Danny and lindsay-you on the ride


Chapter 4
Monday night
It was the big night, the night of Danny and Lindsays' 'date'. Danny had it all planned out, a simple dinner.

When he arrived at lindsays' apartment adreniline was running through his veins. As he walked down the hallway that led to her door he kept reminding himself to breathe. I shouldnt be this nervous..she just another girl. But in the back of his head he knew that Lindsay wasn't just any girl, she was THE girl, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He would make it happen, only he had to get through this date first. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Lindsay had been getting ready for over 4 hours, first she couldnt decide what to wear, for she didnt know where or what they were doing. Then she couldnt decide how to do her hair. Then she couldnt decide how to do her makeup. Being a women trying to impress a man is hard. She kept thinking. But she had finally decided on a black halter cocktail dress with diamond sequence on her black heels, her hair was ever so nicely draping near her shoulders, and her make up had a very natural look. She was so nervous. I see this man everyday, why am i nervous. But just as the thought faded. There was a knock at the door.

Opening it she didnt expect to see Danny so well dressed, with his black slacks and his blue button down shirt. Lindsay was so taken aback by his apperence that she took a deep breath in and slowly released it. Danny gave Lindsay the familiar smirk that he always gave her.

"Wow, Montana am I glad I saved your life today."

Lindsay bowed her head, and smiled.

" Yeah Messer, I bet you are glad, so where are we going tonight?" She asked gathering her belongings and stepping out of the door.

"Well, I decided that since I couldn't decide on anything, i would take you to my favorite resturant." Danny said escorting Lindsay into the elevator.

"Oh is that where you take all your dates?" She asked with a smile devoloping on her face.

Danny laughed, Lindsay had to turn her head and close her eyes so he wouldnt see her react to his laugh the way she did.

"Actually, I've never taken any of my dates there, your the first one." Danny said as the elevator stopped on the ground floor.

Just then Lindsay's cell phone rang. She rumbled around her bag and reached it, pulling it out she said.

"Oh this better not be Mac." Flipping it open she stopped, Danny stopped ahead of her and turned around. "Monroe."

A cold, familiar voice filled the phone, a shiver went down Lindsay's spine.

"Lindsay, how have you been....you know who it is...dontch ya...."

Lindsay's concerned face fell on Danny as she whispered.

"Is this ............Ryan? How did you find me? How did you get this number?"

The voice became more agiataed.

"Lindsay..how long where we together? I know everything about you. Whos the other guy?"
Lindsay mouth dropped open.
"The...other....guy?" She chocked out "Are you watching...me?"

A grumble came across the phone. " No..no Lindsay, of course not, why would like me to watch you, and your every move? Because I could, I could if you wanted me too."

Lindsay took a deep breath in. "Ryan...listen to me.. all i want you to do is leave me alone."

This time it was Danny who had a concerened look on his face and one hand on her back as he said. "Montana, is there something going on?"

Lindsay shook her head. As she heard Ryan speak once more. "Lindsay..your mine..and no one will take you from me..your mine..you always have been you always will be..and if i have to..i will come and get you."
:eek: NOOO! THIS IS SO AMAZING AND SO CRUEL AT THE SAME TIME!! That Ryan better get his ass kicked by Danny!! Go Messer go! *cheers for team Messer-Monroe* lol.

I totally love your writing!

Xx Mia-Sara xX
oh while i was waiting for a nice dinner and you just shocked me with the ending of this chapter :eek: i cant wait for the next one,and Danny so could kick his ass
thank you so much..um this one is just a filler..kinda to let you know whats going on..but the next chapter is sooooo freakin awsome.i scream..so just enjoy this one
Chapter 5
The story

Before Lindsay could speak another word the line went dead. Putting her phone back in her purse she turned to Danny, who was in full interagation mode. His arms crossed and his legs spread apart. If it hadn't been such an intense moment Lindsay would of laughed.

"Montana, you wanna tell me what happened?"

"No Danny, not really, ok can we just drop it and have a good time tonight?"

Danny gathered her in his arms. Its time, just do it. He thought. "No, not until you tell me whats going on, I..aw I cant believe Im saying this, I care about you Lindsay, and I want to know if your in danger."

Lindsay couldnt believe her ears. "You care....about me?" She asked stunned, Danny nodded hoping she would return the favor. She did.

"Bout damn time you admited that.. Danny I care about you to, but there is nothing going on." She gulped. I hope there is nothing going on.

"Then will you tell me who that was?" Danny asked escorting her out of the building, and into his car.

Lindsay looked over at Danny, his blue eyes swimming with questions.

"Danny...its .."

"Lindsay." It was awkward saying her first name but he did, as he lifted her chin with his finger. She was close to tears, for her eyes were watery.

"Danny...his name is Ryan Zachary, we met in college and we instantly hit it off ." Tears fell down her face as Danny sat there. "Then when I went to the Crime Lab, we were still dating, i thought everything was going fine. But then i soon lost intrest in him. We just didnt have that spark anymore. ya know? So when he proposed to me, I didnt want to have a life with someone that i didnt love, so i turned him down. That was a mistake." She stopped and took in a breath. "Later that night, he attacked me, pinned me agianst the wall and did so many horrible things to me." She was sobbing now, as Danny reached over and took her hand.

"Lindsay, Im so sorry." He said

She looked up at him. Sniffed and went on." He put me in the hospital for the longest time, he beat me so badly that they didnt know if i was gonna make it, the doctors were really suprised when i woke up."

Danny was now devoloping tears in his eyes. Oh no dont let her see you cry, stay strong for her. He thought to himself. "Linds how bout we not go out tonight?" He asked

She sniffled and wipped the tears away from her face. "No Danny, im not gonna let this guy ruin 'our' night, i wont. And you wont either, now drive. We are gonna have the best night."


Chapter 6
The Date&aftermath

The date was the greatest night of both of there lives. They talked about everything from football to work to animals, they even had a heated conversation on walrus'. The night finally ended at Lindsays' door.

"Danny I had the best time tonight." Lindsay said standing across from Danny at her door.

"So how is this gonna end?" Danny asked implying about the goodnight kiss.

"Well, for one we could have another, date, and for two, i think we could have a goodnight kiss,i mean you know...if ..its ok..of course."

Danny stepped toward Lindsay. "I was wondering when you would say it was ok."

As they shared a passoniate kiss Danny released Lindsay and let her go into her apartment. He stood at her door just looking at it for a few more seconds before he turned to walk in to the elevator. On his way he passed a tall dark haired man, the man looked like a cowboy, and that made Danny smile to himself. The man reminded him of Lindsay. So Danny got in the elevator and went on his way, knowing now that with Lindsay in his life, he was a changed man.

It had only been seconds since Danny allowed Lindsay into her apartment, She was still in shock about the entire night, she felt like the sixteen year old girl in love that she once was. Just then she heard a knock at the door. Smiling as she opened it she said.

"Danny, you want more of that kiss?"

As the door opened, Lindsay gasped, for it wasnt Danny standing at her door, it was Ryan.

"Lindsay....who is Danny?! Are you cheating on me?BITCH!" He screamed as he stumbled into Lindsays apartment. Lindsay was backing away to her kitchen table where she thought her gun was. But when she didnt feel it, she remembered it was on her night stand.

Ryan closed the door, behind him and as Lindsay was backing away from him.

"Ryan....just leave..I dont wanna see you here." Lindsay said quietly.

"Lindsay, you are mine, and when i find this 'Danny' guy, im gonna kill him." Ryan said with his finger in lindsays face.

"Dont you dare hurt Danny, you understand me Ryan, and I am not 'yours' ...you...you dont own me..im not scared of you anymore." Lindsay said shaking.

Ryans face boiled with anger, his temples were popping out of his head. He brought his hand up and slapped Lindsay across the face, the impact was so hard it split her lip open.

"You slut, your cheating on me."

Lindsay touched her lip and saw blood. She stood her ground firmly. She was thinking in about three seconds she was going to make a mad dash to her bedroom and grab her gun and shoot this asswhole, so she counted down in her head. Three, two,..........one.

She ran to her room, Ryan noticing her dash ran after her, he grabbed her right outside her bedroom door. When he looked in and saw what she was going after he punched her in the eye, threw her on the ground and walked over to her night stand, picked up the gun and put it in his pocket, walked over to Lindsay, who was still on the floor feeling her eye and kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to coil into the fetal position.

"You Bitch, you were gonna kill me, werent you, how could you. I love you Lindsay."

"What....are you...gonna do ...with ..my .....my gun? Just...just put it back..please." Lindsay was struggling with her words. As Ryan knelt down beside her.

"No, i have a use for it..but later." His breath smelled of whiskey, and vomit. Lindsay was gagging at the smell.

Ryan grabbed Lindsay by the hair and dragged her into her bathroom. All the while he was mumbling something about not wanting to make her living room messy, and they will never sell her apartment if its all red. Lindsay wasnt listning she was thinking of a sceme to get away. Should she crawl away to the phone and call Danny, or Mac, or Stella. She didnt care who she called as long as she got away from this mad man.

Ryan threw Lindsay on the floor, she was begining to cry, this brought back so many memories of that first night that she didnt want to remember. She closed her eyes and heard Ryan leave the bathroom. Now is the time. She thought. Make a run for it, just do it now..go and call someone. She opened her eyes and crawled to the door. She managed to get into the hallway and looked around, she didnt see Ryan anywhere. She stood on her feet and ran toward the living room. A sudden knock on the back of her head forced her to fall and she collapsed on the ground. While Ryan stood over her with Lindsay baseball bat that she had gotten from her first Yankees game. He stood over her watching a blood pool surround her.

"Im not done with you Lindsay." He said throwing the bat down beside her table.

"Its just begun with me and you."

It's seems bad for Lindsay. I was thinking she should have broken a window and Danny not being to far would have heard it and saved her. But that's just me.