
Oh yes FrenchyCharly show us the pics !!! :D

I can't believe what Floyd Landis did today :eek: and how they let him get so much time.... :mad: :(
So Saturday's stage against the clock will be decisive,Landis and Kloden are better than Pereiro and Sastre against the clock....
Come on Pereiro and Sastre,you can do it !!!!
well, my pics are on my 'blog' so it's mixed with pics of me and my friends but you can see them here :

it's from page 7 to page 1, I reversed the order... :p
have fun !

They're not really great but... let me show you great french landscape !!!!!

Landis was unbelievable yesterday, he deserves the finale victory, but nothing's done yet !
Thanks for the pics, Charly ! maybe I'll go on the Champs-Elysées on sunday ! the last stage is my fav :D
Thanks, you liked it ?

yeah, I've been on the champs once, I loved when the riders did the tour of honnor. but, I prefer mountain stages and TT.
By the way, I go to the TT tomorrow ! I'm gonna take a lot of pics !
Nice pics FrenchyCharly !!! :D
If you go to tomorrow's stage,cheer a little bit Pereiro and Sastre in my name. ;)
They've got it very difficult tomorrow against Landis but hey the Tour only finishes on Paris' arrival.

And Bobo (it's difficult for me to call you that 'cause in Spanish bobo means silly,stupid),share with us your pics of the arrival if you go,ok?

T-Mobile have fired Ullrich.
I will Hormiga ! and call me Catherine if you want, it's my real firstname ;) (I'm glad to learn a new spanish word) :D
@ Charly: enjoy your TT , girl !
bobo said:
I will Hormiga ! and call me Catherine if you want, it's my real firstname ;) (I'm glad to learn a new spanish word) :D
@ Charly: enjoy your TT , girl !

thanks !! I will.

hormiga, don't worry I'm gonna cheer them !!! I'll take pics of them for you. ;) I hope my pics are gonna be better than the others !!!
Merci beaucoup Catherine et FrenchyCharly,vous êtes très sympa !!! :D

I'm going to be glued to the tv today,watching the stage and holding a chronometer !!! :lol:
Hey, you speak french ? muchas gracias for your kind words ;)
I think I gonna do the same , Hormiga (but without a chronometer) :D ! I love when there is a lot of suspens . Commentators said it's the first time for 20 years !
Well,congratulations to Floyd Landis,the guy deserves to win and he needs a hip replacement. :eek:
So we're gonna hear the USA anthem in Paris today for 8º time in a row.

I knew Landis was gonna take Pereiro's 1º place but I thought,that even being Kloden so good against the clock,Sastre will keep the 3º place. :(

I think many teams will be regretting now that they wouldn't have helped more Illes Balears to catch Landis in Morzine's stage,read Sastre's CSC,Kloden's T-Mobile,Evans' Lotto...

So the winner is Landis,that used to help Armstrong,2º Pereiro that came to the Tour to help Valverde,3º Kloden who was gonna help Ullrich,4º Sastre that was going to work for Basso...
I'm happy for Floyd Landis !!!
the TT was simply unbelievable for me :
1- I was there since 9AM untill 4pm...
2-they were really close to me
3-I saw Lance Armstrong ... so it was a wonderfull day for me !!!!

if you want to see the pics use the same link I've already posted...
Glad you enjoyed your day , Charly ;) I'm sorry, Hormiga, I wasn't on the Champs-Elysées for the last stage :(
You don't have anything to be sorry about Catherine. :)

Nice pics Frenchycharly,so you took a shirtless pic of your beloved Hincapie... :devil:
And that guy with the funny moustache,I'm pretty sure I watched a doc about him and how difficult it was to take care of the moustache.... :eek: :lol:
Hormiga said:
You don't have anything to be sorry about Catherine. :)

Nice pics Frenchycharly,so you took a shirtless pic of your beloved Hincapie... :devil:
And that guy with the funny moustache,I'm pretty sure I watched a doc about him and how difficult it was to take care of the moustache.... :eek: :lol:

This guy was really funny and nice.
And yeah, George was shirtless, the technician was replacing his radio. :rolleyes: :lol: I took almost 20 pics of him... :devil:
It was a wonderfull Tour de France ! I can't wait for the next one...