Danny and lindsay-you on the ride


Chapter 10
The Begining

Over the next few days Danny found himself very tired, he went back and forth, between the hospitial and the lab. But he was dissapointed each time he went to the hospitial, either the nurse wouldnt let him see Lindsay or she was sleeping, and he did not want to wake her when she was sleeping, he thought she was to beautiful for that, so he would watch her sleep.

That Friday night, Danny was sitting by Lindsays bed, watching some tv but mostly watching her, she started to stur, Danny jumped at this.

When she opened her eyes, and saw the tv on, she glanced over, and there sitting by her bed with his hand engulfed in hers was Danny Messer. A smile spread on her lips.

"Danny, hi." She said, her voice breaking.
Danny silenced her with his finger agianst her lips, her voice was rattled and tired, tears sweeping over his eyes he said.

"Hi, Lindsay."

Lindsay scooted up so that her back was resting on her pillow, Danny offered to help when he saw the wince on her face, but she refused his help.

"Danny, dont cry, jeez I never would of pictured a man this emotional, Mac says you cry a lot now. Is that true?" She asked, her eyes questionable.

Danny took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Linds.."He started, until Lindsay interupted him.

"Montana." She smiled

Danny returned the smile and continued. "Montana..It was like replaying the Louie thing and the Aiden thing, all in one, all over agian. I couldnt handle losing you too."

Lindsay rolled her eyes, which were full of tears. "Yeah right."

Danny still holding Lindsays hand, tightened his grip, which sent a surg of energy through them both.

"Hey...it did."

Lindsay took a drink of water, she was still brused and dark circles surrounded her eyes, she was very pale. Danny tilted his head and looked at her, he thought to himself she looks like she belongs on Sid's table. But gulping back all the emotions that were running through him, he was about to ask Lindsay a question, but she beat him to it.

"Danny, its...its Friday night..why arent you out..at a club or something..er..whatever you do..you are the famous Danny Messer...you dont have a date tonight?"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I do in fact." This caused Lindsay to drop her head and begin to mess with her fingers, she forced a soft smile on her face, and bit the inside of her cheek.

"Well who is she?"

"Shes a small woman, we went out once before, but lets just say the night didnt end how i wanted it to."

Lindsay was confused."But your going out with her agian?"

"Sorta." Danny rested on his New York accent to save the day.

Lindsay thought it over for a few seconds. Then smiled.

"Oh Danny." She said punching his shoulder. Then wincing her arm. She grabbed it in pain. "What happened to me?"

Danny let go of her hand and stood out of his chair, Lindsays eyes followed him, he crossed over to the door.

"Danny, dont leave me..i have questions, and i want answers."

"Linds..I'll never leave you but i dont know if you wanna hear, im pretty sure you dont remember anything, but..." his voice trailed off.

Lindsay nodded fercily. "I wanna know...what...happened to me..what did Ryan do to me? And no i dont remember anything, just that you dropped me off at my door."

Danny turned to face Lindsay. "Then how do you know Ryan did this to you?"

"Oh come on Danny....isnt it obvious..i mean..the phone call....i just know..in my..heart..just...i just know..now will you tell me."

Danny walked over to the tv and shut it off, the annoying voice of Homer Simpson was getting to him.

"Well, i dropped you off, and i crossed this guy in the elevator, that night was like slow motion for me, i even know what that guy looks like, i saw him twice, once when i dropped you off, and once when i was coming for....oh my god Lindsay, the man i saw in the hallway, that was Ryan. Wasnt it?"

"I dont know..I mean..i dont remember Danny..Im so sorry, what did he look like?" Lindsay asked offering aid.

"He was big, like musels, he was dressed as a cowboy, even had a hat, i remember on the way out, he didnt have a gun, but when i returned...he had...your...gun...Lindsay he has your gun.."

Lindsay mouth dropped open. And shock filled her face, Danny could swear her face turned whiter than it already was.

"Danny, im ordering you...as your partner..go call Mac, tell him..that Ryan has my gun..go."

Danny nodded and stepped out of the room, fliping open his cell phone, a nurse walked by. The short dark haired woman stopped him and pointed to a sign on the wall.

"No cell phones, got it." She snapped.

"Ok," Danny said, pretending to put his cell phone back until the nurse was out of sight, he then flipped it open, and dialed Macs number.


"Mac..its Danny..im at the hospitial."

Dannys voice sounded agiataded. This caused Mac for concern. "Is everything alright Danny."

"Yeah everythings fine, I was talking to Lindsay."

"Oh you were, good for you." Mac said, through a chuckle.

"Yeah we can all laugh bout it later, Mac... Ryan, Lindsays ex he attacked her, hes...the one who did this."

"How..do you know that?" Mac asked.

"I saw Mac, on the way out, and when i came back in...Mac i know what he looks like, ill get back to the lab ASAP, but the other reason i called....Mac, Ryan has Lindsays gun."

Aww Danny feels all bad cuz the guy he saw was Ryan and he didn't know. *pats Danny on the back* Okay time for him to kick serious ass.

Chapter 11
The Promise

Danny hung up the phone, and walked back into Lindsays room.

"What did Mac say?" She said, suddenly very awake.

Danny sat back down in the chair. "Well not much, but i wish i would of relised it was him, umm i have to get back to the lab, and meet with the sketch team, im sorry Linds."

Danny rose, his mind was going so fast, he wasnt thinking of what he was saying, he was trying to remember Ryans face, when Lindsay grabbed his arm, and he sharply turned toward her.

"What?" he asked

Her eyes wide, she looked like a deer in front of the headlights. "Danny, did you...really mean that?"

Having no clue what she was talking about, as she let go of his arm, he stood in interragation mode. "Lindsay..what are you talking about?"

She took a deep breath in, "you just said as you got up that you 'loved' me...did you.....did you really mean that?"

Danny looked as though he could slap himself across the face. "I said 'I love you'?" as Lindsay nodded.

"Do you mean it?" she asked once agian, a little on the agiated side.

If this wasnt an awkward moment Danny didnt know what was, there he stood, he just blurted his feelings for her out. The problem was he had pictured telling her that he loved her completly different. He wanted it to be perfect, he didnt care what they were doing or where they were, as long as everything was perfect. He didnt want Lindsay sitting in a hospitial bed, so injured that she looked like she should be the one on the table in the morgue.

"Well....yeah..i mean...yes."Danny said rubbing the back of his neck.

Lindsay smiled at him, the same smile that she had greeted him with at the zoo, the day they met, the smile that he fell in love with.

"Go Danny..go catch this guy...promise me, you will."

Danny walked over to the door, she was pushing away from me agian, he thought.

"I promise Lindsay, i promise you."

As he stepped out of the room. Lindsay perked up.
"Danny...I love you to."

The rest of the night Danny was in a great mood, he all of a sudden found that he loved the city, the noise, the hustle, the people, everything about the city, he loved it.

Arriving at the crime lab, he entered Macs office. There was a young blonde woman sitting in a chair opposite of Mac.

"Hi, Im Rebecca, Rebecca Anderson." she said rising with her hand greeting Danny.

Rebecca was a very attractive woman, her blonde hair flowing down the sides of her shoulders, and her blue eyes swimming with happieness. Her thin figure close to Danny.

"Uhh, Danny, shes the sketch artist, bye." Mac said smiling as he left the room.

"Hi, im Danny Messer, how ya doin?"

"Oh, i love your accent, your from here? Im not, im from the midwest, Kansas, actually, Im a country girl..what can i say."
Danny smiled thinking of how much he loved a certian country girl.

"So, got any plans for tommorow night?" Rebecca asked putting on her best flirtation mode.

"Shouldnt you...be asking me..what this guy looks like?" Danny asked

"Oh, this is the start..i will..get around to it?" She replied "So, Mr. Messer, answer me. Do you have any plans, i mean..i dont wanna sound foreward or anything, but i mean. Look at you, your very attractive."

Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Umm thanks..but no i dont have plans."

"Good." a smile engulfed her face.

"Before you give me your number..which by the way..i dont want..lets get this sketch thing over with, i have to get back to my girlfriend, who is in the hospitial." Danny said smiling innocently back.

"Oh..well..ok never mind then." Rebecca said, getting back to the point.

In the hospitial Lindsay was feeling a lot better, about the whole Danny situation, when a the same dark haired nurse that had told Danny to put his cell phone came in.

"Ms. Monroe..there is a man here to see you..he says hes Danny..."

Lindsay smilied and nodded. "He can come in nurse."

She shrugged and let the man in..as she shut the door, Lindsay let out a scream.

The man standing back at her wasnt Danny, it was Ryan.

"NURSE..NURSE." Lindsay screamed.

Ryan pulled out Lindsays gun.

"Shut up Bitch. If you dare say one more thing, i will pull this trigger."

Lindsay shut up..

"Now tell me..Danny..where can i find him?"

Lindsay began crying. "Im not telling you...you wont find him..no..i wont let you hurt him."

Ryan put the gun in his pocket and walked up to Lindsays bed.

"Button..tell me." He went to put his hand on her head, as she swashed it away.

"DONT YOU DARE CALL ME THAT...im not telling you anything"

"Well Lindsay if your not gonna tell me the easy way..im up for the hard way."

His hands pressed on Lindsay neck as he squeezed harder, she couldnt breath, couldnt speak, could scream.

Where to start. I want to kick the ass of that little blond girl back to Kansas...I want Danny to walk into the hospital room right now and kick ass...and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let Lindsay be alright!

Chapter 12
A little too late

Danny, was driving back to the hospitial, he sensed Lindsay needed him, he didnt know. He never had that feeling before, it was like he knew she was screaming for him, and he could hear it. He sped up as he made the sharp turn to the hospitial.

When he managed to make it up to the floor, he asked the dark haired nurse if he could go into Lindsays room.

She opened a file.

"Whats your name?" she asked.

Danny who was figiting horribly, said. "Danny...Danny Messer."

The woman shut it, and walked over to the door. "Jeez how many Danny's does this girl know."

"What...what're you talkin about?" Danny asked.

The nurse stopped out side the door leading in to the hallway that lead to Lindsays room. "Well this big guy came in..he said he was Danny..i let him through."

Danny was stunned, "YOU WHAT?!?!" he screamed.

The nurse pointed a harsh finger in Dannys face. "Hey this..sir..is a hospitial..not a sports arena..dont not scream at me."

Danny apologized as they walked down the hallway.

The nurse opened Lindsays door, to find Ryan with his hands around Lindsays neck, she was gasping for air, her lips turning blue.

Danny sprung forward, and leapt on Ryan. As the nurse ran to get security. Ryan let go of Lindsays neck as she started to cough.

"What the..." Ryan said. as he threw a punch, hitting Danny in his eye.

" You son-of-a.." Danny trailed off as he threw a punch, hitting Ryan in the stomach.

A few seconds later two security guards rushed in, and broke the two fighting men apart, Danny was panting, he hadnt been in a fight like that since his tangle wood days.

"NY..NYPD.." Danny breathed holding out his badge. "Some one take him downtown to the crime lab, ask for Mac Taylor."

The security guards nodded, as the nurse looked over Lindsay, making sure she was ok.

As Ryan was being dragged out of the room, still throwing his fists and kicking in the air, he screamed at Danny.

"Im not done with you..."

When everything was settled, and the nurse had gotton Danny an ice pack for his eye, he sat next to Lindsay, who had marks developing around her neck, from where Ryans fingers grasped her.

"Oh my god Danny, are you ok?" She asked rubbing her neck, and wincing in pain.

"Dont worry about me..Montana hows your neck? You comfortable..you ok?" Danny asked moving a strand of hair out of Lindsays face, something he found that he did alot.

"Yeah im fine." She smiled at him.

"See i told you id catch him."Danny said with a smirk.

"Yeah it only took you getting hurt in the process." Lindsay winced in pain as she smiled.

That night after Danny and Lindsay talked until the nurse had come in and told Danny that Lindsay needed her rest, and that he should leave. It was harder to leave her this time, but the love he knew she felt for him rested on his shoulders, and that made him happy.

Danny turned on the street that his apartment was on, when the thought of Ryan ran through his head. Flipping open his cell phone, he dialed Macs number.


"Mac...its Danny...im coming in...just for a while."

"Danny...i know you wanna talk....or hit...Ryan...but you gotta stay outta this, im handling it."

"Mac..you already took the Shay case...you have a lot on your plate."

He could tell Mac was smiling. "Ok I lied, Stella is handling it."

Danny was now smiling thinking of how much Stella could hurt this guy. "Mac....lemme talk to him..just once..please?"

Mac sighed. "Danny..one time..dont screw it up..if you do...im gonna have to suspend you..and i dont wanna do that."

"Thank you Mac." Danny said. Hanging up the phone, as he pulled out of his parking spot, and headed toward the crime lab.

Mac met Danny outside the interrogation room, he had a determinded look on his face, as Danny walked up to him.

"Thank you Mac...for let'in me do this."

Mac put a hand on Dannys shoulder. "Danny...im not going to say anything, or warn you, because you know what is right and what is wrong, and i know you wanna be there for Lindsay, but dont mess this up for yourself, i do not wanna take matters into my hands, because it wont turn out the way...you..want it to."

Danny nodded as he entered the interrogation room.

I think they're in character. Gawd, I'm confused now. I want Danny to kick the guy's ass, but I don't want him to blow the case. Well, at least he's caught.