CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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This episode is called "Page Turner" and is also the episode with Maroon 5. Remember when Ausiello said Maroon 5 had "Danny and Lindsay montage written all over it?" I wonder if we'll find out that they are starting over after "the Ruben incident?" I'd love to see Danny make some sort of peace with himself, but I don't want any more emo DL. But I would think they'd have to start over/continue in order for Rikki's "big secret" to possibly "rupture" them. It's too bad, because it would be so nice for them to just make a mature, clean break; but then TPTB couldn't trot out the Drama Llama at will and we all know how they love their Drama Llama.

You know, I didn't even think about that--they might be on a date at the concert or something. That wouldn't quite go along with Carmine's comment that the "brakes are slowly being pressed" but 501-504 were filmed before hiatus, so maybe he wasn't thinking of those episodes.

Btw, what's up with using the word "rupture" in regard to DL? It sounds like they're going to be rushed to the ER for surgery. "We need to remove the Lindsay from Danny before it ruptures and kills him! Get him to the O.R.! STAT!!!" :wtf:

Lindsay as a tumor is so an apt metaphor. :lol:
This episode is called "Page Turner" and is also the episode with Maroon 5. Remember when Ausiello said Maroon 5 had "Danny and Lindsay montage written all over it?" I wonder if we'll find out that they are starting over after "the Ruben incident?" I'd love to see Danny make some sort of peace with himself, but I don't want any more emo DL. But I would think they'd have to start over/continue in order for Rikki's "big secret" to possibly "rupture" them. It's too bad, because it would be so nice for them to just make a mature, clean break; but then TPTB couldn't trot out the Drama Llama at will and we all know how they love their Drama Llama.

You know, I didn't even think about that--they might be on a date at the concert or something.

I don't think I can contain my laughter at the thought of Danny at a Maroon 5 concert. :lol:

I'm still leaning towards Ausiello's comments being speculation and an attempt at humour re. D/L having anything to do with Maroon 5's appearance. I guess it could make sense them getting back together in the first few episodes, in fact that theory takes us back to the speculation post 4:16 re. Rikki turning up at a later date to throw a spanner/wrench in the D/L works. I s'pose it would fit with everything we've heard so far, but then again pretty much anything would fit with what we've heard. I'm still thinking D/L will be over at the start of the season, with who knows what happening by the end. :)
My guess re: Maroon 5 is that the episode will start with them performing and that sets the stage (so to speak :p) for the reveal of the victim. Maybe he/she is at the concert or something, or maybe they're performing at some sort of event he/she is attending...

Having Danny there when the murder is revealed would be too repetitive after 4.19, but that's assuming they do it the way I'm thinking. (They might intercut the performance with a scene elsewhere that reveals the murder...)

Meanwhile, I'll be over here fretting about Sid. *bites nails*
On a whim, I went to this website called HowManyofMe.com that allows you to search a name and see how many other people in the US have the inputed name. I put in Mac Taylor and guess what?

There are 24 people in the U.S. named Mac Taylor.


Because I am weird and obsessed with CSI NY, I went to that site and checked all the team's names. Here ya go...

Mac Taylor - 24
Stella Bonasera - 1
Danny Messer - 26
Lindsay Monroe - 21
Donald Flack - 24
Sheldon Hawkes - 1
Adam Ross - 381 ! :eek::cool:
Sid Hammerback - 1

I also checked Louie Messer, with the first name spelt both 'Louie' and 'Louis'
There are
3 'Louie' Messers
34 'Louis' Messers.

Maybe our Louie is out there...somewhere...

There is 1 Claire Conrad Taylor, 289 Claire Taylors, 34 Ruben Sandovals,and 1 Aidan Burn.:(

381 Adam Rosses! How cool is that!
This episode is called "Page Turner" and is also the episode with Maroon 5. Remember when Ausiello said Maroon 5 had "Danny and Lindsay montage written all over it?" I wonder if we'll find out that they are starting over after "the Ruben incident?" I'd love to see Danny make some sort of peace with himself, but I don't want any more emo DL. But I would think they'd have to start over/continue in order for Rikki's "big secret" to possibly "rupture" them. It's too bad, because it would be so nice for them to just make a mature, clean break; but then TPTB couldn't trot out the Drama Llama at will and we all know how they love their Drama Llama.

You know, I didn't even think about that--they might be on a date at the concert or something.

I don't think I can contain my laughter at the thought of Danny at a Maroon 5 concert. :lol:

I'm still leaning towards Ausiello's comments being speculation and an attempt at humour re. D/L having anything to do with Maroon 5's appearance. I guess it could make sense them getting back together in the first few episodes, in fact that theory takes us back to the speculation post 4:16 re. Rikki turning up at a later date to throw a spanner/wrench in the D/L works. I s'pose it would fit with everything we've heard so far, but then again pretty much anything would fit with what we've heard. I'm still thinking D/L will be over at the start of the season, with who knows what happening by the end. :)

I originally thought Ausiello was just being a smart ass when he mentioned the "montage," and I don't think there will be a literal montage. But the titles of the episodes do have multiple meanings most of the time. There's the library reference. It will be a "page turner" worrying about Sid's fate (poor Sid! Although him now being listed with the "regular cast" makes me believe he'll come out OK. And we all know how much TPTB hates injuries/illnesses that last more than an episode. :rolleyes: :lol:) and "page turner" could mean that Danny and Lindsay are starting a new chapter either together or separate. Also, I think "the brakes being slowly pressed" could mean they are starting over taking things slow and then when Rikki comes back things could "rupture."

ETA: OK, I really need to learn to read. Fay's statement that the Maroon 5 performance starts out the episode is making me rethink the DL connection. Although Danny and Lindsay could be at the show like Danny and Flack were at the game in PF. I could see Lindsay being a Maroon 5 fan ;) and I could see Danny taking her to see them to try and make up for all the pain he caused her by being so "hard to love." :rolleyes: :wtf:

On a whim, I went to this website called HowManyofMe.com that allows you to search a name and see how many other people in the US have the inputed name. I put in Mac Taylor and guess what?

There are 24 people in the U.S. named Mac Taylor.


Because I am weird and obsessed with CSI NY, I went to that site and checked all the team's names. Here ya go...

Mac Taylor - 24
Stella Bonasera - 1
Danny Messer - 26
Lindsay Monroe - 21
Donald Flack - 24
Sheldon Hawkes - 1
Adam Ross - 381 ! :eek::cool:
Sid Hammerback - 1

I also checked Louie Messer, with the first name spelt both 'Louie' and 'Louis'
There are
3 'Louie' Messers
34 'Louis' Messers.

Maybe our Louie is out there...somewhere...

There is 1 Claire Conrad Taylor, 289 Claire Taylors, 34 Ruben Sandovals,and 1 Aidan Burn.:(

381 Adam Rosses! How cool is that!

Adam Rosses of America, unite! :lol:

You inspired me!
There are 7 Reed Garretts
17 Jessica Angells
33 Jennifer Angells :p
and 1 Rikki Sandoval
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MacsLady said:
Adam Ross - 381 ! :eek::cool:
:lol: Not only is Adam getting more and more popular on the show, it seems his name is popular in real life too! Talk about being on top above all the others!

So Maroon 5 will be appearing in the beginning of the episode? Well, that's changed my mind a lot about it having anything to do with DL. It is pretty laughable to think of Danny attending a Maroon 5 concert. :lol: I don't see Danny and Lindsay going to it on a date, not with what the majority of the spoilers hint at and how distant they were in the latter half of season four. Lindsay wouldn't even talk to him, and the one time she did divulge anything (although what she said was nothing new) was on the phone when she was nowhere close to him. TPTB can't play up the 'three months of break being three months of passing time on the show' thing either, since the premiere continues straight from the finale.

Who wants to bet it's someone attending their concert who dies and ends up becoming the CSI team's case?

PerfectAnomaly said:
Poor Sid! Although him now being listed with the "regular cast" makes me believe he'll come out OK. And we all know how much TPTB hates injuries/illnesses that last more than an episode. :rolleyes: :lol:
I hate to say it but yep, that is exactly why I'm not concerned about Sid's predicament. The only way it won't end up predictable is if whatever happens to Sid does last more than an episode and there are lasting consequences that affect Sid in later episodes.

What I'm interested in is seeing how whatever happens will involve Hawkes. Remember Hill Harper's interview? He mentioned something about Hawkes worrying for Sid when this bad thing happens. I guess this also means Hawkes and Sid are friends. :D
5x03 - Turbulence - Press Release


Recording Artist Nelly Guest Stars as Terrence Davis

"Turbulence" - On Mac's flight to D.C., an air marshal is found murdered shortly after take off. Mac is certain the killer is on board and searches for the murder weapon, on CSI: NY Wednesday, Oct. 8 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Det. Mac Taylor............................. Gary Sinise
Det. Stella Bonasera......... Melina Kanakaredes
Danny Messer. ................. Carmine Giovinazzo
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes....................... Hill Harper
Det. Don Flack............................. Eddie Cahill
Lindsay Monroe......................... Anna Belknap
Adam Ross.................................... AJ Buckley
Dr. Sid Hammerback...................... Robert Joy

Ed Riley....................................... Justin Shilton
Nina........................................... Roxanne Day
Susan Montgomery........... Michaela McManus
Anton Greenway........................... Ben Youcef
James Turner............................. Scott Connors
Brendon Walsh......................... Ethan Erickson
Terrence Davis........................................ Nelly
Gate Attendant........................ Kincaid Walker

Written by: Jeremy Littman and Gary Sinise
Directed by: Matt Earl Beesley
Have we seen the Stella spoilers yet? I'm sorry I don't know the source but it mentioned Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts and finding a way to keep her. (if anyone visits the CSI NY Yahoogroups, it was on one of them I think. But I don't know where they got it from, sorry)
Hmm, I haven't heard anything like that. I'm curious to see if it's true, but I wouldn't know based on any of the spoilers I've seen personally. (You'd think they'd cut one of the more junior members instead of someone who is more qualified, but I guess if she makes more money...) We'll see, I guess.

Thanks for the press release, Alex. That should be an interesting episode. :D
Wow, season 5 sounds good!

There seems to be a lot of Mac-centric stories and Mac-Drama (501, 503, and 508) which I like a lot. But at the same time, exciting as Mac in Danger is (IMO) there are other ways to provide drama and develop his character except for puttting him in danger. His relationship with Reed, for example.
Still, 508 sounds good, and it's interesting how many 'Mac Taylors' there are. I wonder if Mac is just 'Mac' or if he has a longer name that begins with 'Mac' like the others?
I love the idea of Adam asking Stella out, it's so sweet! He has such a crush on her!
And Adam facing a crisis? Oooh, yay!

It seems that all the characters are getting some good storylines and development this year. I'm especially happy to see not just great-sounding storylines for Mac, Stella and Danny, but also for Hawkes, Sid, Flack and even Adam.

I can't wait to see it!

It's McCanna,we found it out some time ago but I don't know where...it was never onscreen though. Where did they say it actually? I know it comes from Gary's son McCanna, aka Mac.
Thanks Alex!
Written by: Jeremy Littman and Gary Sinise

Oh Gary! I love the idea he has his stories on screen. I hope Melina's episode will be produced too. She mentioned before a certain story she wrote for Stella :D

Have we seen the Stella spoilers yet? I'm sorry I don't know the source but it mentioned Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts and finding a way to keep her.

mmmmm does it mean Stella couldn't go to Washinton because the budget cuts? (sorry my Englisg is not so good as it should be so that's what i understood :)
At some point it's not important because the plane will be back and the team will process it. Lilou posted pics from that eppy inside the Smacked thread and Hawkes and Adam are working with Stella helping Mac

It's McCanna,we found it out some time ago but I don't know where...it was never onscreen though. Where did they say it actually? I know it comes from Gary's son McCanna, aka Mac.
I didn't know this. Thank you :D
However i did know Gary's son was Mac tough :D
At this point i don't know if we will ever see his name. In Change of this post, when they found Mac's military file you could read just "Mac Taylor". So i guess that's official :)

Yay! Isn't it September 24 th yet? :D

Debb :D
Hmm, I haven't heard anything like that. I'm curious to see if it's true, but I wouldn't know based on any of the spoilers I've seen personally. (You'd think they'd cut one of the more junior members instead of someone who is more qualified, but I guess if she makes more money...) We'll see, I guess.

Thanks for the press release, Alex. That should be an interesting episode.

Yep its seems strange that they would cut someone as experienced as Stella unless there are other factors involved other than pure budget. Mind you firing a higher paid person does save you more money..

Have we seen the Stella spoilers yet? I'm sorry I don't know the source but it mentioned Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts and finding a way to keep her. (if anyone visits the CSI NY Yahoogroups, it was on one of them I think. But I don't know where they got it from, sorry)

This does seem like an interesting storyline...could provide us with some interesting interaction between Mac and whoever wants him to fire Stella. As well as some good Stella moments if she finds out. I love Stella when she is pi**ed off.

Wow, season 5 sounds good!

It seems that all the characters are getting some good storylines and development this year. I'm especially happy to see not just great-sounding storylines for Mac, Stella and Danny, but also for Hawkes, Sid, Flack and even Adam.

I can't wait to see it!

I would love a good dramatic story for Flack though, not the fluff kind of story like You Only Die Once, a really good gritty storyline. Paul Guilfoyle has gotten some great storylines for Brass in Vegas I would love to see Flack get a couple of episodes where he is to the forefront.

Happy to see Adam getting more to do he is cute..:D
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A new detective? Really? There are so many new characters... Is there really a need for another detective?
And Rumer Willis- Oh God. Oh God.
A new detective? Really? There are so many new characters... Is there really a need for another detective?
And Rumer Willis- Oh God. Oh God.

I hope the new detective doesn't mean that Angell's days are numbered. :( As for Rumer Willis, I've never seen the girl act so I can't make a judgement. The people posting comments on EW are really being nasty about the way she looks, though. :rolleyes: :censored:
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