CSI: NY Wish List

yeh, they need more diversity with characters,although stella's greek/italian,so there's only a minute trace of it, but bringing dr.giles back would also help.
and also, yeh, cut the romance a bit, there's things other than that,which can be appealing to younger people, such as more gory,and graphic cases and also ,more background stories on stella,mac,hawkes,danny,lindsay, and i would like to see mac/stella as a romantic pairing, but not all soapy,though, it would ruin it.
Faylinn said:
Lorelai said:
Bring the blue collar people back to NY
I swear, I read the first part of this sentence as "Bring the lube" and had to do a double-take. :lol:

:devil: Whatever makes u happy! I wouldn't mind if Don & Danno need some of that to solve a case! :p

playing basketball
I mean really, they mentioned this in "Blink" and we have yet to get a scene? :p

I'll get depressed if I start a list of all of the beautiful scenes they owe us.
Definately more character diversity. Show us a caucasion person who isn't living the good life, show us an african person who's on his/her way up. Show us something other than white collar people in a white collar world! There are other types of people out there.
We definately need more Flack this season. I want to see his family, his legendary father, his relationships outside of work, his mentoring at the Y, anything! I want to see him in more that ten minutes of show. Oh! And bringing over from the Flack thread, I want to see him say something that completely astounds everyone. I want him to find the case solver, or know the crutial bit of information, and have all the CSIs be like "wow, that was really impressive!" Flack is such an incredible character that we need to see more of him.
The need to figure out what they're doing with Lindsay or get rid of her. She flits from personality to personality and seems to have been a character foil (albet a bad one) for Danny since Zoo York. She needs to be given a proper back story, a solid personality, and a character outside of 'Danny's love intrest'. As it has been said, she needs to be developed or dropped, now!
I definately want more Mac family. I want to know about how he's getting along with Reed. Are they becoming a family? Or do they have nothing except Claire in common? We need to know these things! We have a right to know!
I want Stella to have a relationship that doesn't end up with her almost dying/going to jail. She needs a good tough guy who can deal with her strong personality.
I want an episode to end with them (CSIs and Flack) enjoying a beer together at a resteraunt and being outside of work. Maybe Flack and Danny blowing off steam playing Basketball, or any combination of them at a resteraunt having coffee, anything that shows that they have lives! Is it too much to ask for the characters to have personal lives?
I want more of Lenkov's brilliance in writing. I want those juicy little scenes where someone has a valid reason for being shirtless. Please! We gave to the poster, give us some love!
That and they need to stop giving us 'glimpses' and 'hints' about future plot lines, and go back and finish the ones they've already given us.
Ok, watching "Not What it Looks Like" on CBS at the moment, and I thought of a few things I'd like to see next season:

1.) New clips in the title credits--Danny is still represented by two from season 1. Come on!

2.) More of Danny with dogs. :p

3.) More of Danny and Hawkes--I love those two together. Joking over the dog, the line about eating with Mama Messer in a later episode, the Coney Island case--seriously, MOAR PLZ! :lol:

4.) Adam is Mac's biggest fangirl. And I friggin' love it! :lol: Their scenes in "NWiLL" are awesome. I'm always looking forward to Adam's scenes anyway, but with Mac it's never boring. :lol: (But don't yell at the woobie, Mac! You did it once at the end of S3, don't do it again. *waggles finger*)

5.) Be realistic--at the end of "NWiLL", maybe someone should have worried about the hostage. You know, the one left taped up on the floor while we got treated *cough* to a slow motion, still-frame ending to the episode. Yeah, don't worry about the girl, she'll just lay there until the writers are done undermining Lindsay's big character moments. [/sarcasm]
Faylinn said:
5.) Be realistic--at the end of "NWiLL", maybe someone should have worried about the hostage. You know, the one left taped up on the floor while we got treated *cough* to a slow motion, still-frame ending to the episode. Yeah, don't worry about the girl, she'll just lay there until the writers are done undermining Lindsay's big character moments. [/sarcasm]

I think that episode should be renamed "The Beginning of the End."

Adam and Danny geeking out over something while Flack snarks at them would be a good thing to see as well.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Well, since this is a "wish" list, let's have it:

1) The return of Daniel Katums. His job isn't finished. Wasn't there one more victim hiding in the bathroom? :confused:

2) Danny and Flack exploring their 'friendship.'

3) Danny and Flack exploring each other.

4) Danny and Flack. Period.

Mrs G this post made my day! ;) :devil:

BTW, remind me who Daniel was and which episode he was in *can't remember*
ka990 said:
BTW, remind me who Daniel was and which episode he was in *can't remember*

That would be the guy who killed Lindsay's friends while she was in the bathroom.

My wish list would include more Adam! But I am hopeful that we will be getting that... :D
Elsie said:
ka990 said:
BTW, remind me who Daniel was and which episode he was in *can't remember*

That would be the guy who killed Lindsay's friends while she was in the bathroom.

My wish list would include more Adam! But I am hopeful that we will be getting that... :D

Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.
PerfectAnomaly said:
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.

I'll even help spring Daniel out of prison!!...and blab about Lindsay's location...Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? Any takers? :lol: :devil:
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

Only if he kills her in the end. Seriously, I do not want to see any more of Anna trying to act sad or scared or upset. She can do light humor, and that's about it. The writers need to stick to her strengths. However, if she dies in the end, I think I could endure it. :lol:

PerfectAnomaly said:
Adam and Danny geeking out over something while Flack snarks at them would be a good thing to see as well.

Would Flack dare to snark at Danny being geeky? I just think of the moment when he stifled his laugh when the trash bag hit Danny in the head. I don't think Flack wants to unleash the diva. :lol:

One more wish...

Adam as a regular!

Oh wait....

:D :D :D :D :D

Big thanks to the producers for that one! :D
mandy9578 said:
PerfectAnomaly said:
Sphinx said:
Maybe Daniel could break out of prison and come after Lindsay. It is an episode that both those for Lindsay and those against Lindsay could love. The pro Lindsay would have all that angst. Danny could save her for the Danny/Lindsay shippers. The people who can't stand Lindsay would probably love to see a killer after her.

I can't speak for all who dislike Lindsay. I do think it's safe to say most of Talk's posters who can't stand the character wouldn't want to see Danny, or anyone else, save her.

I'll even help spring Daniel out of prison!!...and blab about Lindsay's location...Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone? Any takers? :lol: :devil:

*Jumps up and down waving hands* Me, me, can I join you?! ;)