Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

I say Layout *thinks dirty thoughts*... see, still in the gutter...

Arr! Where be me matey's aboard this here ship? 'Tis been 'nigh a fortnight since me piratey talk ensued...

*peels a banana for monkey* & *twiddles thumbs* *whistles*
hehe I thought that said Mary Kate hehe...ooh I be blind :D

Layout room..I bet they'd have some fun on the the light-up table
Fer certain Kate be 'th fic cap'n round these parts... *ahem* other than that I have nuthin' else to say... 'cept: AIDEN COME BACK!!!! *ahem* M'kay I'm done now :D.. I mean ARRRR!!
Aww! I'm the fic captain? *blushies* Okay, now THERE'S a worthwhile cause!! What's the list so far? Layout room, Mac's office, locker room, morgue? Somewhere else with glass walls, AV room, interrogation room, suspect holding... Y'know, there's a thread like this at the Smarties (WaT) site called "anywhere but the bed"... sounds like what this is shaping up to be and I LIKE it!! :devil:

(And on a WaT side note, there's a kid at my school named Sam Martin. I kid you not.)

Happy birthday, Cat! Hope it's a good one.
i vote for kate!! haha means u have to write a DnA ficcie. *cracks whip* now!!
oooh i think im writing a DnA song lol!
i love how Dannys first line in the show ever is about Aiden! *squees*
why thank you. :D
im inviting danny n aid to my party. ideal hookup spot, dontcha know! haha...i LOVE it.
have some cake, its got twizzzlers bits in it!
Hi. I have posted in the last 3 DnA threads (well, not that much) but I guess this is my first time posting here. Originally, I'm not a DnA supporter (I even tried disliking it) but this ship is starting to grow on me (thanks to my many readings at fanfiction.net) so I thought: What the heck; if I can't ignore them, guess I'll just join them. So there you go; the short story on how you DnAers got another fellow DnA. LOL apart from that I'm also a Flack/Aiden supporter.
YAY! new DnA!

Okay, I am far too old to be trick-or-treating, but my brother dressed up as one of the Blues Brothers and insisted I come as the other... so I did... and ended up getting candy anyways :D and I was so thrilled coz I got two of those mini packs of twizzlers and it totally made my day.
haha halloween is everything its cracked up to be. i was stuck in the dallas airport for 10 hours before i got on a flight, so i didnt get to trick or treaT! i am REALLY old to be trick or treating though
Kate, what happened to the aiden costume? you shouldve gotten your boyfriend to dress up as danny! and have you updated ur fic?
Doreen. its nice to see you back on the DnA shiny happy side of the force! we love our ship...once a DnAer always a DnAer haha...

i'm gonna post my DnA ficcie tonite. i'm just makng it longer...soo...hard haha. peace, love DnA
haha halloween is everything its cracked up to be. i was stuck in the dallas airport for 10 hours before i got on a flight, so i didnt get to trick or treaT! i am REALLY old to be trick or treating though
Kate, what happened to the aiden costume? you shouldve gotten your boyfriend to dress up as danny! and have you updated ur fic?
Doreen. its nice to see you back on the DnA shiny happy side of the force! we love our ship...once a DnAer always a DnAer haha...

i'm gonna post my DnA ficcie tonite. i'm just makng it longer...soo...hard haha. peace, love DnA

LOL thanks. Actually, I'm a multi-shipper. :lol: