Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

Hey guys, while putting together all the sales displays at work (my weekend job is at Virgin Megastore) I was setting up a CSI display and had a look at the CSI New York dvd cover - I thought of you guys when I noticed that they placed Danny and Aiden together on the cover. I kinda squeeeeed and said to one of my friends 'Awwww, DNA love' - but they just kinda looked at me funny and backed away... Just wanted to share the love ;)
forensicsgirl, i must say that i like the UK version more! haha...thanks for that.
i love our ship.
yeah. they totally are. that pic used to be my icon. it said "more than just partners"

well, they are. and it totally looks like Danny's touchin her butt! lol


is this icon ok? these scenes were right by eachother and it looked like they were puckered up haha.

kate, all i say is id love to be aid in that pic!

ok, so i read in an article that had Vanessa stayed on the show, tptb wouldve given her a boyfriend, but they didnt disclose who it was gonna be.

So, how do you think danny would react if it wasnt him?
