CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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Adam/Stella? Wow, now that I've never considered before. :lol: How interesting would that be, a senior CSI detective going out for pizza with an adorable lab tech? :D
Well, we know she likes the younger men. :p

Seriously, though, there have been a few cute little scenes between them, so I personally wouldn't be surprised. I'm interested to see what they have in store, though.

Of course, I could be so very wrong about this. :lol: I don't want anybody going 'Hey, I thought they were going to go out!' if/when it doesn't happen. ;) Spoilers = rumors, after all :p
The idea of Adam asking Stella out just made me really giddy, because I can actually picture that in my mind. He'd be all nervous, like, "So... uh... you wanna... getapizza?" :lol:

I really wonder what TPTB are going to do to our poor, sweet Adam. Hopefully, though, it does give him more screen time. ;)
I do wonder if "little bump" is a metaphor. :lol:

Either way, the conflicting spoilers guarantee everyone will be watching this season. Not a stupid approach, that's for sure. ;)

Conflicting spoilers are such fun. :lol: It keeps us all guessing. I do love the idea of the 'bump' being a metaphor. Maybe a pregnancy was the plan all along? :lol: Although I can't think that it actually was.

I took a gander at the spoilers - it looks like Adam probably is asking Stella out when he suggests they get pizza. *waggles eyebrows* I am curious about how that will go. They did say Stella would have a relationship with a good guy this year (I believe? Correct me if I pulled that out of my arse :lol:) - but maybe they mean that firefighter mentioned in the TV Guide thing. We shall see, I suppose. Either way, watching Adam ask her should be cute. :p

Yeah, I think there is some flirty banter with the firefighter guy, he's probably a nice guy and so is Adam, so Stella might well have her pick of cute, eligible men this season... I was surprised when I looked at the spoilers for #508. Adam really does seem to be asking Stella out, I found it a bit odd and I did think that I would come in here and find that others had interpreted it differently, but apparently not. :lol: I know that we have seen it in the past, so it's not completely out of the blue, and he's shy in a cute way around her but I still just can't imagine it. :lol: Although it is amusing me. And maybe she won't realise that he is actually asking her out, but see it more as a friendly thing, with Adam too shy to make a real move during (or after) the pizza. Ah, such possibilities.
Conflicting spoilers are such fun. :lol: It keeps us all guessing. I do love the idea of the 'bump' being a metaphor. Maybe a pregnancy was the plan all along? :lol: Although I can't think that it actually was.

Yeah, conflicting spoilers are rather ingenious...they guarantee everyone will be watching.

As for whether that's what they had in mind all along--I could kind of see the whole storyline being born out of the idea, "What if Danny had a kid? What if he was partially responsible for this terrible tragedy and something good--and life-changing--came out of it?" I think that's kind of cool, actually. More and more, it sounds like Rikki is going to come back pregnant.

The idea of getting Adam and Stella together--or at least going in that direction--is really cute. Adam's had a thing for her for ages--he always gets so nervous and stuttery around her! And I remember some scene where it was totally obvious that he liked her...something last season. Either way....awwww. :D I wonder if it will be an unrequited crush for a while.
Adam asking Stella out for pizza is so out of the blue and adorable. It's the last thing I ever expected him to do, ya know? Sure, we know he's gone out with a Suicide girl before (woohoo!) but ... asking Stella out for pizza? So much, "Whoa, cool!" factor there. :lol: Very nice one, TPTB! Hahaha, I wonder how the rest of the team will react to finding out their pizza date. ;)

So in the event the 'bump' is a metaphor, what do you guys think Rikki's 'big secret' could be then? It's stated in that spoiler that it'll 'rupture DL', so it's gotta to be something that'll bring about the end of DL.

Top41 said:
As for whether that's what they had in mind all along--I could kind of see the whole storyline being born out of the idea, "What if Danny had a kid? What if he was partially responsible for this terrible tragedy and something good--and life-changing--came out of it?" I think that's kind of cool, actually. More and more, it sounds like Rikki is going to come back pregnant.

I second the storyline being cool. :cool: Carmine and Jacqueline have proven themselves to have great chemistry and acting together on screen, so my only misgiving is how TPTB intends to write this development into the show. Please, TPTB, no jealousy/3-way/4-way drama, kthanx. There are people already more than tired of the DL drama in season four as it is.
Adam asking Stella out for pizza is so out of the blue and adorable. It's the last thing I ever expected him to do, ya know? Sure, we know he's gone out with a Suicide girl before (woohoo!) but ... asking Stella out for pizza? So much, "Whoa, cool!" factor there. :lol: Very nice one, TPTB! Hahaha, I wonder how the rest of the team will react to finding out their pizza date. ;)

If she doesn't turn him down. :(

So in the event the 'bump' is a metaphor, what do you guys think Rikki's 'big secret' could be then? It's stated in that spoiler that it'll 'rupture DL', so it's gotta to be something that'll bring about the end of DL.

I was thinking the bump was probably a metaphor for pregnancy...a baby bump.

I second the storyline being cool. :cool: Carmine and Jacqueline have proven themselves to have great chemistry and acting together on screen, so my only misgiving is how TPTB intends to write this development into the show. Please, TPTB, no jealousy/3-way/4-way drama, kthanx. There are people already more than tired of the DL drama in season four as it is.

I think everyone is tired of the drama so to speak...people who like the couple want them together and happy, people who don't want them done for good. But 'uneventful' doesn't make for good TV, and by having the back and forth, TPTB are pretty much stringing everyone along--and guaranteeing they'll watch. ;)
While on the Brooklyn Bridge, Adam goes to see Stella and asks Stella if she wants to grab some pizza.
Oh my word, that is beyond cute, I love how Adam gets around Stella, he's always so stuttery and mixes up his words... But asking her out... Aww that's adorable, I hope she doesn't break his poor little heart... I cannot wait to see these scenes...

As for a crisis with Adam and Sid... Hmm... I don't like the sounds of those, I love Adam and Sid, I hope they both come out of them okay... We might find out more about Adam's Dad qho we have been told was a bully... Hmm... Who knows, just a thought...
Top41 said:
If she doesn't turn him down. :(

From what I've been told ... geheheheheh. :cool:

And that's all I'm gonna say. :lol:

I was thinking the bump was probably a metaphor for pregnancy...a baby bump.

Agh, me bad. I should have typed 'isn't a metaphor'. :eek:

Huh. Even if it isn't a metaphor and a literal bump, I guess that can be seen as a baby bump too.

I think everyone is tired of the drama so to speak...people who like the couple want them together and happy, people who don't want them done for good. But 'uneventful' doesn't make for good TV, and by having the back and forth, TPTB are pretty much stringing everyone along--and guaranteeing they'll watch. ;)

Very true, very true. :devil: Nobody said spoilers had to be cold, hard truths either. :devil: Season five should prove very interesting indeed!
Wow, season 5 sounds good!

There seems to be a lot of Mac-centric stories and Mac-Drama (501, 503, and 508) which I like a lot. But at the same time, exciting as Mac in Danger is (IMO) there are other ways to provide drama and develop his character except for puttting him in danger. His relationship with Reed, for example.
Still, 508 sounds good, and it's interesting how many 'Mac Taylors' there are. I wonder if Mac is just 'Mac' or if he has a longer name that begins with 'Mac' like the others?
I love the idea of Adam asking Stella out, it's so sweet! He has such a crush on her!
And Adam facing a crisis? Oooh, yay!

It seems that all the characters are getting some good storylines and development this year. I'm especially happy to see not just great-sounding storylines for Mac, Stella and Danny, but also for Hawkes, Sid, Flack and even Adam.

I can't wait to see it!
I really hope they find a way to get Reed in an episode this season - it's nice to see a different side of Mac. *pets them both*

ETA: By the way, if the spoilers pan out, 5.08 may include the temporary waterfall art exhibit thingy under the Brooklyn Bridge. :)
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- adam and stella.. never thought of that.. but it's something worth watching :) i can just imagine adam stuttering and being all awkward in front of stella. :lol:

- rikki and danny.. "little bump" = baby bump? interesting. hopefully this won't be from danny-lindsay drama to danny-lindsay-rikki drama, that the drama mood is bringing the episode down. but i think it's heading that way. hahaha.
Faylinn, I was just going to ask if anyone knows how on earth Adam and Stella both end up on the Brooklyn Bridge before he asks her to get some pizza, and you answered it for me, thanks! ;)

Re: Adam asking Stell for pizza, my first impression was to wonder if he is looking at her as a confidant in connection with whatever life crisis he is supposed to have this upcoming season? He's probably too intimidated by either Mac or Flack to confide in them about something personal (especially if it's related to Flack's bad-ass sister? :lol: After all, he's supposed to have some sort of connection with her). Danny is possibly too much of a peer/friend for Adam to confide something really crucial too (plus Danny's already got enough emotional stuff going on, methinks ;) ) And Adam has never appeared to be particularly close to Lindsay or Hawkes, at least not enough to talk about something really important to. So perhaps he seeks out Stella as a confidant? What would be kind of cute though, is if Stella actually misinterprets his invitation as a date? :p Anyway, just a thought...

The Multiple Mac Taylor storyline sounds like it could be pretty entertaining :lol: You gotta know it's going to drive Mac up a wall, knowing there are a bunch of folks out there with his name, having the audacity to commit crimes, of all things! Hee!

Bring on the new season! :thumbsup:
Re: Adam asking Stell for pizza, my first impression was to wonder if he is looking at her as a confidant in connection with whatever life crisis he is supposed to have this upcoming season? He's probably too intimidated by either Mac or Flack to confide in them about something personal (especially if it's related to Flack's bad-ass sister? :lol: After all, he's supposed to have some sort of connection with her). Danny is possibly too much of a peer/friend for Adam to confide something really crucial too (plus Danny's already got enough emotional stuff going on, methinks ;) ) And Adam has never appeared to be particularly close to Lindsay or Hawkes, at least not enough to talk about something really important to. So perhaps he seeks out Stella as a confidant? What would be kind of cute though, is if Stella actually misinterprets his invitation as a date? :p Anyway, just a thought...

That's a really good thought! And Adam was the tech Stella trusted to run her HIV test so that adds and Stella was in the room when he mentioned his dad was a bully, so those are two additional reasons he might go to her over someone else. I'd love to see Stella misinterpret his invitation and see him get all embarrassed. Awww. :adore:

The Multiple Mac Taylor storyline sounds like it could be pretty entertaining :lol: You gotta know it's going to drive Mac up a wall, knowing there are a bunch of folks out there with his name, having the audacity to commit crimes, of all things! Hee!

Mac Taylor does not tolerate such insolence! :mad: (I know I say that too much, but it makes me giggle.)
csimania19 said:
- rikki and danny.. "little bump" = baby bump? interesting. hopefully this won't be from danny-lindsay drama to danny-lindsay-rikki drama, that the drama mood is bringing the episode down. but i think it's heading that way. hahaha.

I'm hopeful the recent spoiler from Ausiello with Carmine's statements means that DL will come to a clean break/end before Rikki even appears on the show and therefore not turn into some lame triangle feud. But yeah, the possibility is still there.

MBGrissom said:
Re: Adam asking Stell for pizza, my first impression was to wonder if he is looking at her as a confidant in connection with whatever life crisis he is supposed to have this upcoming season?

That's a great point. Yeah, along with PerfectAnomaly's examples of past Adam/Stella interactions, Stella really does appear to be the best candidate as Adam's confidant. :D

On a whim, I went to this website called HowManyofMe.com that allows you to search a name and see how many other people in the US have the inputed name. I put in Mac Taylor and guess what?

There are 24 people in the U.S. named Mac Taylor.

Faylinn, I was just going to ask if anyone knows how on earth Adam and Stella both end up on the Brooklyn Bridge before he asks her to get some pizza, and you answered it for me, thanks! ;)

Re: Adam asking Stell for pizza, my first impression was to wonder if he is looking at her as a confidant in connection with whatever life crisis he is supposed to have this upcoming season? He's probably too intimidated by either Mac or Flack to confide in them about something personal (especially if it's related to Flack's bad-ass sister? :lol: After all, he's supposed to have some sort of connection with her). Danny is possibly too much of a peer/friend for Adam to confide something really crucial too (plus Danny's already got enough emotional stuff going on, methinks ;) ) And Adam has never appeared to be particularly close to Lindsay or Hawkes, at least not enough to talk about something really important to. So perhaps he seeks out Stella as a confidant? What would be kind of cute though, is if Stella actually misinterprets his invitation as a date? :p Anyway, just a thought...

The Multiple Mac Taylor storyline sounds like it could be pretty entertaining :lol: You gotta know it's going to drive Mac up a wall, knowing there are a bunch of folks out there with his name, having the audacity to commit crimes, of all things! Hee!

Bring on the new season! :thumbsup:

I agree with you about Adam turning to Stella for advice. If it's re Flack's sister, he obviously can't turn to Flack, and like you say, he's intimidated by Mac and Flack, though he does have a nice relationship with Mac. I think he wouldn't talk to Danny because Danny's more his buddy, and yeah, he has no real connection to Lindsay. And I think if anyone wanted advice on a life crisis, in emotional terms at least, they'd turn to Stella.

Hee, you're right about Mac. He won't like anyone with his name committing crimes. It should be interesting though, maybe we'll even learn a bit about where Mac's name 'came' from - if it's short for anything, if he's named after his dad or another family member, etc. *dreams* I'd love more info about Mac's family/childhood.

Faylinn - I'm really hoping for more Reed too!
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