
I love to ride my bike, I haven't done it in a while I go about 2-4 miles when I go
I ALMOST rode in the STP, Seattle to Portland bike race about 10 years ago, but didn't
I am tempted to start racing again.
I don't think the TDF is done,there's gonna be a fight between Landis (I've heard that he needs a hip replacement) and Menchov,even Kloden and we have Sastre there.
So we'll see what happens in the Alps,everything is open right now.
Pereiro is the new leader !!! :D
Sorry, I'm late in the discussion, as often :rolleyes: I do love cycling . I try to go at work everyday (but it's a little dangerous in Paris like in a lot of big cities because ot the traffic). But I don't like watching cycling on TV , except the TDF mountain's stages and the last one on the Champs-Elysées because they all want to win it and it's a great battle !
But this year, it's gonna be interesting without Amstrong ! for once, we gonna have suspens :)
I'm not sure there's gonna be a lot of suspens... Landis seems to be real good... i'm really disappointed by the other leaders... Hincapie, Leipheimer, Simoni... But I hope there's gonna be surprises and why not a french on the podium (Moreau !!!)

I'm lucky I'm going to tuesday stage in l'Alpe d'Huez and wednesday on la Toussuire, the 2 most important and tougher stages ! I'm so happyyyyyy !!
^^Have a great time and show us the pics !!!
There were lots of people in the famous 21 bends of Alpe d'Huez as always are and I saw flags from all around the world,even from my region.
Pereiro lost the maillot jaune for 10 seconds :( and the new leader is Landis.
Óscar Pereiro and Carlos Sastre did a great stage. :)
Great stage today ! poor bikers, I don't envy them under this heat . Hey, Charly, had a great day ? ;)
Mmm, just found this thread. My dad is really into watching the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, and such things like that. So I've grown up around watching them. It's quite amazing to watch sometimes, especially when they go into the mountain stages. *shudders*

He's also gotten me into actually biking myself, so it's pretty much just a thing that he and I do. We actually went up to Georgia a year or two ago to watch the Tour that they have there...It was raining horribly. v_v;;

Okay...I'm done now. ;)
WOW,great stage today !!!
Óscar Pereiro and Carlos Sastre were outstanding.
Pereiro is the maillot jaune again and Sastre was 2º in the stage and is 2º in the classification too. :D
I think the big prob for Pereiro now is Andreas Kloden that's much better against the clock.
Come on Pereiro and Sastre !!!

bobo said:
Great stage today ! poor bikers, I don't envy them under this heat . Hey, Charly, had a great day ? ;)

Hey ! The last two days were just amazing !!!!!! I saw lance armstrong (I was really glad) I had fun with a french retired cyclist and I took wonderfull pics !!!!

well, I'll give you the links to my pictures if you're still interrested :) !

I'm so happy for AG2R team (they are based in my city so I see them often!) especially cyril Dessel and Christophe Moreau !!!!

It was amazing !!!!!! we were 1 million in the 21 bends of Alpe d'Huez ! :eek: :lol:
Glad to know you enjoyed these two stages Charly :) and yes, give us the links to your pics !!!
Well yesterday I spent all my afternoon in front of my tv watching the Tour ;). What a great stage !

Our 'frenchies' did a great job :D.

Hey Frenchy, if you don't mind, I'd love to see your pics.

So you saw Lance has he been welcomed ? Has he been booed or anything ? Cause after what he said on the french football team....I guess he's no more appreciated in France. Actually he really disappointed me.