Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

My sis just uploaded a new chapter... and I'm going to bother her until there's a third as well, lol. Remote control princess just wrote two the other day. We're keeping a steady flow, so hooray!

yay! pg seven...oh DnA, i swear it will happen one day, when vanessa comes back, it will happen.
So i was watching the 1st season and realized that danny and aiden have so much chemistry that i've become a carmine/vanessa shipper...oh god
yeahp kate i love ur sisters fic, its on my favs and alerts. peace
Now that Aiden is gone I find it hard to write something decent about them. Although I'll never forget the scene with the robospanker. That will stay buried in my mind forever heh heh.
yes Hush!! the best episode EVER. *wallows in memories*

<eta> just got an AIM accnt, I'm awesomepossum473 if anyone wants to add me kthnx
Hey what's up? Now, I'm not a DnA shipper anymore *ducks stones thrown by DnA shippers* but I noticed that this thread has been pretty quiet lately. Don't tell me that you're gonna leave your ship like this. Even with Aiden gone, you still have fan fic. Go write. :lol: When Aiden left, my Flack/Aiden heart was crushed but there's always fan fic.
I'm still a supporter. Not as much as I used to be, but I still am. I just haven't posted much cause I've been avoiding the net lately and I haven't had all that much to say.

But I rewatched Hush just a few days ago. I discovered the tape hadn't been hijacked as I thought it had and it's now safely locked away in my room. That was some episode.
They're replaying Hush for all us Canadians on CTV, December 15th

I haven't been on the net for a while either but I still love DnA
same...DnA love forever...i still squee when i see hush. i have finals and cant be on the net that much though...
I'm sad that she left, guys, but it's even sadder to just leave everybody like this! I still heart my DnA... remember the lick/pout? How could you guys give up on something as sexy as that??