
Ok, I understand ! and I wanna see cycling cleaned and all the sports too because this isn't the only one to be touched by the dopage's problem .
yes, I've seen the "black list" of doping sports (europe) :
2.I don't know the exact words : the guys on the races of boats... i think the word is skipper (i was surprised to see that in second position. It must be to stay awake during the race)
I'll try to find the link to this list to prove I'm not lying ! lol)
lol, we believe you, Charly ! and I'm surprised too by the skippers' second position !
lol ! I didn't find the link... I'll search a second time later.

I don't know if anyone saw but there was the Vattenfall Cyclassics yesterday in hamburg won by Freire.
Frenchycharly said:
I don't know if anyone saw but there was the Vattenfall Cyclassics yesterday in hamburg won by Freire.
Yep,they needed the photo finish,yay for Óscar Freire,he's a great sprinter !!! :D

Landis is not the only one to test positive for testosterone lately,see Justin Gatlin.
Read here.
Yes, I've seen it. i'm happy for Freire, for once it's not the 'usuals sprinters" who win... and I kinda like this guy, he seems really nice. :)

i heard som doctors on tv, they said that in floyd landis case, something is really weird : the testosterone needs to be taken during 3 weeks to be really effective, if you take that the day before the race, it's useless. :confused:
The other controls of Landis were clean, so that's a mistery. :(
the human body can produce naturally testosterone, but not that much... :eek:

That's what i heard yesterday, I really don't know what to think about that... :confused:
I saw that ! another one . Sad . But atletism is one of the sports who is the more implicated in dopage's problems .
Yesterday, Jens Voigt won the third stage of Tour of Germany. I'm happy cause I really like this guy!
Discovery channel rider Gusev keeps the leader jersey !
The Landis' second analysis confirmed the first, today ! he lost the Tour de France and above all, his job ! I'm not sad for him but for cycling .
In fact, there isn't any winner in this tour de france, I mean, I heard Pereiro saying that tour de france is celebrated when you have the yellow jersey on the champs Elysées. Landis had this "luck" but now the victory is given to Pereiro (and I'm happy for that) but, I don't think there is a real winner in this tour.
I totally agree, Charly ! it's not a real victory .
We have to forget this one, hoping next year will see a real winner and no dopage problems !
Yes, I hope so, but tosay cycling is dirty because of doping problems but more especially the media... The most part of journalist don't know anything about cycling and you can see in the papers bad things about this sport (I'm not talking about special sport papers but tabloids etc.)

You know, even if what happens is terrible, I still believe in this soprt, which is for me, the most difficult and the most beautiful that I know. (and I'm a big sports fan)
I love bike riding- the wind blowing through my hair- try to go everyday weather permitting- I'm certainly no Lance Armstrong- but it's so exhirating ;) and so good for you-feel so energetic when I'm done- also love swimming ;)
I love bike riding too ! I'm feeling free and alone (even if it's in city) :rolleyes: but when I can, I go in forest or mountain and it's heaven ! the nature, the birds *sighs*
Yeah, I went riding this morning, I was alone among the cows, horses, I even saw a fox. I love that. I came back home compeletely tired but I was happy...

One thing that I love about cycling races is that it's totally FREE ! you don't pay to admire and support those uncredible athletes. That's the only free sport.