CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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Oh dear me - as cute as Adam flirting with Stella is, I hope it's a 'can we talk' kind of thing rather than a 'wanna be my baby-mommy' kind of thing. :lol:

I'm interested in the 'life crisis' as well. Veeeery interesting...
Now to completely confuse thins - from E!online;
Christina: All this "Rikki is coming back to CSI: NY" talk is very nerve-racking to Danny/Lindsay fans. Can you dig up any hopeful news for us? Or just make some up!
OK, I can tell you that a show insider told me, "Danny and Lindsay's relationship will continue stronger than ever with a little bump along the way." And I will let you all decode that phrasing for yourselves, especially in light of the Rikki pregnancy talk

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself when I read this, part of me wonders if Kristin did make this up as requested, or, if she's repeating what she said last season re. D/L fans not being disappointed with how things turn out. Lordy, it seems like we're getting every possible scenario thrown at us in the last few days.
So i have a love hate relationship with this thread, as in i find the stories so much better when i don't know what's coming, but its an addiction, and speculation is kinda my thing,

any way the whole 'meeting families, and flacks bad girl sister' thing got me thinking, Suicide girl? i know its out there, but i'd rather see Flack's little sister as the tart that broke poor adam's heart, then see rikki come back preggers. not that there is any relation there, but yea, i need the new season like now!
Geez, I wish these sources would get their shite together and figure out which way is up. :rolleyes:

GTuruturu said:

any way the whole 'meeting families, and flacks bad girl sister' thing got me thinking, Suicide girl?
Not that I'm aware of, but it's an interesting idea. :p
Yep, nothing says "hip" like Maroon 5 and Nelly!
Dear PTB, allow me to fix the above sentence for you:

Yep, nothing says "change the channel" like Nelly and Maroon 5.


Yep, nothing inspires the urge to put your fist through the TV and chew the ragged flesh from your bloody knuckles like gratuitous stunt casting in a feeble attempt to be "with it" or "down, yo."

You're welcome, and I'm most pleased to be of service.
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This is from Kristen at E!Online?

Christina: All this "Rikki is coming back to CSI: NY" talk is very nerve-racking to Danny/Lindsay fans. Can you dig up any hopeful news for us? Or just make some up!
OK, I can tell you that a show insider told me, "Danny and Lindsay's relationship will continue stronger than ever with a little bump along the way." And I will let you all decode that phrasing for yourselves, especially in light of the Rikki pregnancy talk
:guffaw: Hasn't Kristen already been very wrong with a DL-centric spoiler before? And isn't that what Veasey said last year for last season? In comparison to all the other spoilers released ... hah, somebody's messing with the fans, alright! I'm telling you guys, they probably know how things are going in the fandom right now and they're milking the wank for all its worth. :devil: :guffaw: Ya gotta love such evil!

And uh, whoever asked that question ... boy, did you walk into it by asking Kristin to make something up. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: That just gave her the perfect clause to turn around and say, "Hey! You were the ones asking me to make something up! Don't blame me if it turns out to be false!"

Yeah. I'm thinking Rikki's coming back pregnant. What other 'big secret that's like a bump' would 'rupture' DL?
Yeah, that is just bizarre in light of what Carmine said. :confused: Maybe she's using creative exaggeration in terms of "relationship"--meaning working relationship? Or maybe the insider--if it's a writer--knows they're planning to get Danny and Lindsay back together later on? I do wonder if "little bump" is a metaphor. :lol:

Either way, the conflicting spoilers guarantee everyone will be watching this season. Not a stupid approach, that's for sure. ;)
I see some people have already posted some of this but I'm gonna give all of you fellow CSI: NY fans a word for word, letter for letter quote of what it says about CSI: NY on page 54 of the September 15-21 (Returning Favorites) issue of TV Guide. I subscribe to TV Guide. So I got the September 15-21 (Returning Favorites) issue in the mail today. Now, courtesy of my eyes and fingers, here is that word for word, letter for letter quote I promised you.

TV Guide said:

Returns September 24, 10/9c, CBS

  • Where we left off After being duped by a murderous bank robber (Elias Koteas), top cop Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) was taken hostage and driven off to parts unknown.
  • What's next Left for dead in the Hudson River by the perp, Mac is found by his frantic team, and, furious at the deception, he pursues the killer-who taunts him every step of the way as more bodies pile up.
  • CSIs at home "We're going to spend more time finding out how the job changes the characters' lives outside the office," says executive producer Pam Veasey. Stella (Melina Kanakaredes), for one, plays on the NYPD softball team, where she could reach home base with a ballpark rival, a hunky firefighter (Ethan Erickson). Hawke (Hill Harper) learns something about his past from a friend that could affect a case, while both Sid (Robert Joy) and Adam (A.J. Buckley) face major life crises.
  • Who's in Danny's (Carmine Giovinazzo) old fling Rikki (Jacqueline Pinol) returns with a big secret that could rupture his romance with Lindsay (Anna Belknap). Det. Don Flack (Eddie Cahill) reunites with his integrity-challenged sister, Samantha (Kathleen Munroe). Grammy-winning rapper Nelly plays a club owner/confidential informant in a multi-episode arc, while Maroon 5 will make some music.
^^There you have it. As promised, a word for word and letter for letter quote.^^
Personally, I think Rikki's big secret will be she's pregnant with Danny's baby. Somebody refresh my memory. Isn't Rikki the mother of that boy that was killed??? Her and the boy lived in the same building as Danny??? If that's who Rikki is I'll just bet she's pregnant and Danny is the daddy.
One other thing...in that paragraph "CSIs at home" it gives Hill Harper's character's last name as Hawke. I'd swear it was Hawkes. In fact, I'm 99.9999999999% sure it's Hawkes.

:borg:-To err is not logical. To forgive...what is forgive???
:vulcan:-To err is human. To forgive is logical.
:cardie:-Wrong my dear Vulcan. To err is human. To forgive is Cardassian.
:rommie:-Not quite. To err is human. To kill for erring is Romulan.
:klingon:-To err is human. To not forgive or forget is Klingon.
:guffaw:-You're all wrong. To err is human. To forgive divine.
I'm taking info from TVGuide with a chunk of salt. :lol: Remember them saying that there would be 'an emotional turn for two members of the team in the season four finale'? That didn't happen at all, did it? (And look at that, they didn't even spell Hawkes' name right!)

I'm pretty sure that whole 'stronger and bump' line is straight from Veasey's statements for season four after Carmine's CSI Files interview in June 2007. Does anyone have a word-for-word record of it? That was so damage control, just like this spoiler from Kristen is very likely TPTB's way of guaranteeing as many fans as possible will watch the new season. :lol: I just love that 'make something up!' and 'I will let you all decode that phrasing for yourselves' is totally flying over people's heads, just like Ausiello saying he might just 'eat his words' over Rikki being pregnant. :lol:

Ingenious. :evil:
just like this spoiler from Kristen is very likely TPTB's way of guaranteeing as many fans as possible will watch the new season. :lol: I just love that 'make something up!' and 'I will let you all decode that phrasing for yourselves' is totally flying over people's heads, just like Ausiello saying he might just 'eat his words' over Rikki being pregnant. :lol:

Ingenious. :evil:

I don't think it's "flying over people's heads." I think a lot of people are taking all of it with a grain of salt because it appears TPTB are just trying to wind everyone up so they tune in for S5. There are several different ways to interpret almost all of the statements made so we're all left pretty much back where we were before they were made. Like people have said, it's a smart marketing strategy.
I looked Ethan Erickson up on IMDb - one of the pictures on there has AJ in it. I'm not sure how they know each other though (whether it's professionally or just as buddies). He's a nice looking guy. ;)

The bit of the stuff from TV Guide that has me the most intrigued is the 'life crisis' for Adam - I can guess Sid's "crisis" will involve his life being in danger, but I'm curious about what's in store for Adam.

(I feel like I'm practicing selective reading :lol: - it all sounds interesting, but I can't help myself. I love me some Adam. :p)
Perhaps I should have specified it as some people. ;) But yeah, I'm sure a lot of people are taking all of it with a grain/chunk/mountain of salt, including me. :lol: This latest spoiler reminds me so much of what Veasey and Zuiker did after Carmine's CSI Files interview in June last year. Guess when a tactic works, it doesn't hurt to use it again.

Definitely smart marketing strategy, hence my description of it as ingenious. :devil:

And about Adam, whatever life crisis it is, I hope it'll mean lots of screen time for the guy! :D
I took a gander at the spoilers - it looks like Adam probably is asking Stella out when he suggests they get pizza. *waggles eyebrows* I am curious about how that will go. They did say Stella would have a relationship with a good guy this year (I believe? Correct me if I pulled that out of my arse :lol:) - but maybe they mean that firefighter mentioned in the TV Guide thing. We shall see, I suppose. Either way, watching Adam ask her should be cute. :p
Adam/Stella? Wow, now that I've never considered before. :lol: How interesting would that be, a senior CSI detective going out for pizza with an adorable lab tech? :D

Hehehe, thank you to 1csimfan who found Veasey's 'bump' statement via Ausiello for season four about DL:

And, at some point, which we haven't decided yet, there will be a bump in the road — like any relationship.
Do note that this was some time before season four even aired, long before Rikki ever appeared on the show. Also, most of what else she said never panned out on the show. There were also whole DL-centric scenes cut out from final episodes. And how's this for teh funneh:

It's more about seeing that they have this mutual respect.
:guffaw: Do you suppose Lindsay being a hypocrite towards Danny, expecting him to do things her way while he's grieving over the death of a child and treating him like dirt for weeks over a turned down lunch offer is what passes for 'mutual respect' these days? :rolleyes:
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