Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

hahaha yeah but if she like, started goin out with lilly i think hed freak and like, totallly be ALL over her ALL the time until he kissed her. like, in the locker room or somethin!
Ooh! I like that scenario. Or he'd always be like, "Are you okay? Is he treating you okay? Do you want me to kick his ass?" until it drove Aiden crazy, then she'd finally snap "GODDAMMIT WHY are you so concerned?" And he'd pout a little, and be all "Because... because I don't want you to get hurt. A broken heart hurts like a bitch."
And she'd be all, "what are you talking about?"
And he'd go, "You, Aiden."
And she'd say, "what?" all confused-like
And he'd be like, "Never mind" and walk away.
Then there'd be this tense moment.
Then Danny would start to walk away really slowly, then faster.
Then Aiden would be like, "Wait!!"
And Danny would stop and turn around all angsty
And Aiden would run up and kiss him and be like, "Yeah, a broken heart's a bitch. Remind me to send Omar a card."

EE! <3
^^that'd definately be what is going on.

but itd be awesome to see her going out with another guy and then hacing danny be really pissy and then see the UST build up slowly and then he like kisses her spontaneously and it exploding, ya know?

KATE, your scenario definately rocked. PERFECTION!

^^that'd definately be what is going on.

but itd be awesome to see her going out with another guy and then hacing danny be really pissy and then see the UST build up slowly and then he like kisses her spontaneously and it exploding, ya know?

KATE, your scenario definately rocked. PERFECTION!


Suddenly I thought of 'Moulin Rouge' lol. That movie rocks.
But I'll go with the Danny/Aiden dating thing. Danny with a girlfriend? Aiden with a boyfriend? It should fit very nicely.
but itd be awesome to see her going out with another guy and then hacing danny be really pissy and then see the UST build up slowly and then he like kisses her spontaneously and it exploding, ya know?

Sounds like another fanfic idea appearing there.
I wish I had the new season already. By my guesses it should get to me in about 4 months, when I start school again next year! *sigh* I'm always complaining about that.
Now I'm gonna go do some Bio studying for a retest, which I hope involves DnA/DNA somehow.
yeahp...anytakers? i need some fanfics and i like, dont have AnY time to write anything, except for my blogs. speaking of, i found something hilarious. and it totally fits me! http://www.livejournal.com/users/thebuckley09/
its my LJ but the first new post is about...well, all of us!

Anyway, there have been fic updates! (not mine but CSI_greys)
My sister's writing a fic!! MUAHAHA and I'm editing it... and she's a freakily good writer for a 13 year old. Watch out for it on FF.net, it'll be up soon; her alias is Peeka. Boo? (but freak her out when reviewing and call her by her real name... Alex. Also don't tell her I told you. Shh.)

Wow I have nothing to do... just auditioned for our school's production of Grease, and hope to be breaking some stereotypes by being the first (to my knowledge) half-chinese Sandy. Awesome!!! that would rock. Unfortunately that audition took till 8 o'clock, which means I've been in school today for TWELVE STRAIGHT HOURS. bleah. Lol, I really can't say much about that with you around though, miss Boarding School Cat. Lol I read your entire blog... nooo, I'm not a stalker... :rolleyes: I couldn't help it, the colours were so pretty... (and I am in love with DDR too :p)
Um, I suppose I should get back on topic. Uhm, righteo... What do you figure are the chances that Danny will ever mention Aiden again? (You know if anyone will, it'll be Danny.)
What do you figure are the chances that Danny will ever mention Aiden again? (You know if anyone will, it'll be Danny.)

HE BETTER!! maybe he did, and threw such a bitchfit that it couldnt be shown on TV. i hope he slips in a "Ugh i wish aiden was here" or like, ditches teh EVIL ONE to go chill with Aiden. prolly will.

Kate, i know you're not a stalker lol. im glad you read it. it's lonely. but i slip in teh DnA love a coupla times! comment....por favor. good luck w/ auditions!

Cat ;)
Thankee! Oof, cast list up by Friday! Can't wait!
Wow, I could not imagine going to boarding school. Though I'm going to uni next year, so i guess i'd better get used to the idea lol.

I would love it if Danny randomly ditched the lab and forced THE EVIL DEVIL SPAWN to take his case load, then went and chilled with Aiden.