CSI: NY Wish List

PerfectAnomaly said:
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.
Would it help if it was a satire of a horror movie? She could be the girl in the horror movies that breaks a heel while running away.
Maybe Daniel Katums could be the guest appearance in the Halloween episode playing someone like... Freddie Kruger :devil: :devil: :lol:
I'd really, really like to see an episode where Danny shines. An episode where he does something that Mac can be really proud of, and finally puts him back on the promotion grid.

I mean, it's been two bloody years since the poor guy's been kicked off for that lack of judgement in 'On the Job'. Based on Season Two and Three, Danny's a lot better now..... or at least a leeetle better....

And, yes, indeed. Change his pictures during the credits already.

Sorry... Danny obsessed. :lol:
Nia said:
In "Blink" Mac said he use to stay with Clair in hospital and in S3 told Reed that her body was never found. Which one is it? I wish that they (the writers) stick to the story. :)
I always thought he meant he would sit with her at home and talk to her, like she would be lying on the couch or in bed, and he would sit or lay by her, talking to her?
Top41 said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
Adam and Danny geeking out over something while Flack snarks at them would be a good thing to see as well.

Would Flack dare to snark at Danny being geeky? I just think of the moment when he stifled his laugh when the trash bag hit Danny in the head. I don't think Flack wants to unleash the diva. :lol:

Oh come on, we all know sometimes Flack can't resist the temptation of unleashing Diva!Danny.
ka990 said:
mandy9578 said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.

I'll even help spring Daniel out of prison!!...and blab about Lindsay's location...Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? Any takers? :lol: :devil:

*Jumps up and down waving hands* Me, me, can I join you?! ;)

Hey KA... :) yes, definitely you can join me. Any suggestions on how we're going to go about it? Maybe we should ask Michael Scofield for tips. Mwahahaha! :lol: :devil:
Maybe the next t-shirts should be "Free Daniel Katums." :lol:
LOVE your wish list, but I'm co-signing with Mandy. I don't want to see Hawkes gettin' lovin' from anyone--unless it's moi. I'll play a corpse if necessary.
Hillicious said:
I don't want to see Hawkes gettin' lovin' from anyone--unless it's moi. I'll play a corpse if necessary.
But then...Hawkes would be...*brain breaks*

Hillicious, EWWW! Please play somebody with a pulse, I beg you!

As for killing Lindsay, maybe Daniel Katums can use a chainsaw. :devil: Nahhh, maybe not. I just want them to quit it with the D/L nonsense. I'm glad they won't be doing a will they/won't they but the spoilers seem to indicate that their "relationship" is going to be very open. Ugh, enough is enough.

Are Sid & Adam being added to the opening credits? That would be totally cool. I think the reason they never changed Carmine's picture is that it's just too perfect.
Faylinn said:
Hillicious said:
I don't want to see Hawkes gettin' lovin' from anyone--unless it's moi. I'll play a corpse if necessary.
But then...Hawkes would be...*brain breaks*


Errmmm... that would make Hawkes one of the criminals he's investigating ;)
Good guy gone bad......hmmmmmmmm....Didn't think about that (too busy trying to get some hanky panky in the script). Okay, give me a pulse so that I'll enjoy it. :D
I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.
She wants to act so tough most of the time, let her save herself.

Would Flack dare to snark at Danny being geeky? I just think of the moment when he stifled his laugh when the trash bag hit Danny in the head. I don't think Flack wants to unleash the diva.
Awwww.....Flack doesn't see any of the CSIs as being geeky. When he wanted to laugh at that trash bag hitting Danny, that look Danny gave him was enough for him to know to never make fun of Danny again.

Maybe the next t-shirts should be "Free Daniel Katums." :lol:
I want one, please. :D

My wish list:

~ see above about Lindsay or just let Danny decide he can't stand her and she can cry her ass all the way back to Montana. :devil: I really don't care as long as she leaves and I don't have to sit through Anna's crappy acting.
~ Let Danny and Flack live happily ever after....together. :p
~ Find Stella a boyfriend who's not crazy.
~ Hawkes needs some lovin'.
~ Bring Angell back for good. Also, let her come between Danny and Lindsay and drive them apart for good.