on his website. :p

Or better yet. A super hi-res splash page of his pert bottom from that In Enemy Hands photo! :D
:lol: The potted plant thing is just too random to be well, random. In the early Locker Rooms, we talked about it all the time, and I'm pretty sure it was in one of the titles, too. Too funny! :lol:

Okay, Carmine's website wishlist...

--Black and white nudes
--Ass shots
--More music (what, I couldn't make all the requests dirty, could I? :lol: ;) )
The potted plant is a lemon tree...dunno what you said in the Locker Room, but if it was a lemon tree...it's a sign HE READS here!!! o_O
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