Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

it says "shes icky. im about to fix it...
haha kate be better soon!
woah you changed it completely... ship and everything! dude.

your icon is cute... doesn't look like her, though. weird. then again, i forgot my glasses today so I can't see very much right now.
haha its not aiden its lindsay and danny's all *ewww* adn lookin sad n thoughtful. so now i changee it so u could read the words better. YAY.
doesn't look like lindsay either... hmm, interesting, being awake at 12:30 after going a whole day without glasses CAN ruin your eyes! great. Ha, love that he's all *bleaaagh* when she's all smiley. hee hee. :D
hahah...I didn't even notice that was Lindsey..

oooh more DnA ficcies that makes me happy..and as I was just typing this 'Follow Through' came on the radio... *sqee*
Gosh I just read the DL fic!!! Don't ask me why I did that, just be assured that I stay true to DnA.
Not much DL action I must say... Theres a tiny bit of DnA, but the author said 'in a good friends way'...
AW.. I just watched the 'follow through' vid... Bwaahahaha... Now, I'm listening to 'kissing you'... DUDE, I'm all sad now :( *sniff* "watching stars w/out you" *TEAR*... *mopes off to dark little corner*
*sobs quietly*

HOWEVER, i have gotten a promise from Anti Darth Ani that she's still working on chap 10 of When It Rains in New York. And, CSI Grey has started a sequel to Fear, Jealousy, Obsession and Pain... wo0t!
I noticed that Danny feels most comfortable around Aiden. When he works with others it seems like he's putting up a front or that he just doesn't wanna be himself. Aiden brings out the best in Danny, a side that he just doesn't want to reveal around others. It's sweet how he puts his trust in her.
yeah, you're totally right. he can be himself, and loose and funny when hes around aid (OMG THE UST!!!) but when hes like, around Mac he stiffens up. same with lindsay. EW.

ayeah, and its the same for her! he brings out the best in her. like, she got him to do the psych eval. oh, i love my ship


PS i want both those fics to be updated!!
I know! WIRINY's last update was what, August? Ah well, I asked politely so hopefully it'll be up soon. :D Politeness, the Canadian "best policy."
^^Yup, Danny and Aiden bring out the best in one another. Sometimes I wonder if Danny would ever crack if Aiden wasn't around to support him. Great commuincation is key in a relationship and it seems that Danny and Aiden excel at that.