Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Top41 said:

Okay, Carmine's website wishlist...

--Black and white nudes
--Ass shots
--More music (what, I couldn't make all the requests dirty, could I? :lol: ;) )

No offense, but I don't enjoy the music part :eek: I would, however, enjoy some "tasteful" black and white nudes.
^I'm curious to see what other kind of music he does, or what the other songs sound like. But only as a "click here" option--not playing every time one visits the site!

Black and white nudes would be awesome. :devil: And artistic!

Nim said:
The potted plant is a lemon tree...dunno what you said in the Locker Room, but if it was a lemon tree...it's a sign HE READS here!!! o_O

We never specified what the potted plant was actually. It was just called The Potted Plant. :lol:
I'm pretty partial to this pic...

so hot...
Gosh i was so bored so i played around in ps a few minutes ago and i came up with this. Inspired by Faylinn's Icon and the evil purple hat though :lol: :lol: Believe me don't click if you don't wanna ruin your day :lol: :lol:


I'm sooo sorry but i just could't resist :lol: Oh and i love the idea with the b/w nude pics... :devil:
Thank you :lol: Actaully i wanted to put some girls with bikinis in a pool in the background but i couldn't find a non 18+ version :lol: So its simply white :lol:
Yay, its the tongue!Porn thread, does a happy dance

:lol: Jasmin thats good.

A webcam on the website sounds a great idea, perfect way to stay in touch with your fans
Jasmin! You're like the next generation of evil-manip makers! :lol: *loves you*

Can you imagine him shopping for that outfit? :lol:

Gotta share Dirty!Wet!Carmine with the new thread. ;)
you know what Faylinn im starting to like that pic, of carmine constipated exept pepto don't help w/ that. how does that song go...
upset stomach,indegestion.... can't remember the rest.
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