Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Of course it's not. ;) Nor is it complete without whichever horrid avvie I'm sporting at the time. :lol:

Too bad I can't make an avatar out of his ass though, that one would please everyone, I think. ;) :lol:
I havent posted on this thread a lot but still woohoo the 10th. Nice title. Tongue Porn. That cracks me up everytime I see it and 1CSIMFan's banner.:) Oh my gosh! What naughty pictures we have here. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. I stared for almost 3 minutes, which is a long time if you think about it- just staring at a monitor. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy those naughty little things, who wouldn't?! Man , oh man .Still can't believe it :D I would have posted a 10th thread present but I'm not on MY computer so I can't be saving the pics onto this one. Sorry but Happy 10th! *throws confetti*-sorry, I'll clean that up.
It can get pretty dirty in here. :D Nice to see you enjoyed the pics also.

No worries about not being able to post a pic.
Wow a new thread again :eek: You guys are really fast :lol: I love the title of the thread a lot :devil: Nice choice :devil:

And yeah the website looks really "good" :lol: I love the plant :lol: :lol:
oh my god, tongue porn, I wonder how it tastes??? mmmmmmm
Carmine tongue mmmmmmm, YES PLEASE

why don't threads last long? since I've recently joined, I'm curious as to why a thread is over so soon?
Jasmin said:
And yeah the website looks really "good" :lol: I love the plant :lol: :lol:

Uh oh. Is that some kinda warning I shouldn't visit it if I don't want to traumatize myself like the Evil Purple Hat did to me? :eek: :lol:
woohoo! NEW THREAD! :D :D

i come bearing sexy blue-shirted gifts :D :

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