CSIs or the Actors Who Play Them?

It's a hard reality to grasp though - it's nice to just sit down and watch CSI without thinking about the actors and behind the scenes of the program (which I do quite a bit!). Did you ever watch 'The Real CSI'?
umm..this qustion is really hard...i would love to meet the CSI's in real life...but i would also love to meet the actors....but ima gonna have to choose the actors...cuz they play the parts just so well!! and also cuz i love George!
Tinkerbell said:
I would actually prefer to meet the CSI's. I don't know that actors at all, really. :lol: I think for me, it would be more fun to meet them in their characters. :)

I'd have to go with that too. I barely know anything about any of the people who play them (aside from their names and all the blah you can find in a terse bio). I would definately prefer to meet the characters, though they'd probably freak out when I saw something personal. ;) :lol:
well,...i'd like to meet them both...but i'd prefer the actors...you get to know so mucha bout the CSIs in the series, but nothing bout the actors and what they really are. i like to get to know people better, and i'd really like to get some of the actors better...wont tell you who now....hehe...:D
Oooh, such a close call! And it's reflected in the poll results, too.

I said the characters, though. This is assuming we're pretending they're "real" for the possibility of it, right?

Ideally I'd love to meet both, but I dunno...I guess meeting characters like that is so "once in a lifetime" (or never, if we're talking about reality, lol) so I'd have to grasp the chance.

Actors you can meet many-a-time.
I said I'd like to meet the characters before but now I kind of changed my mind because meeting the actors could actually happen and you could tell thaem how much of a fan you are and ask them questions, but if you met a character they'd be a bit freaked out and wonder why you are so obsessed with them because they are just doing their jobs.
1_LaDy_RoSe_1, you could say you want to go to forensics school and would like to ask them questions about their work.
Wow, that was a hard decision!! but I voted for CSIs - I love the characters! But don't get me wrong - meeting Billy Petersen would fulfill any dreams.. but I'm with 1_LaDy_RoSe_1, I'd probably end up embarassing myself :lol:
I don't even remember what I voted for because my mind keeps changing. I am so bad at making decisions.
the actors definately. but i know that meeting them wouldn't be meeting the characters they play and that obviously i'd be meeting someone different.