Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

Yay! an excellent addition to the DnA SW fics! ...which now total two. lol.

<eta><holy peas> I GOT THE DVDS!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! my mum got em for me coz she's going away to Greece for a week... so my sis n i got the DVDS to compensate for babysittin the lil one! WOO HOO!

although this means I now have to find an x-mas pressie for my sister... ¬¬"
I'm getting jealous again of all of you with your DVDs.

Yay for two fics! I'm going off to read them now. More DnA is exactly the cure for me being sick.

GO DnA!!!! I luv fannon
yeppers, thats me and my rediculous obsession with horses haha.
Thank all y'all for y'alls reviews. yall rock!

Ok, so i found a couple of songs that TOTALLY remind me of DnA...especially one called "Swing Life Away" by Rise Against because they both have major emotional issues and dont get paid that much. "Are we getting closer or we just getting more lost?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours first
Let's compare scars I'll tell you who's is worse...
We live on front porches and swing life away,
we get by just fine on minimum wage"

i LOVE it. im posting the lyrics in the DnA Songs forum.

another is called "come pick me up" by Ryan Adams. its awesome because like, danny got all jealous when aiden would flirt with chad and lilly. and in the song hes all "Screw all my friends
They're all full of shit
With a smile on your face
And then do it again
I wish you would"

aw! i can never find any appropriate song lyrics. poo.

<eta> *VIOLENT TWITCHING* th--- ththththth-- I can't bring myself to type it...

THERE is a "DL" *shudder* *retch puke dryheave* fic on f-f-f-f-f-fffffanfic.net!!! *gross puke barf blech heave upchuck vomit*

oh shit, i'm all shaky and pale now... and it's past midnight, hm, i should get to bed. But i really don't wanna! i'll have nightmares now!!! :( *sob*
i don't think DL is actually all that bad....i guess i'm still kind of mad that "ferlito"[/annoyed tone] :rolleyes: had such an attitude about leaving. i'll get over it. DnA had WAY better banter. gahhhh! why ferlito? why!
I saw a DL fic not that long ago. I didn't think it was that bad, but that was pretty much only cause Danny didn't really like her all that much in it.
I need to do some more writing for DnA. I just don't have any ideas. I need to do some thinking on this.
soph use my line "Danny, your better than the system." & tie it into Tanglewood Redux which has Aiden involved somehow... or something.... hmmmm... or not....

"ferlito"[/annoyed tone]

HAHAHAHA... me tooooooo :lol:

i'm all shaky and pale now

C'mon keep yer heads up me mateys...

'sides if you ship her w/Hawkes we'll all be hella cool, right? right? :D

*Yoda voice* Worry, defeat, the best of you it will get. Beware of the dark side, seduce you it will if careful you are not in the shipper world. Strong the force is in DnA, keep it we must or forever to the dark side we will succumb.*end*
aw! i can never find any appropriate song lyrics. poo.

<eta> *VIOLENT TWITCHING* th--- ththththth-- I can't bring myself to type it...

THERE is a "DL" *shudder* *retch puke dryheave* fic on f-f-f-f-f-fffffanfic.net!!! *gross puke barf blech heave upchuck vomit*

oh shit, i'm all shaky and pale now... and it's past midnight, hm, i should get to bed. But i really don't wanna! i'll have nightmares now!!! :( *sob*

Whats 'DL'? :confused:
Danny and Lindsay. i feel yall's pain, but i'm totally attempting to shuit up about it. it's hard.
Kate, breathe in. there's another DnA ficcie on FF.net. go read, and stop crying. :) there, there.
I'm sorry too. look at my new banner! i was pissed today so i made it. MWAHAHA