Danny and lindsay-you on the ride

currently on chapter two...hehe Danny yelling Montana. So hot. I'll keep reading.
OMFG!!! He's gonna kill her!! WHERE'S DANNY & WHY DIDN@T HE REALIZE THAT 'COWBOY' WAS RYAN?! DUMBASS! *in the nicest possible way*

I can c y it's ur favorite - MORE! I need to know what happens!!!

Xx Mia-Sara xX
Cordelia_GRS_Fan said:
OMFG!!! He's gonna kill her!! WHERE'S DANNY & WHY DIDN@T HE REALIZE THAT 'COWBOY' WAS RYAN?! DUMBASS! *in the nicest possible way*
I can c y it's ur favorite - MORE! I need to know what happens!!!

Yer i know danny off in his own little world :lol: xkittyx

Chapter 7
The Stuggle

Before Lindsay went down a scream came from her. This caused Danny to turn around when he reached outside his car. Lindsay lived on the second floor. So when Danny looked up and saw Lindsay's living room light on and a strange figure in her open window, he ran for her apartment. Stepping onto the elevator, he met the same man that he had seen earlier, only the man was exiting the elevator. Danny gave a slight smile to the man, as he pushed his way onto the elevator. As the doors closed Danny saw the man walking very fast toward the exit.

He reached Lindsays apartment, and knocked a few times, when she didnt answer he screamed. "MONTANA..IM COMING IN." Danny burst through the door. When he saw Lindsay lying in a pool of blood, tears gathered in his eyes. He shook them off and grabbed his gun out of his holster, and lined the wall looking around the corner. When he made sure that her apartment was clear, he ran to her, she was unconscious, he knelt beside her. And grabbed his cell phone out of his coat pocket.

"911,What is your emergency?"A friendly female voice answered over the phone.

Dannys voice broke and he started to cry. "Hi, yes..i need and ambulance..my co-work....my girlfriend, shes unconscious. I need help."

"Ok, give me the address."The voice suggested.

After Danny had called 911. He stood up and looked at Lindsay. He wanted so bad to touch her, to just get her in his arms, to just kiss her. But he knew he couldnt. He looked around the apartment, he was going to process this apartment later. Suddenly from behind him he heard a gasp.

A young blonde in her pajamas stood at the door, her shocked and puzzled face was broken when she turned to Danny.

"Lindsay...oh my god..Lindsay.." The woman moaned. "Did you do this..Im gonna go call the cops, oh my god Lindsay."

Danny grabbed his badge and held it out.

"Ma'am....i am a cop..and no i didnt do this." Danny said as he heard sirens, and footsteps, suddenly three paramedics rushed into the apartment pushing the young woman and Danny aside. He was standing there in shock with his hand over his mouth as he watched them load Lindsay onto a stretcher. One of the paramedics asked Danny if he wanted to ride along. He nodded and told the young blonde to go back to her apartment, and if she needed to come to the hospital that she should just call him, he gave her his number and rushed out of the apartment. Before he got to the elevator he stopped and turned to the blonde and said.

"Close the door, and dont let any living thing in there...its a crime scene."

The blonde nodded and closed the door and ran back into her apartment.

While in the ambulance Danny flipped his cell phone open while the paramedics tried to stop the bleeding on Lindsays lip and head. Tears were falling from Danny's eyes as he dialed Macs number.

"Taylor." Mac answered.

Danny struggled with his voice, but found the strenght to speak.

"Mac...its Lindsay..shes hurt pretty bad, were in an ambulance now, on our way to the hospital."

Danny was holding his hand on his forehead and shaking his head as he was exchanging information with Mac. But all Mac told him was to explain everything once he calmed down and he could understand what Danny was trying to say. So Danny decided that the best place for that was at the hospital. Which they were near. So Danny hung up the phone, and rushed into the hospital behind the paramedics and Lindasay, they rushed her into a room a few nurses pulled down the curtians on the window and shut the door. All Danny could do now was sit on bench outside of the room and wait.

Aww...poor Danny feeling so helpless and worried. Hope that Ryan guy doesn't hurt him