
Giro d'Italia 2006.
1-Ivan Basso (Italy).
2-José Enrique Gutiérrez (Spain).
3-Gilberto Simoni (Italy).

Hi everyone, saturday the Tour de France is beginning, who do you think is gonna win ??

me, I'd say Ivan Basso but Ian Ullrich is gonna be tough to beat and there's Alejandro valverde who's a real good cyclist and my favorite George Hincapie!... Then in the top 10 : Francisco Mancebo, christophe moreau (i hope !) ...
I thought this year's Tour de France will be very interesting and open without Lance Armstrong but then all that dopping stuff again...
Two Spanish teams have been excluded and this weekend the Spanish cyclists refused to do the Spanish Championship...
So I'm losing my interest... :(
Who's gonna win this year ? Basso, Ullrich and Vinokourov are my fav' for the TDF 2006.
I'll support Ullrich

It's kinda weird to say Armstrong won't be on the roads this summer, I was so used to seeing him .
So whose turn is it ? :D
Vino won't be on the TDF this year beacause of the Doping case Liberty seguros. the team won't take part to the tour this yea (i just heard that on tv)

I really admired Armstrong, great champion, but now it's time to a new tour !!
The dopping case in Spain is growing bigger,there are more than 50 cyclists involved:Ullrich,Basso,Hamilton,Sevilla,Beloki,Mancebo,Heras.....
T-Mobile doesn't let Ullrich and Sevilla go to the TDF and maybe the rest are going to be expelled...
Dunno who's going to be in this years' TDF with all those cyclists out... :(
I'm angry ... I really wanted to see Basso and ullrich fight and Mancebo is in the team of my town so I hoped to see him do something huge... i'm really sad...

But I really "love" Hincapie so I hope he's gonna do something great... And there's christophe Moreau too...

But I'm really disappointed...
yaaaaahou !
Hincapie had the yellow jersey today (not anymore but... I stille hope is gonna be in the top 3 of this tour)
and our frenchy Jimmy casper won the stage yesterday ! great day !

today Robbie Mc ewen victory and yellow jersey to Thor Hushovd !
Ouch,Alejandro Valverde fell down and broke his collar bone.
What a bad luck!!!
First all that doping stuff here and then our hope to win the TDF is out. :(
This TDF is jinxed.
yes I'm so sad for Valverde :-(. He's really unlucky, I heard he never won a big tour (Giro, Vuelta or Grande boucle)
I'm really pissed off but... that's the way it is...

fortunately Hincapie is still there. I really hope is gonna win this TDF.
I was wondering if the Tour de france is seen all over the world...
I guess that the past 7 years made it known in US. But is that seen in Australia etc...
Two sprints for Óscar Freire and yesterday Juan Miguel Mercado won,yay!!! :D
Today's a great stage in the Pyrenees with the Tourmalet,Aspin,Peyresourde,Portillon and the arrival in Spain,in Baqueira Beret.
Official TDF website.
wall, Floyd Landis has the jersey, as last 7 years, the tour is done... "My" poor George Hincapie has arrived 21 minutes after the first... I'm sad for him, he deserved a better place... Fortunately Christophe Moreau is 10th, that's great for french riders !!!
Well, finally, Tour De France will be slightly unpredictable now that Lance's reired. Time for new guys' reigns. But, we all know Lance's a legend now.