Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire
In all honesty, I can't see why the show would go there when there's never been a hint of romance or romantic feelings on either Mac or Stella's part for the other. I know a lot of fans want to see them together, but it's hard to imagine the show going there. But who knows, I could be wrong.
gotta agree, in that the nature of the PV comment is likely to stir shit up until episodes start airing again, with spoilers leading folks to go where the show doesn't hafta, and likely (hopefully) never will.
*oo! USA 1 / CAN 0...*
Personally, I couldn't care less about the Mac romance drama--I know this is heresy :lol: but there's nothing sexy about him to me, and his romances are about as "hot" as Horatio's on Miami. The sexually charged relationships on the show always seem to be the ones the younger characters have--Flack and Angell, Danny and Rikki, Eric and Calleigh on Miami.
Aw. :lol:. While I agree about Flack & Angell at least, and Danny/Rikki, it's not about "hot" for me, so much as believable. :lol: (And I can't say that the omitted "younger" D/L does anything for me other than compel a bucket on both fronts

What I am hoping for is that a relationship could be a way to push Mac into being a more interesting character again. I'm hoping a push on the personal level could do what cases they tried to tie into his family history (ie. cancer) did not manage. The bit about racing was fun but hardly weighty. In personal terms, Peyton was good for him, and the introduction of Reed was good for him. A new romantic relationship could be (could have been?

) enough to nudge him in that direction, even (and possibly especially) without a triangle crux, (and a relationship potentially rushed to accomodate that particular set up).
I was also thinking that this could be something to evolve him or open him up that could happen in a background kind of way. What I mean is, the second the writers ever give Mac anything substantial, and overtly so, there will be an inevitable "it's all about Mac" rumbling bruha; this arc could possibly be beneficial to his character in a way that doesn't necessarily overshadow anything or anyone else.
(...Unless of course the triangle they write up is done up so crappily it becomes a bermudaesque vortex...

My initial response to
that aspect of the spoiler was that it seems rather unnecessary, but who knows how it will turn out on screen, and that I tend to get a sense of dread when NY Ambitiously Tries Really Hard to make things
!Interesting Wif
!Stakes... Not so blery keen on a wuv triangle

:lol: In and of itself that screeeeeams Soap far more than simply giving a character a personal life needs to for what it could do for the show. (Sheesh, NY).
Notwithstanding it's gonna be "!

. Meh. Me and PV, more often than not, in matching up her comments with what actually airs, I keep thinking we don't understand words in quite the same way; I keep hearing whassisname from Princess Bride in my head, saying, "that word, I do not think it means ...what you think it means."
*oo! USA 1 / CAN 1*
I'm looki-
*OO!! USA 2 / CAN 1*
jesuzchrist :lol:
FA were definitely among the best in terms of outright chemistry, and Danny/Rikki had an undeniable connection, but not one I would say was wholly "sexy" or had chemistry in quite the same way (they were, but what drew them together was not inevitable sexiness finding like sexiness, if that makes sense, it was a sideways step from other very strong emotions sparked by Reuben's death).
S3 was a good one in general for Mac, and that was in part due how the personal side of his life was handled and integrated into the show. I believed FA, I believed Danny/Rikki, and I believed Mac/Peyton. DL? Never got it. Still don't believe that whut it iz dey got is a Tru Wuv Everlasting.
I'm looking for some connection that works that adds a little flavor to the cases yet hidden within NY's ongoing OoShiny/Sparkle Obsession and avoids teetering into the realm of a nite time soap. If handled well, this, and Sheldon's still-rumoured relationship-to-be could be good for the characters and the realm of the show. If handled poorly, they'll further cement the backsliding the show's suffered over the past few seasons, barring the few intermittent excellent episodes they continue to tease me with. Just wish they could get it all together. :lol: God what an exasperating show :lol:.
(GSR, I'd kinda fallen away from Vegas by the time anything really happened with them, and EC, well, I never really got them, to be honest, :lol:, but eh, evs, Miami is not a show I follow. As for teh Mighty H, I cannot even think of him in a relationship of any sort and keep a straight face. I can't. I just can't. :lol

I have a sneaking suspicion Hawkes is not going to get a love interest this season, and that's disappointing. That could have generated some real heat!

. That would be huuuugely disappointing. Five years, people. Five. Count 'em. But he'll at least have had his Madoff-type ep and what sounds like a solid and exciting episode in the prison that will delve a little deeper into his personal life. Hope it's not all about setting up Casey for the finale, and that Hawkes actually gets his due.
Would partly depend on who was cast opposite Hill, but I do recall the interview done here with him and his take on a romance for Sheldon. That could have heat fer sure :lol:. Being repetive I know, but above all I'm just looking for believable, and well written, and not drama for drama's sake. Be it for Hawkes - and I do hope that storyline hasn't been lost in the seasonal shuffle - or for Mac, or for any of the others in future. Unfortunately, with the snippet about a triangle, I think NY is looking for melodrama. In a way I'm surprised they did give out that tidbit spoiler (and on the other hand, so not :lol

. Mebbe Hawkes is better off to wait until they get that out of their system before they write him anything, given the darkness that has surrounded most of his personal material to this point.
Given early comments by the producers a character I'm also thinking should get some sort of attention (and not necessarily in the vein of romance), is Stella. Frankly, schtupping Adam and storming into a courtroom, moments that total less than 3 minutes airtime, do not constitute a great season for her character, or equate with someone vitally changed by events of the past season. Mebbe the later eps will give her a bit more to do too, with (another) near-death incident in store and all.
*oOoOO!* USA 2 / CAN 2. Took awhile, but it's turning into a decent game, in spite of all the hype. Wow but that building is jumping.
I think Hawkes is probably the person on the show most in need of a love interest. Considering all the ladies that have been announced as Mac's love interests and gone nowhere - he obviously doesn't seem too interested. Don and Danny have had plenty of romantic attention through the last seasons. If they have to focus on a main characters love life, it should be Hawkes'
After five years I should hope he gets a little loving somewheres

Of course, I'm assuming that Sheldon's moved out of Mac's den and has his own place now, thus facilitating the fact that each could comfortably engage in having a romantic relationship

*OOO! USA 3 / CAN 2. Cracker of a game now.

Source: Fancast
‘CSI: NY’ Sets the Stage for a Killer Comeback
Make no mistake, Shane Casey will strike again on ‘CSI: NY’ – and even sooner than expected.
As played by Edward Furlong, the slipper serial killer “will be a part of the Season 6 finale, and a cliffhanger you won’t want to miss,” exec producer Pam Veasey told me previously.
...aaaaaaand there it is. So. ...Shane Casey will be a part of the finale. Which will also be a cliffhanger. :shifty::vulcan: O gee. No, not foreseeable at all, that

. Well, if you're gonna go to the trouble of re-treading an old villain, might as well wring every single last nano iotic drop of anything and everything remotely good that the show can coast on from his two-ep run several seasons ago...
And I've somehow envisioned the whole thing in my head, while shaking it at the same time. Imagine the worst, and mebbe what really comes won't be so bad... :lol:
...just hoping, lord hoping, I find myself surprised instead, and that it's done well. NY tends to pull out the stops more for most of their finales, mebbe this will rank among their better ones.
*Whoa!* USA 4 / CAN 2. Third is flagging now, but I sense a seismic disturbance developing...
Furlong’s sure-to-be-chilling encore, though, can’t wait for May. Instead, I am told that Casey will resurface in a mid-April episode of the CBS drama – the same one in which ‘Lost’ alum
Harold Perrineau guests as a death row inmate who lures Hawkes to the state pen.
In what is sure to be an “event” episode, a prison riot breaks out while Hawkes in there, trapping the lawman with all manner of societal dregs. It’s a recipe for disaster, to be sure.
What’s more, there will be strong hints that Casey – who gave the CSIs a chill when the supposedly incarcerated killer’s prints inexplicably turned up on Danny’s stolen dog tags – has a hand in the madness.
“A vendetta is definitely at play,” a show insider tells me. And remember, it will feed into the obviously must-see season-ender.
...lured and then protected by the same guy? So sounds like death row fella isn't part of Casey's plan, lures Sheldon due a personal agenda what with Hawke's sister, which is then compromised by Casey's agenda and chaos ensues? ...Curious.

Should be a good one.
Nothing like a recipe with social dregs. Great way to use up leftovers...
Vendetta against Hawkes personally, or Danny, or the whole team? Especially if the ep is also a way to set up the finale?
*Holy crap!* USA 4 / CAN 3. Three mins left. Hoo boy. What a game.

Add an empty netter. Aaaaand, it's over. Was a good one, prelim or no.