You want to see MAC on race suit

:drool: go on Belga picture
Oh, that's nice...:thumbsup::thumbsup::drool::drool::drool: Thanks for the link!
6.17 "Pot of Gold":
~ It's a St Patrick's Day-themed episode - complete with a parade, green beer and Flack speaking Irish.
~ Mac's stepson Reed Garrett is back. He knows Cam, and he asks Mac to talk to him.
St. Patrick's - cool. :thumbsup: I wish Flack not only spoke Irish, but would get out there in a kilt too. :lol:
Nice to see Reed back - his long absence was prompting many questions. Hopefully, the writers would put in some character changes - I would like to see how Reed changed after all this taxi killer story.
~ Mac meets a woman named Aubrey Hunter in a busy deli at the beginning of the episode. (Clearly
Mädchen Amick's character.) They share a nice moment in the middle of the chaos.
Oh, NOOO... (2 days later - still mad and frustrated :devil:

OK, so she is not a judge, not a CSI, not a detective, not a DA - not any kind of person Mac could meet through work, but just a stranger, a passerby. Fine, suppose they met, spent some time over a cup of coffee, exchanged telephone numbers. What then? CSI series - is not a love drama, are TPTB going to maintain a completely separate storyline outside CSI lab just to get "a love interest" for Mac? :wtf: That's not serious!

When the interaction happens between two characters bound by common work (not necessarily in the same lab), you don't need to show much - hints are often enough, you don't need to waste a lot of screen time to develop the storyline - it is easily incorporated in the main "solving the crime" story. An affair with an outsider - it's like an abscess on the body - sticking out, unnecessary and asking to be punched out.
But, god, I'm so tired of Mac's constant short-term flings. :devil: I have an impression that since season 3 non-stop either he is hitting on somebody or some woman is hitting on him. My count is at least 6 total.

And that's for a man who's presented as somebody very constant, single-minded in his affections, still grieving the loss of his wife and basically "married to his job"?

That's a bit too much. I would easier believe in him being reluctant to have a new relationship, but once he became interested in somebody, keeping it for a long time.
And there is nobody better than Stella for this kind of long-term relationship.

She knows him better than he knows himself, she cares about him, she is the only one who can get out the lighter side of Mac - more relaxed, smiling, joking. They have an
amazing chemistry together - it is obvious from season 1, they fit together because they
complete each other, and even in their body language there is a tad more then just friendship.

Sorry, but anybody who says that they don't have chemistry, are just either blind or deaf or plainly .... well, worse. You may like the idea of Mac and Stella together or not like it or not care one way or another (we all have our preferences, right?

), but you can
not deny that they have this very special "something extra" either between characters or between actors or both.
Yes, there is a problem in bringing these two characters together. But there is may be even bigger problem not doing this. They both loose credibility! Mac and Stella belong to each other, that's what these characters came to after 61/2 seasons, and trying to continue to ignore this is discrediting in one way or another the integrity and realism of the characters they created. Not mentioning the loss of lots of great acting in all those nice subtle steps of getting closer and closer.
Mac again with another chick not seeing what's right under his nose?

Well, he
does have an issue. N-th time? Bah, not interesting any more. :shifty: In fact, this news may just cured me from the CSI:NY addiction. :lol:
I saw Amick in a couple episodes of Gossip Girl, and while in principle her character's personality there was toxic, I guess I'm hoping she'll be playing a similar personality on CSI:NY. .
Let me ask you: do you
really want to have a character with "toxic personality" on CSi:NY?

I certainly hope not.

And not in any kind of a relationship with Mac.

It would destroy Mac, and then it would harm all the "family" atmosphere in the lab.
The silver lining in all of this is that Mac getting a new love-interest might make for an interesting dynamic between himself and Stella. Perhaps, this time, the writers will have the "green-eyed monster" rear its ugly head. :rommie: I think that it might be fun to see Stella display a bit of jealousy where Mac's concerned.

Who knows, perhaps having another woman on the horizon will serve as a catalyst for Stella & Mac's relationship? .
Only if TPTB would finally acknowledge that there ARE some other than friendship feelings.

Up to now Stella did not show any jealousy to any of the chicks (well, may be except Ella - she definitely didn't like Mac going to see her in the safe house :lol: even if on Mac side it was not a love interest). And besides that, any display of jealousy would be very unprofessional and would harm the atmosphere in the lab - much more than having "a love interest".

As for the catalysts - how many do they need? :wtf: There were already more than enough. In the end, when it takes too long, the feelings may just burn out.
As for Danny and his badge story - I could not care less!

Making an idiot out of him with all these exaggerated grimaces is getting old. Though I understand why he did not want to report the stolen badge, I still believe that hiding all this is also a question of integrity. And given all the previous problems with Danny, and his work in the lab being less then spectacular, I think Mac should go and fire him.