Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire
^Thanks for the information. I’m glad Eddie Cahill is not leaving. It would be a significant loss for CSI: NY. He’s a talented actor, and I hope he will get a shot at lead role in a series at some point. For now, I’m happy Flack will still be around.
More on other stuff….
What I really hope is that none of this relationship stuff occurs Within The Main Roster of Characters. It makes the show far too insular and compromises too much of what makes the show function. Bring in part-time or recurring or cameo characters to dabble and expand on characters' personal lives.
I agree that having recurring characters or even guest stars interact with the regulars helps to expand the world in which they operate, especially if they come from outside the criminal justice system. That said, I understand why some of the more significant relationship storylines tend to happen between regular characters since they’re the ones the audience is most likely to be invested in. Also, I think recurring characters coming into an established series like this one have a significant challenge. Basically, they have to bring something new or distinctive to the table while at the same time, meshing well with existing cast (and not overshadowing or diminishing them), and that’s not always an easy task as seen with various characters like Haylen, Brandon, Gillian, Jordan, etc. (I’m actually a bit skeptical of how long Aubrey may last as well given her role as an ER doctor.)
In all honesty, I can't see why the show would go there when there's never been a hint of romance or romantic feelings on either Mac or Stella's part for the other.
That’s where some of the subjectivity and difference in opinion re: this ship (and really any others on the show) seems to come in, though. Some people see romance (or romantic potential) when two characters tease, banter, and flirt; others see it when they show specific care, concern, and affection for each other; and still others see it only when two characters share steamy looks and embraces. And the showrunners/writers probably know this and play to it to some degree. Personally, I think Mac and Stella’s relationship has been written relatively platonic so far, but I also think the writers (and actors) have been throwing in bits of ambiguity here and there to keep the options open and/or keep the audience guessing. Doesn’t mean they will eventually go there, but if they do, it’ll probably come down to whether it makes sense story-wise and they think it’ll help the show in its remaining years and even into syndication.
I have a sneaking suspicion Hawkes is not going to get a love interest this season, and that's disappointing. That could have generated some real heat!
Yes, I suspect Mac got Hawkes’ love interest storyline. But if the prison episode goes well, I think it can do far more for Hawkes as a character than a love interest could, so I’ll defer judgment at this point.
I don't think the fact that Peyton dumped him with just a letter means it couldn't be her -- so far, she's the only female other than Claire that we've actually seen Mac have strong romantic feelings for.
I don’t think the letter eliminates Peyton either, but it’s hard to believe that Mac would find it that difficult to choose between Peyton and Aubrey (assuming Aubrey is an interesting, attractive character) given the way the relationship ended. Of course, we could find out that Mac has secretly been pining for Peyton for the last three years

. From a practical standpoint, I can’t see them bringing another known actress on with recurring status just to set up a triangle for Mac, and I wouldn’t think Claire Forlani would be interested in that type of role given her movie career. But I guess it’s possible they could bring her in for a limited appearance just so Mac can choose Aubrey and have her be more acceptable to the audience.
Unfortunately, with the snippet about a triangle, I think NY is looking for melodrama.
Well, with Danny and Lindsay moving into a stable marital situation and Flack/Angell no more, they probably feel the need to have another developing romance on the show to fill the romance side of the formula. And having Mac get a love interest for the third or fourth time probably is not considered enough to maintain interest, so the “triangle” scenario is a way of adding some drama. I’m still skeptical that this will be a big deal, however. There are several ways to handle this storyline and still keep it relatively low key, and I’ll be curious to see how this (whatever it is) really unfolds.
Given early comments by the producers a character I'm also thinking should get some sort of attention (and not necessarily in the vein of romance), is Stella. Frankly, schtupping Adam and storming into a courtroom, moments that total less than 3 minutes airtime, do not constitute a great season for her character, or equate with someone vitally changed by events of the past season.
Based on what we’ve seen of Stella this season, I tend to think they changed the arc originally intended for her. I’m not complaining too much though because I’d rather have Stella maintain the status quo for a while as opposed to the “girls gone wild” scenario it seems they may’ve been planning for her. I do like that they’ve emphasized her supervisory role more this season and wonder if that could lead to something more like an opportunity to run the lab for a time if Mac can’t for some reason. It’d also be interesting to see more of Stella teaching if they could work that in somehow or even see her becoming a foster parent at some point.
Vendetta against Hawkes personally, or Danny, or the whole team? Especially if the ep is also a way to set up the finale?
Hmm...I’m guessing vendetta against the whole team but still wondering if and how Danny’s badge will be used.