
bobo said:
No big deal, Charly ! just one year to wait :lol:

:lol: Yes ! But there's the vuelta; Tour of Spain, the World Championship.
I just learned that Levi Leipheimer is In Discovery Channel team! :)
Ok, thanks...
It's sad to say that but, I still admire those guys, I don't care of doping cases, I love cycling.
The directions of the different races are asking too much when you see the stages of tour de france... it's crazy ! you can't believe that a human being does that...
Maybe some of you are gonna be mad at me for that but I really love those guys.
It looks that it was Floyd Landis who tested positive for high testosterone in Morzine's stage. :eek:
It can't continue this way,I mean,a guy can't be celebrating the victory one day and weeks later,ooppps you haven't won 'cause you tested positive...I can't imagine that happening in the football wc for example but it happened last year with Roberto Heras in La Vuelta a España...
If the great tours are so hard that riders have to take something,well,make them softer,if it can't be 3 weeks,let it be 2 or 1...
But I don't want cyclists risking their lives taking drugs.
I'm not happy about this,even if it means that Pereiro won the tour and Sastre was 3º.I wanted Pereiro to win but not this way.
I can't believe that. It's so disappointing if it's true. I can understand why he would want to take drugs with his hip and everything but I don't know why he would take that risk. I mean, it's not like anybody would blame him for doing badly considering he's got to have a hip replacement.

I hope it turns out not to be true cos I really wanted Landis to win cos he was kinda the underdog and brits are always behind the underdog. :lol:

It seems you can never have a big sporting event without claims of drug taking. It's a bad example to set and it overshadows all the amazing things that were achieved.
i'm so disappointed, but even if the TDf victory is taken from him, i don't think Pereiro will be happy of that, I mean, it's too late. That's like he doesn't deserve this victory you know what I mean ? I don't think he's gonna feel like he has won...

The sponsors pressure is to high, the difficulty is too high... and nobody does anything... so they keep taking drugs to stay in the race...
^And die to heartattack like Florence Griffith Joyner.

I don't think is it really worth it if you are at risk to die before you turn 40. It's just one stage in your life.
It's sad.
^^Yep,last year an italian cyclist called Galleti died in my region's tour as climbing a mild mountain pass where my driving teacher used to bring me to learn to drive with lot of bends.
Sad stuff,the guy was married,got a little child and his wife was expecting the 2º .

btw,Pereiro is very good friends with Landis and was very sad about all this.
we can quote a thousands of doping case driving to death : like Simpson who died on the bike on the Alpe D'huez,...
But, if you think to the "old" big champions of cycling like Indurain, Merckx, Anquetil, Lemond etc....
They were doping, and a lot more than today's champions, the fact is that there wasn't any control... but that's the truth.
Erm...,there were doping tests in Induráin time,hey,he won from 1990 to 1995,not in the '30 or the '20...

You know,the sad thing of all this is that this doping stuff is killing the cycling,here there's a big amount of cycling fans but the media attention has decreased dramatically the last years and I've heard that the German tv is thinking very seriously not airing TDF next year...
And I can understand that is very frustrating that Roberto Heras won la vuelta last year but he lost the title for doping,Basso won il giro but he couldn't be on le tour for being in an investigation about doping,now Landis...
Yeah, I know for Indurain but the tests weren't as good as now... But you know, I really loved this guy, I was a fan. I was saying that cause the media talked about him last year and several champions who were not as clean as we thought...

I'm always disappointed to hear on the news that someone cheated... But, I'm afraid to say that nobody's surprised, and that's what's sad.
We don't talk about the football players ... cause there's too much money around this sport...

Cycling is the most beautiful sport I know, but it's dirty because of cheaters... it's a vicious circle in fact...
We don't know if there's any rider "clean"...

I'm really sad for this sport...
And I don't know why, but I'm more angry against Ullrich and Basso than Landis... Maybe cause Ullrich and Basso were caught out of the race and wereb't smart enough to hide their """buisness"""...
I can understand your love for this sport, Charly . But when you said that Ullrich and Basso weren't smart enough to hide their business, I have to disagree with you ! Those who are trying to hide they're under drugs are the real cheaters ! they have been banned from The Tour and I'm happy cuz they are leaders in their sport and we're discovering that there is a big chance they cheated during all their career . Speaking of Landis, when I listen to his speech against dopage well ... I think he's taking us for idiots and I hate that ! and if he had to lose his Maillot Jaune and his victory in TDF, it will be a sad day for cycling .
But I can understand you're very disappointed ;)
I didn't mean that I like what Landis did.
I meant that he cheated during the race and Ullrich and Basso were caught out of race so I kinda "hate" them for that...
As you said that means we don't know exactly since when they're cheating...
I just wanted to say that Landis has been caught just one time. The others have a doctor etc... and I think that's worse...
But I don't apologise landis.

I have enough of all that doping crap. I'd like this sport to be clean...