6.09 Spoilers from Fay:
Not much info, but we don't need much to know the premise of this one since it involves the "Compass Killer".
6.09 "Manhattanhenge":That's all. Sounds like a good episode, though - winding up a serial killer arc and Danny and Flack in the field together? Yes plz.
~ This seems to be the third (and final?) episode featuring Hollis Eckhart, the "Compass Killer" (played by Skeet Ulrich).
~ Danny and Flack are working together, out in the field. They have to run to catch up to a homeless guy, and afterwards Flack asks if Danny's alright - Danny points out that he outran Flack, but there isn't any more talk about it because he picks up his phone to call Mac (Flack does, however, give him a look).
~ Hollis Eckhart is apparently scarred up. He steals some rope from a hardware store and beats up the owner.
~ As mentioned in this CSI Files news article, the episode will include the New York State Pavilion.