CSIs or the Actors Who Play Them?

I say actors. I really would like to sit down and just talk with Jorja or Eric about just stuff
Well, the most of the characters I like are played by actors I'd love to meet too, so it's a hard decision... For example, I like both Sara and Jorja, for differenmt reasons, so I'd like to meet them both, but if I had to choose it would be the characters.
If we meet the characters, we can ask them if they are fans of the television CSI shows and how accurate they think the shows are.
But imagine if you totally worship one of the characters and then you meet the actor and they are really arrogant and rude?!?! I'd be heartbroken :(
I have met a few celebrities over the years when working the front desk of hotels. Even they have a bad day once in awhile. Health problems, family problems, financial problems. Then, to have fans clawing at them for autographs, even they would get upset at times. Don't assume that they usually behave that way.
I would actually prefer to meet the CSI's. I don't know that actors at all, really. :lol: I think for me, it would be more fun to meet them in their characters. :)
I would probubly faint:p but yeah id wanna meet both..but..the characters would be awsome! *day dreams*
I'd love to meet the actors, especially Gary Sinise or David Caruso that would be so cool. It would be interesting to see how they are off set :)
Definitve the actors !!

Loving gladly I would meet times Carmine Giovinazzo, George Eads and Eddie Cahill. The CSI's and whose characters one knows meanwhile. In the series we love in such a way, as they were created. But But how they are in the reality ???

That would interest me uncommonly.

And would they please still in such a way and then ?
That is then naturally something else....
I've been watching the characters for years so it feels like I know them because you see into their personal lives and watch them working, but all I know of the actors is from a few interviews and their parts as other characters in different shows and stuff. Wouldn't it be fun to meet the actual characters in real life?!? :rolleyes:
Yeah it would be nice to get to know them properly I suppose, but I also stick with that it would be extremely disappointing if they turned out to be horrible - would kind of ruin their character for me
I don't think it would ruin their character for me, when I watched an interview on one of my dvds I think it was either Jorja or Gary who said that they could never be a csi in real life, and when I heard that I felt quite dissapointed. But I guess that we have to accept the reality that they could be (or probably are) the complete opposite of the character that they are playing :( :(