Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

Name: Aiden Burn
Profession: Unknown
Current location: Danny's bedroom
Current activity: Using robospanker
Favourite location: Danny's bedroom, Danny's kitchen counter, Danny's verandah, Danny's living room couch, Danny's shower...
Favourite activity: [censored by the PG-13-O-Metre]
Number of times favourite activity has occured to date: Many
Frequency of favourite activity: Very, very often :devil:

...does that answer your question?
And no, getting on my bad side is never a good idea. I have a bow and a quiver of 6 arrows. I can also hit a bullseye at 18 metres. *twangs bowstring menacingly*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

After she leaves this place shakes up! So many possibilities nows. Althought all of them mean the samething, [PG-13-o-meter]
Yeah, probrably. Couldn't take the weight after a while and cracked. Either that or they decided to keep that table clean so they can eat without thinking of anything people shouldn't be thinking about when eating. :devil:
the kitchen table got to be a pain in the ass... literally... and they had a hard time explaining to Danny's parents why there were such strange marks on it. :lol:

Post Edited at Poster's request - forensicsgirl
the kitchen table got to be a pain in the ass... literally... and they had a hard time explaining to Danny's parents why there were such strange marks on it. :lol:
LOL..or why it wobbled so much

And the ff.net thing, there are a ton of writers on there whose first language isn't English.
..We don't want a ship war again :)
Also: "He Confused Her" (wouldn't take much :p ) the summary reads "two differen't lives crash together..." Why is there an apostrophe in "different"? GUH!

I'm sorry if my fanfic doesn't please you because I find this very very very very rude and immature.

I will be taking this to forensicsgirl in the neartime future because I believe that a responsible and intelligent shipper wouldn't go to that extreme to defend their ship.

Jealousy is a b*tch, isn't it?

Oh, and next time why don't you say this to my face? Therefore, you won't make a fool of yourself. ;)
Alright, this has been brought to my attention via several complaints and I'm addressing it before it gets out of hand.

Shipping is supposed to be a fun thing that we do in our spare time - its based on personal preference and viewpoint. Everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint. What they are NOT entitled to is to make fun of or childishly belittle another persons viewpoint.

The comments made regarding another ship's fanfictions were completely unnecessary and childish. I personally find it upsetting that posters feel the need to belittle fanfiction writers or other ships in this way. All this does is stir up bad feeling and make the perpetrator look petty.

In our guidelines for this forum, lament and I requested that shippers treat other ships the way they would like their own to be treated. This has certainly not been happening of late. If you can not talk about other ships in a respectful manner, then I am requesting that you avoid talking about them at all. Focus your discussion on your own ship, and avoid petty, off-topic discussions.
Sorry, guys, it wasn't meant as something to be taken seriously. I understand I've trodden on some toes here, and I apologise. I have a bit of an issue with putting my foot in my mouth, and I'm sorry I overstepped the boundaries on that one. The last thing I want is another ship war, and I wasn't intending to hurt any feelings by posting those completely unnecessary comments; I've gotten more than a bit picky grammar-wise since I started taking the Writer's Craft course and it's out of line. My sincerest apologies to anybody whom I've insulted, albeit unintentionally.

<eta> Thanks for removing that, forensicsgirl.
*waves hand* Present.


eta: everybody head on over to ff.net and check out my sister's fic, A Haunting Past. I quite like it. Not that I'm biased in any way :p
i liked the fic. sorry i'm not around. its thanksgiving andive been sick damnturkey. i've got one word for this entire thread that i hope everyone will understand is not directed toward danny. or aiden, or yall for that matter. but it is directed to a um...other person which we all have seen and um...had shoved down our throats.
peace :)
Oh yeah, happy thanksgivin' everybody! forgot about that. heh, our turkey day has come and gone months ago... still can't believe what a fuss is made about it in the US compared to us Canucks. We're like "hey... turkey." and that's about it. Oh, and we also like the stuffing :) in my house anyway. I swear I'm gonna end up living on that stuff when i get to university. It'll be like hey Kate, what's for dinner? And I'll have a mouth full of stuffing and be like "MMphshtuffin'!"

Back on topic.

I haven't watched CSI:NY in about four weeks. Anything noteworthy I should know?