Danny and lindsay-you on the ride


Chapter 13
The Interrogation

Danny walked in the dark room, his anger building inside him, he wanted to do so many horrible things to this guy. Ryan was sitting with his feet on the table leaning back and his arms crossed. Danny had to take it easy, he knew Mac was watching him behind the glass.

"Get your feet off my table." Danny said sternly

"O...k" Ryan said playfully throwing his hands in the air, and continued. "What am i here for?"

Danny put his hands on the table and leaned over it.

"Dont play dumb with me, you know why your here, you assulted a police officer, and nearly killed another...twice."

Ryan rolled his eyes and made 'tah' sound, which took Dannys anger to another level "You think Lindsay is a cop...wow..your not as smart as i thought."

Danny was confused. "What are you talking about..you know what..i dont even care, i dont wanna hear anything outta you."

Danny sat down, as Ryan sat up straight in his chair.

"Dont deny it, you wanna hear what i have to say, ive known Linds for years, she loves me."

"What ever..and if you havent noticed lately, she hates you, you tried to kill her, then took her gun and ta top off you attacked her when shes in the hospital..oh i dont think she 'loves' you anymore."

Ryan shook his head. "Your...your wrong. I know her..i do..we were gonna get married...we were."

"Until she found out how worthless you were, and came here." Danny said in a teasing voice. Don't push it Danny. he thought to himself.

"Shut up..just shut up." Ryan snapped.

"Oh did i touch a cord?" Danny asked innocently.

"You...i guess you just dont know what im talking about, you wouldnt understand my love for Lindsay." Ryan shook his head.

"You stalked her...so no..i guess i dont understand your love for Lindsay." Danny said in disbelief.

Ryan stood up. "If you knew half the things i knew about Lindsay..you'd leave her alone..and you wouldnt care so much about her, she loves me..i know she does..i can see it..still..and she sure as hell didnt leave Montana because of me." Ryan said, his face becoming angry.

Danny was going to use this to his advantage.

"So what was the reason? You say that she didnt leave because of you..then why did she leave?"

"How dare you..you are an ass...dont question me." Ryan said with anger.

"If you loved Lindsay as much as you say you do..youd tell me." Danny said backing off.

"Dont question my love for Lindsay." Ryan screamed. From that moment on, everything was a blur, Ryan leaped across the table and grabbed Danny who instantly brought up his arms to cover his face. Ryan punched Danny in the stomach, and Danny punched back. Danny used this guy as a punching bag for what felt like hours, but really it was only seconds until Mac, Flack, and some other officers came in and seperated the two men apart.

When Danny had released the man, a tingling feeling went threw him, Danny had injured Ryan so bad, that a few paramedics came in and had to take him to the hospitial, thats what felt good to Danny, that he had hurt this guy as much as Ryan had hurt Lindsay, Mac however, wasnt pleased, he pushed Danny agianst the wall, a stern 'father' look on his face, Mac was pissed and Danny knew it.

"What the hell did i tell you, Danny you dont listen...i told you not to screw this up..and then you screwed it up..im gonna have to suspend you..your off the case, your off all cases."

Danny threw his hand out toward the door. "Mac he was comin' after me, what was i supposed to do."

"Danny he hit you once, and backed off, you went in, you hit him back, you kept hitting him, after he stopped." Mac said. His face contored with anger. " Danny, this has happened more than once, not just with Lindsay, you didnt listen to me, like the case when you killed the cop, and i told you not to go to I.A.B. and you didnt listen."

"Mac dont bring that up." Danny said putting his head down.

Mac reliesed Danny from the wall.

"Danny i cant keep covering your ass, all the time...im not afraid to fire you."

Awww, Danny...strangely I like when he gets out of control tho. It's hot.

Chapter 14
The visit

Danny finally decided that he would go to the hospitial, after Macs little rant Danny felt that he should stay away from Mac, and the lab.

Walking down the hallway, he looked in Lindsays room. Flack was sitting next to her and they were laughing, it was good to see Lindsay laughing and smiling agian, Danny was happy, but also angry that he wasnt the one who had made Lindsay laugh. Soon Hawkes walked up to Danny with coffee in his hands.

"Hey Danny...good to see you." Hawkes said handing Danny one of the coffee cups that he was holding. "Its for Flack but he wont mind, just say...they ran out."

Danny smilied, it felt good to smile, he felt like he hadnt in a long time.

"Thanks Hawkes."

Soon Stella walked out of the elevator, she looked tired, her curly hair out in all directions, and she was carrying several folders."

"Hey Stel..how are you today?" Hawkes asked looking down at his coffee, then handed it to her. "I havent had a drink yet, and you look like you need it more than me."

"Yeah Stel, you look rough today, you ok?" Danny asked through a smile.

Stella took the coffee. "I havent felt this busy in a long time. Mac has me on everything, he is such a...such a....oh i cant think right now..is Lindsay awake?" Stellas voice was agiataed and tired sounding.

"Yeah Flacks talkin to her right now, why do you need to see her?" Danny asked pointing toward Lindsays room.

"Well, she knew one of the so called 'victims' at the Shay crime scene, and i have to ask her about....it." Stella said indicating the folder in her hand.

"Oh well..i was there..just ask me..i dont want Lindsay upset or anything." Danny said taking a sip of his coffee, he turned to Hawkes.

"oh this is horrible, where did ya get this..china town?"

"Its hospital coffee Danny not the wonderful stuff we have at the lab, and it taste the same, your just drinking it after having sleep, trust me it tastes totally different after you havent slept in 24 hours."

Stella shifted. "Ok you ladys done discussing coffee now?"

"Whoo you are cranky." Danny said taking another sip of his coffee and contorting his face, in flavor of the horrible coffee.

Stella opened the folder. "Uh Danny was the woman at the crime scene, Julia..Julia Matterson?"

Danny nodded.

"What was her aliabi?" Stella asked as she handed her coffee back to Hawkes and began shuffling papers around in the folder.

"Well she said, she and her boyfriend had been coming from a party, and in true New York fashion..a random person grabbed him from behind stabbed him, and ran.. she ran after the person..but Sid said something wierd, he said the victim was stabbed by a woman..how did he determine that?"

Stella found what she was looking for. "Well, the depth of strenght that a person has, like when a man stabs someone im sure the wound is bound to be deeper, however when a woman does it, she doesnt have enough streghth. Maybe thats what Sid meant."

"Yeah..so what else do you need?" Hawkes asked, making his presence known.

"Nothing..i got her..cops arrested her 20 minutes ago."

"But how did you know?"

"Come on..Mac made me go back to the crime scene, you know these criminals get dumber and dumber, the knife was hidden in a bush, bloody with fingerprints still on it. Wasnt hard." Stella said closing the folder, and taking her coffee back from Hawkes. Just then Flack stepped out of the room, he was smiling and still laughing.

"Yo Danny...its good to see she still has her sense of humor." Flack turned to Stella. "Uh you dont look so good Stel, maybe you should get some sleep."

"Shut up, im here to see Lindsay, and Flack if your goin back to the lab, take these with ya." Stella said handing Flack the folders she was carrying.

"Will do, and Danny you need to come with me too, Mac says he needs to talk to you about something important."

oooh good chappie! Poor Danny getting jealous of Flack making her laugh. He shouldn't be tho. Lindsay loves him and he should know that.
umm sorry everyone..the plot bunnies have run out of there hole..they wrote me a letter telling them they will be back tommorow..so there..and no one needs to chase me..ive done nothing wrong..so no pitchforks