CSI: NY Wish List

There are a number of celeberties that might be interesting guest stars.
1.) Martha Stewart
2.) Dave Letterman
3) Chef Ramsey
4) Regis
5) Cast from one of the morning shows
6) Guliani
7) Hillary or Bill Clinton
:cool: Beverly Sills
9)Chita Riviera
10) Oprah Winfrey
11) Ellen Degeneres
12) The TAPS team

They could have a chase scene right during a Broadway Musical or a Ballet or the Opera. A murder could take place at the culinary school or during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
^^^ Macy's would be perfect for something to happen--i mean, thats another thing the show has been missing-something that makes it significantly NEW YORK...not just another city. Thats another thing to add to my list. =]

And your list of guest stars...lol i can see Oprah being interrogated by Flack and it makes me laugh :lol:

I'd also like to Michael Clarke Duncan back...his part was good in the ep he was in, but i would have liked to see more...
I'd also like to Michael Clarke Duncan back...his part was good in the ep he was in, but i would have liked to see more...
This thing you speak of, this continuity, interests me muchly.

;) Hehe. But yeah, that could be an interesting storyline, seeing that character come back and interact with Mac again. Maybe he comes to Mac about something because he was able to trust him the first time around...
Heh, I'd prefer it to come to light that the guy actually had been guilty!
I mean, IIRC, Mac didn't prove him innocent, just managed to throw up enough doubt on the evidence.
More character development for all the chracters

Mac - his marriage to Claire, his relationship with Reed, and I'd like to see that he has friends outside of the CSI lab - someone he and Claire were friends with maybe, or one of his old Marine buddies. Lots of casual clothes and/or lack of clothes :devil:

Stella- her past, her childhood.

Hawkes - his family, his past as an ER doc, and I'd like to see him in a relationship

Danny - LOUIE, his past/family (not necessairly the Tanglewood thing though)

Flack - his relationship with Daddy Flack, his relationship with Mac, his relationships with other cops/detectives. A relationship with Angell or Maka. More Action!Flack and casual clothes.

Adam - more scenes with him and Mac, his relationship with his father, he gets laid

Lindsay- I dunno. Anything that isn't her whining about her past and that isn't D/L. Something about her family, maybe. More scenes with her and Mac - I'm a M/L shipper, and I know tptb will probably never go that way, but I do like the scenes of them working together.
Ceindreadh said:
Heh, I'd prefer it to come to light that the guy actually had been guilty!
I mean, IIRC, Mac didn't prove him innocent, just managed to throw up enough doubt on the evidence.

Now that would be pretty interesting...Great for the story lines as well the continuity I've been hoping for...I was kind of wondering if Michael Clarke Duncan's character was really guilty...I would love to see Mac's reaction if he ever finds out that MCD's character was, in fact, guilty...Seeing Mac second-guessing himself would be a first. It would show that he too is human.
It would be interesting find out more about Mac's experience as a marine, since it would probably affect how he does his current job.
^ that would be interesting to see. In the episode Heroes, we did get to see him use some Marine moves on Danny, and of course in the season two finale he gets to use those Marine skills to save Flack and all that...those two episodes really brought more to his character's past...i'd love to see an ep when maybe one of this friends who he met in the Marines is accused of a crime, it would make for some good storytelling, methinks...

...and the Michael Clarke Duncan thing...i love the idea of Mac being wrong about him and having him actually be guilty...i really hope the writers glance at this thread every once in a while, because im starting to see the episodes play out in my head and im loving it :D
Sphinx said:
There are a number of celeberties that might be interesting guest stars.

:cool: Beverly Sills

Okay, considering the legendary Beverly Sills died in July of this year :(, I'm going to say no.
I am sorry. I didn't remember she had died. I was just trying to think of people who might be in New York. :eek:
Sphinx said:
I am sorry. I didn't remember she had died. I was just trying to think of people who might be in New York. :eek:

There is no need to apologize. I think that if Beverly Sills had been offered a CSI:NY cameo she would have done it. All of her interviews showed a woman with a lovely personality and a great sense of humor, after all she was a guest on The Muppet Show :D.
there is an addition to my wish list. I would love a shippers episode where there are a lot of people ripping off each others clothes. A gutter version of CSI:NY. It could be a New Year special. Nothing would say Happy New Year like a shirtless Mac. If you want proof just go to the Sinise thread.
^Oh, sorry, but please no. The show is getting soapy enough as it is. And Sinise's chest is on display in ep. 301. ;)