it's kind of annoyingly predictable that any time there's a baby on a television show like this, that baby will inevitably be in danger.
^ exactly!! i'm trying to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the whole thing has been so predictable and "why?!:wtf:", it's kinda hard..... oh well, maybe i'll be pleasantly surprised................
exactly again. it's just so unsurprising and seems far too obvious. but we'll see....
the quickest and most efficient way to get mac and team's attention to do what he wants....... whatever that is....
to go and peruse warhols, apparently...
>>> ....*BLASPHEMY!!1!* :lol:er no, i don't i'm really not a fan of pizza generally, i'd never choose it over other things normally -
Kidding . Finding a good pizza joint has always been within the top ten things to do no matter where I've lived :lol: 'sokay iffen you're not into pizza. Cosmically, that leaves more for me .
good point! so i'll leave the pizza alone if you agree to leave the dim sum? (is that another song?!)
...Excellent :lol: (we could be on the road a lot. I come up with that sorta crap all the time :lol
so do i! we could be like spinal tap
Wow, Danny is dressing as badly as Lindsay these days. :lol: What's with the orange old man sweater?
Flack @ Danny's outfit: "*...o my goodness...*"
Flack is all sorts of worried about the sudden appearance of the Orange Sweater and the possible implications for the rest of Danno's closet :lol:
indeed, it really is quite nasty